Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Congrats on 20 days guy and getting through the temptations today. Sorry about your friend being inconsiderate and only thinking about himself. Next time bring him this :facepunch::smile:


Happy mothers day to all the mumā€™s working hard and doing the best they can for their kids


Checking in on two years and eleven months sober tonight.


Day 2705. Slept in this morning, then did about 5 hours of consulting work. Had some nice Thai take-out food this evening with my son. My daughter wonā€™t eat it so I got her McDonalds :heart_eyes:


Checking in Saturday night. Had a wonderful day. Attended a fund raiser dinner and won a raffle prize. 5 pairs of handmade earrings.

Sat in to read more posts today and I had a message that I have become a regular member. I am humbled and have all the kind people here to thank for sharing my time here.



Yesterday was a hectic work day, especially for a Saturday. Again I got to witness first hand how hard these first weeks of sobriety are and how easy it is to relapse.

This job of mine works both ways. Itā€™s not noble or anything like that to do what I do. Iā€™m exactly in the right place on the right time, for myself and hopefully for the patients at the detox too. Never again. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from my little square.


@steve14 LOL Chronic old man syndrome ā€“ I may need to steal that but change it out for woman :laughing: Hope you enjoyed your day hanging with yourself. I do love a nice solo day myself
@timetochange hope you have a place to go and relax ā€“ get away if you become overwhelmed. 322 days strong ā€“ keep up with your solid efforts :muscle:
@juli1 big hugs my friend. Sorry your emotions are so troubling. Hope that swim helped.

Totally understand this. That is why I love this community as we can get outside perspective from others who understand addiction and all the struggles. So very proud of you for saying no to your friend and not giving in to the temptations. Love your new Saturday routine and Iā€™m sure the little man loves it too :hugs:
@icebear YEAH ā€“ another month under your belt and closing in on your 3 years ā€“ way to go Drew. :tada: :clap: :muscle:

Checking in on well Sunday morning now i guess :laughing:
Had a lovely active day -I feel like i was constantly moving today but really donā€™t know what happened to the time :rofl:
Did try to sit out for an hour in the pitch black with my brother this evening trying to look for the damn northern lights. Unfortunately, did not see the magnificent dancing lights or the moving colors ā€“ did get a few purple, green and blue shots. Hopefully i will see them in all their glory some day.
Well - gonna get some rest ā€“ hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day / evening ā€“ sending you all so much lover :heart: :heart:



Another night of rough sleep :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Idk whatā€™s happening with that but itā€™s irritating. I hope I can fall asleep tonight bc I gotta work extra early tomorrow, and all day :face_exhaling:

The tea was nice this afternoon, same as every year. The only thing was, there was just tea. No water on the tables. We asked but they mustā€™ve forgot bc it never came. The weather was gorgeous for walking around the garden there. Perfect timing too bc it started pouring as soon as I got home. I tried to nap before work. Didnā€™t work.

On my drive in I could feel a migraine coming on. My vision got weird and I felt nauseous. I donā€™t remember the last time I had one. It really sucked starting my shift that way but I took medicine as soon as I got in and the pain subsided. A few hours later I had to take more, which usually doesnā€™t happen. I think it was either lack of sleep, the sudden drastic change in weather or the fact I didnā€™t drink much water. Praying for a pain free tomorrow :pray:

Time to get rest for the chaotic day ahead of me. Happy Motherā€™s Day ladies!


Day 323. Home by about 10pm last night. It was a nice day but I have to say I found it hard being around people drinking from 3pm till 10pm

It was good though. Iā€™m pleased to know today will be quieter. All my wifeā€™s children are popping round to see us before they travel home. So that will involve coffee rather than wine.

I think coming on here and just saying how it felt last night was so helpful. Just that pause to reflect
Have a fab day folks


@JazzyS thank you :blush:
@Soberbilly thank you :blush: good luck with your application :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Lighter proud of you for getting through it :clap:t2:šŸ©µ
@HoofHearted Iā€™m sorry for your loss :mending_heart: the firsts are so hard :people_hugging: happy anniversary though :tada:
@SoberWalker Iā€™m sorry about your friend :people_hugging:
thanks for sharing the photo :camera_flash: :star_struck:
@Tragicfarinelli belated happy birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face:
@Just_Laura congrats on 450+ days :tada: Iā€™m glad you had a nice time with your mom :birthday: :coffee: sorry about the migraine :people_hugging:
@acromouse I really hope you feel better soon šŸ©µ I hope you got home okay. Congrats on 3 weeks no dairy :tada:
@Dustysprungfield welcome back :people_hugging:
@Rookie welcome back :people_hugging:


@Laner Iā€™m sorry youā€™re struggling :people_hugging: I hope the flashbacks donā€™t return. Sending strength šŸ©µ
@Thirdmonkey well done for walking away :clap:t2: Iā€™m sorry for the reminder of your parentsā€™ mortality :people_hugging:
@suechu congrats on your longest AF streak :tada:
@Mno congrats on 1800 days :tada: the patients are lucky to have you šŸ©µ

1370 days no alcohol.
835 days no cocaine.
350 days no vape.
11 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

On Friday night I slept the best Iā€™ve slept in as long as I can remember! (Iā€™m usually awake between 2 and 4am, typical that the one night in possibly my entire lifetime, to be asleep when the Northern Lights were visible from the UK! :man_facepalming:t2:) I woke up just in time to walk to my haircut appointment. I like my hair, Iā€™m really glad I found this barber.

Then I attended the Survivors Zoom group, it did feel like a long 2hrs, but it was good to connect.

I really didnā€™t think I was going to, because despite sleeping well, Iā€™d been yawning all day and felt fatigued, but I did go out for my lake walk, and it was warm enough for just shorts and t-shirt, which felt amazing.



@CATMANCAM Good to hear you slept well. Thatā€˜s such a good feeling to wake up after a full nightā€˜s sleep.
@Timetochange Honestly spending a whole afternoon and evening around drinking people is no fun. No matter if this is your DOC or not. Itā€˜s just exhausting. Good thing sharing made you feel better about that.
@Just_Laura Sorry to hear about your migraine. This is such shit. I very much hope you will be free of it soon.
@Mno Nice numbers :wink: Thank you for sharing your experiences from your work place. Itā€˜s like TS here. It keeps me reminded what ongoing sobriety and recovery means. And what it looks like when we feel like we can ignore it.
@leroy Going to meetings like you are doing especially if you find the socialising part difficult is very courageous :muscle:
@Soberbilly Thankā€˜s for sharing your challenge with us. There is a lot I see of myself in your words.
@Danwood85 Great work on saying no to all the temptations in your day. Especially to your friend. I find this usually the hardest part.
@K_S The Stephen Curry part made me laugh quite a bit. Enjoy your time with your kids.
@JazzyS Nice tenacity youā€˜ve got going there. I always makes me smile :smile:
@Lighter Thankā€˜s for sharing your thoughts on ā€šrunning buddiesā€˜. It really made me think about how social circles change like everything else in life, and how sometimes itā€˜s just time to move on.

172 sugar
36 UPF
43 gluten
22 dairy
9 overeating/binge

Iā€˜m back home which at least lessens all the anxiety and panic. Whatever is bothering my digestive system is still on: pain, nausea and feeling unwell overall.
There is not much to do in that situation apart from staying hydrated. Some of my plants might need watering, there are some things around the flat Iā€˜ll probably take care of after being away for the last days. The weather looks nice, Iā€˜ll spend some time in the sun on the balcony.
At least overeating and bingeing is not really an option.

I wish you all a day of peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Balcony sounds nice

You are right. Being around people generally drinking all day isnā€™t pleasant

Iā€™ve had five days off and I donā€™t feel actually like Iā€™ve enjoyed it yet!
My dog tho did love spending time with so many people. He is shattered today.


*Day 2062 :walking_woman:
1 day before holiday
It was hard work yesterday because it was the day before mothersday. So lotā€™s of customers in ā€œmyā€ store to buy stuff and needed it wrapped.
In the evening a gathering with my kids and partners to watch the Eurpvision songcontest. But it wasnā€™t that much fun because our country wasnā€™t allowed to perform anymore. I do not know what has happenā€™t to deserve that. It seems cruel, but maybe he did something bad?
I was the only one who watched everything to the end.

Today? Going to the city centre for some final shopping. And getting my things together for Spain. Tomorrow morning I leave :confetti_ball:
Have a good day ore night all! :raising_hand_woman:

  1. Woke up sober after driving everyone home from a black tie ball last night. Off on the road bike for the morning. Have a great day everyone !

@Steve14 :joy::joy: man, he better watch or next time Iā€™ll be heading to his with a tin opener and that can will be opened :joy: I do feel for him though, heā€™s a friend, he has his issues and probably doesnā€™t want to be left behind. Cheers Steve.

Thank you @JazzyS, I canā€™t put it into words how much this community and you have helped me and my family. Iā€™ve got my best pal back with the little guy. The sad thing is and itā€™s hard to type this but I would have chosen especially on a day like yesterday, drink and drugs over him :disappointed: Undoubtedly the biggest motivation for me to stay sober. Us too, we sat up until 12.30 to see the lights but got nothing. As you say maybe one day. I hope you enjoy your rest!

Thanks @acromouse :pray: Iā€™m sorry youā€™re not feeling great, maybe the anxiety and stress of being away has affected your digestive system. Sitting in the sun in your on space sounds the perfect remedy. I hope youā€™re feeling better soon :pray:

Checking in Day 21! 1 week away from a month and Iā€™m feeling strong. Iā€™ve overcome obstacles that I havenā€™t before. Thank you all so much. The power of this group is immense. Life changing.

Another hangover free happy Sunday ahead.

Have a great day!

Love you all :heart::heart:


Day 28 small vent

Idk. Feel silly saying this but I live in one of the areas where the aurora borealis was visible yesterday and today. Didnt find out about it yesterday until after the peak of it. Was also working during it. Went in my backyard last night and managed to see a tiny bit of it, but it was so faint, no colors, just the faintest mist, basically looked like some light fog in the air. It was still cool to see. Iā€™ll upload a picture to give you an idea of the extent of what I saw.

Then I had the hope of maybe seeing it tonight. Long story short, i stayed up late and checked several times, and nothing. Even set up my gopro on a timelapse in hopes of catching something, and its absolutely blank. Seeing everyone post their beautiful pictures, who are living in the exact same area as me, so stupid but I actually just started crying a bit lolol. I just feel like I missed out on something really amazing that everyone else around me got to experience. Feels like everyone got invited to a party and I got left out :joy: And this kind of thing doesnt happen in my area, like at all, ever. It is what it is I guess. Hopefully I can see them in the future. But its likely going to have to be a planned trip up north, and even then, theres no guarantee of seeing anything. Just depressing because I dont know if I will ever fully see them in my lifetime. Just feel really robbed right now. But still grateful I got to see the glimpse of it last night.

Otherwise today was decent. Just kind of ending tonight on a low note, but tomorrow is another day.


I think when we are in active addiction the people around us, our social circles will be in some way engaged in consuming our DOC. We have built our lives around our DOC which also means our relationships are often centered around it. This is addiction: our DOC rules all parts of our lives.
When we start our recovery journey, at some point we realise that although we are changing, we are moving on, our communities, our social circles might not.
Part of recovery is changing our view what normal life is or what we want normal to be.
If your DOC is not sugar, you will not see stuffing yourself with multiple bags of cookies until you are sick day after day as normal. And you will not think that spending your day with people who do this as normal.
If your DOC is not alcohol, you will not see drinking until you are inebriated day after day as normal. And you will not think that spending your day with people who do that as normal.
This is one of the reasons why I love this community. What might seem ā€˜normalā€™ and a ā€˜fact of lifeā€™ to me others will probably see quite differently. Which helps me to reconsider my normal.

Anyways, just my musings. Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope you get to do something you enjoy :hugs:


You are not silly girl. Life sometimes is just like that. And we feel robbed. And thatā€™s ok. Itā€™s ok to feel sad about it. Itā€™s ok to cry about it. And it is also OK to feel grateful and sad at the same time.
Iā€™ve been feeling like that for the last few days. I was looking forward to an event all year and then got sick. Iā€™m still not over it :wink:
The really great thing you did though is to let yourself feel those feelings, to share them with us and not to try to get rid of these feelings with using.
Thanks for sharing, it made me feel less alone with my own feelings :people_hugging:


Day 3 post slip up and Iā€™ve reflected a lot on where things fell off. I planned the whole thing in honesty. I had been training for a marathon for a few months and it was a big one, my home city lots of friends were there and it was a big occasion. During long hard runs in the winter months I used the excuse that Iā€™ll have a few beers if/when I get through this. That gave me a ā€œfree passā€ I earned it right?
I glorified how good it would be to drink after 6 months on the dry. Summer beers after all the training and completing the marathon. Dam it was supposed to be so good. In reality the first 4 were super the following 4 days I was just a passenger hanging on for dear life trying to stay safe and not get in serious trouble. Quickly followed by the shame, gilt and reprocoutions of my actions.
It got me, it weasels it way back in and bam your done.
I shouldnā€™t have used it as a reward, I shouldnā€™t have glorified it, I should have kept my guard up. I didnā€™t but I learned a little more.