Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Thank you, you’re 100% right, I appreciate it :pray:t2: and I’m so sorry you got sick during that event, it really does suck when things don’t work out :cry:


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 74

14 y/o had troubles to sleep again last night. He was up until 03.00. So I slept in today and got up around 10.00. and made a huge breakfast.
He’s still asleep.

Glad it’s a Sunday.

Today I’m going to tan my farmers tan by doing some more garden work.

The boys and neighbors where so kind yesterday and helped us out. So we could mowe the lawn, get rid of a lot of sticks and branches, and almost half of the concrete pile that used to be our old outdoor stairs.

Now it’s just the rest left. It’s so nice to see that something is actually happening in that garden.
I have a plan to be done with at least the front side in August.

Haven’t gotten to plant anything yet because the old gardener haven’t been here with the tractor. And now it seems that we’re getting help with that drom another person instead. Works for me.

I was a little sad over that yesterday, but my husband said that I’ll at least have the time to plant and harvest herbs this season. So it’s not that bad.

Wishing y’all a wonderful Sunday :heart:


I got a tip about an aurora app and I downloaded it. It gives you a warning when there is a chance for seeing the Northern light on your location. It’s called “Aurora” and the profile picture is purple with blue/black.


Thank you, I’ll check it out :pray:t2:


I can understand that. And it’s okey to be sad about.

Over here where I live those things aren’t really uncommon.

And I felt so Strange yesterday when people all over the world where Talking about that amazing Northern lights. Because I didn’t realize it was something very unusual.

Called my mother yesterday, and she had basically did the same thing. Checked it out but didn’t realized it was a very special occasion. Just stated to my uncle that the sky was beautiful and went to bed.

We stayed up last night to watch it. It was pretty much the same as usual. I felt so bad for not understanding the amazing occasion.

Point is that we have different views of things. Of this was something you’ve looked forward to that made you disappointed it’s totally okey to be sad about it. In fact, it’s an absolute normal reaction.


162 days
Sparring, kids swimming lessons, sushi, supermarket shop, watching footy on tv.
Another hangover free Sunday done


Hey @wahtisnormal, I’m sorry you’re feeling bad about not seeing the lights last night. We were the same. I drove out on a back road past midnight were it was nice and dark to get a glimpse but nothing. I had a thought though, that I was sober on a Saturday night staring up at the sky and felt part of something.

You’re picture of the night before is really cool.

Congratulations on 4 weeks… amazing achievement :pray:


Checking in 242 SAF 228 no smokes
Good morning my fellow defectives :smirk:. It’s raining here again right now, but I think it’s supposed to clear up later. I’m gonna spend the day breaking down the aquarium before the move, I put it off till the last minute so I can transport the fish to the new place. Then some more packing, and some other last minute shit, but I think we’re in pretty good shape as far as being ready.

Happy Mother’s day, to all the great moms out there.
Love you guys :v::green_heart:


I’m happy you made it back and learned from it. I appreciate your honesty as I hopefully can learn from what you’ve said.

It happens and it’s why this app and people are so great. You share and we learn through you.

I hope you enjoyed your marathon at least. :pray:


Phenomenal Drew, congrats :clap:


One of the first things I noticed about sobriety was how much more time in the day there seems to be. I always thought I was getting so much done while I was drinking. Turns out I wasn’t. And what I was getting done, was probably done half ass.


Day 72

Wow, I’m getting old! :wink:

Finally rested up and recovered from the drinking friends’ visit. It was quite shocking to shine a light on our long-term friendship. Was it? As much as it could be. So, no. I’m sad, but I know it’s just time to move on. There’s a sober person, or people out there waiting for me to do this, and come hang out :+1:

It’s a rainy Sunday and I’m ok with that. Mushrooms everywhere. By the end of our rainy season, things are pretty lush. I’m enjoying this last bit of coolish spring before the oven starts preheating :grinning:

Have a wonderful day


Day 128 AF

Best all.


Yesterday it was my birthday and today it is my 2500 days sober odat :smiley::green_heart:


:partying_face: Amazing! Congrats on your beautiful recovery, 2500 days is outstanding. Happy birthday!


Definitely agree with that!


Hey all, checking in on day 1428. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 201.
Happy Mothers Day,nobody loves you like your mom will!


I love watching your journey thus far. Im so happy for you. Stay vigilant my friend :slight_smile: congrats on 21 days


Day 5. Inspired by everyone!