Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Thank you Cjp, I vowed to myself I’d check in everyday. Mostly I’m like ‘i’ll just say hi and check in’ and then something takes over and I share everything :joy: maybe a bit to much :grimacing:I saw your transformation pictures, you look so happy and healthy and it’s over 2 years right?! That’s amazing and very inspiring :pray:

  1. Sober gets better.

Checking in today at

1 year 1 month 13 days clean and sober
1 month 13 days Tobacco Free

Happy Mother’s Day to all you warriors out there


Day 44 here.

Nothing interesting to report here.

Take care everyone :slight_smile:


Day 323 second check in

I’m feeling really quite sad that I haven’t made any progress with my children. Just at a loss. I get on really well with my family, my wife’s family but my kids since I got divorced three years ago just aren’t interested at all.

I’m 60 in two and a half years. I dread the idea of it not being any better by then. I am still trying to get my head around being nearly 60! I’m still about 35 in my head.

Anyways, just a feeling of grieving I guess

But 323 days alcohol free is fabulous


Cheking in. Feeling better :blush:


323 days is amazing indeed. I’m sorry about your children. Perhaps with more sober time they will come around. It is grief for sure. Sending you support :people_hugging:


Big hugs my friend. It does get easier for the addiction but it does take time for us to heal from what led us to the addiction and heal from our past trauma’s. I am sorry that therapy or online counselling is so expensive or unavailable. Something that may help

Saw this and thought i would share – Psychologists and other researchers have found that these actions can help:

  • Lean on your loved ones. Identify friends or family members for support. If you feel ready to discuss the traumatic event, you might talk to them about your experience and your feelings. You can also ask loved ones to help you with household tasks or other obligations to relieve some of your daily stress.
  • Prioritize self-care. Do your best to eat nutritious meals, get regular physical activity, and get a good night’s sleep. And seek out other healthy coping strategies such as art, music, meditation, relaxation, and spending time in nature.
  • Be patient. It’s normal to want to avoid thinking about a traumatic event. But not leaving the house, sleeping excessively, isolating yourself from loved ones, and using substances to escape reminders are not healthy ways to cope over time. Though avoidance is normal, too much of it can prolong your stress and keep you from healing. Gradually, try to ease back into a normal routine. Support from loved ones or a mental health professional can help a lot as you get back in the groove.

@just_laura Hope you had a better nights sleep and are enjoying a pain free Mothers Day Laura. That migraine sounded persistent and annoying – hope the meds kept it at bay while you worked. Yeah all those could be causes for the onset of the migraine. Sometimes I just turn funny and something snaps LOL – its super aggravating.
@catmancam Glad you got a good nights rest – I find when I finally get some decent sleep then my body craves more so I am extra tired. Glad you were still so productive with your day despite the fatigue. A new hair cut? Hopefully you will show us :wink: Happy Sunday friend.
@danwood85 WOOT WOOT 3 weeks and going strong – you have overcome many obstacles my friend and you are doing great. I totally understand what you mean and words aren’t necessary. Grateful to have you here with us. Also- I totally get that urges can be so damn strong that even our loved ones are not enough to keep us from choosing the poison (it’s the sad truth about addiction). This is why you have to become sober for you and only you. Everyone will benefit from this decision. Hope you are enjoying your Sunday Dan – I’m making the most of the day here :hugs: Loved your view of being sober and having the ability to look out into the sky – even if we did not see the lights we still experienced that moment :heart:
@wahtisnormal Oh man I totally am in the same boat as you Zoe and also feel heartbroken and robbed. I wish I had known that this was happening in my area (never thought I would be so close to it and still miss it :laughing😊 Had the same gut punch feeling after missing it but I know if its meant to be then I will see it in all its glory. I captured stills of purple or green with camera which were not seen by naked eye but you actually captured a ghost of the dancing lights and that is super cool.
@dustysprungfield That reward mentality is dangerous. I have to remind myself that drinking is not a reward. Have to talk it through and remind myself that my mind is actually trying to convince me that poison is a tempting reward. Grateful that you are seeing what caused the relapse and know not to glorify / romanticize drinking. The slope can be very slippery indeed. Great work on day 3 Dave! Keep up the great work :muscle:
@lola WOW – A celebratory weekend. Happy Belated birthday and a huge congrats on your 2500 days of sobriety :muscle: :tada: :partying_face: :birthday:
@thumper1213 nicely done with 200+ days :muscle

Checking in on Sunday late afternoon.
Been a lovely day. Managed to get in my workout and walk. Had a lovely brunch and now just putzing around. Will look into getting some work done and possibly working on my puzzle.
Day is full of possibilities and that is what i love the most!
Hoping you are all having a wonderful addiction free day. Happy Mothers day to all the mothers :hugs: Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Absolutely let it all out! :people_hugging:


Wise words, thank you for helping me gain a little perspective tonight :pray:t3:

I’m checking in, day 5 complete. Tonight and last night have been tough. The time of day I usually start drinking alarm bells have been going off. Thankfully, the moment has passed now.

I had a small cry and got into bed instead of drinking. I felt so, so low, and I’m angry because alcohol has me in a vice. I know I will be glad I didn’t give in tomorrow morning. I’m just acknowledging my feelings and praying I can beat this.

Have a lovely day friends :heart::rose:


Way to go with your 5 days. Are you able to find ways to keep yourself occupied with tasks that require mental and physical attention during the trigger times? it could be anything – for example – like playing a game on your phone or going for a walk and listening to a podcast. Just to get you through the alarm bells and this also helps rewire the brain so you are not associating this time with drinking.

You are here acknowledging your feelings and pushing through the urges – these are great steps friend. Keep fighting for yourself. Another day won :muscle:


You’re right Jazzy, I have to engage my brain. I’ll try walking tomorrow, being sedentary in the evening is my sobriety enemy. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in day 3. A Mother’s Day with my dogs but did hear from the rest of my family. Actually, it was a great day. Wish all the moms (dog or people) the best of a great day. See you all tomorrow. :pray:t2:


Thank you @JazzyS @Lighter I’m grateful to be here with you too and sharing my story. I would never have written this shit down in a diary. It’s different being honest to people and having the support.

I hope you enjoy your Sunday evening, if it is evening or Sunday where you are :joy::pray::heart:


End of day 129 AF

Chill day, gym, laundry, clean, get ready for work week # 2… with 6 lawn properties on top of so early to bed early to rise.
Planning gym session in morning before work as I just don’t get to it after work, at least I didn’t last week and I suspect same this.

Good night and best wishes TS fam❤️


Thanks Jazzy

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Today was a good day, for the most part. Went to church, then stopped for a bite with my husband.
Went to a ball game for one of our grandsons, then after we all went out for bbq.

I called my mother to wish her a happy day. As usual after talking with her, I felt kind of blah. Par for the course with her. Serenity prayer to the rescue after.:face_holding_back_tears:
Hope everyone had a good day!!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Check in 2, Day 72.

So gloomy out today. Messing with my head a bit! It’s been the darkest spring I’ve ever seen. Thought I’d make a tea, pull up a chair and relax. :heart:. All will be well.


Day 56.

The weekend was so tough with my little man. My wife does weekends 7am to 7pm as a nurse, so while I do love my son, he gets really challenging without help for such a long time. Additionally, he didn’t nap during the day either Saturday or Sunday. I found myself in fits of rage with him throughout each afternoon, with both of us becoming pretty upset. He’s only 2.5 but he is such an amazing little kid. He is incredibly smart, emotionally mature and very active. He doesn’t throw tantrums and doesn’t cry over any little inconvenience. This is why I feel so horrible for raising my voice and crying in front of him. It was just so dam hard yesterday.

I am grateful that my wife can be at work helping sick people, but even that is becoming frustrating for her as the sick people she is looking after in the ICU, are meth addicts and obese people. The addicts are abusive towards the nurses threating to stab and harm them.
For me to complain about my son not having a nap and bring upset about that, I feel more guilty because my wife does her job without getting upset (pissed off at the patients but not breaking down).

I feel shit today. I asked my wife what I should do to turn my mindset around and she suggested writing it down, so this is just a vent to get it off my chest. She then suggested I also write down what I’m grateful for.

I’m grateful for having an amazing wife, an amazing son and both being in great jobs that pay our bills. I’m grateful for living in a house, despite its asbestos construction lol. I’m grateful for our little girl on the way being healthy and hopefully happy so far. Only 12 weeks to go!
I’m grateful for a lot of things. I’m ready to start my next phase, eating better snd starting to work out. I’m sure this will i.prove my health and mindset even more.

Thanks for listening to my TED talk.