Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

@SoberWalker enjoy Spain :es: :sun_with_face: :parasol_on_ground:
@Danwood85 congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Jasty2 good luck with your move :package:
@Lola belated happy birthday :birthday: :balloon::gift::partying_face: congrats on 2500 days :tada:
@Aine sending strength šŸ©µ

1371 days no alcohol.
836 days no cocaine.
351 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Today started early, Iā€™ve been awake for 24 hours, couldnā€™t get back to sleep. I caught-up here, listened to some audiobook, read a chapter of the book Iā€™m reading. Looked through my Netflix account and compiled a list of all the things Iā€™ve watched and enjoyed, that have new season(s), 24 shows! So now I have extra motivation to spend more time in the lounge. I watched an episode earlier this evening.

Unfortunately I also binged, I had a takeaway, and I also had crisps. No sugar though, I managed to resist that atleast. I will battle on. Hoping to hear from the eating disorder service soon, if not I will chase them for a response following their team meeting.

Iā€™ve had a migraine since 4pm, itā€™s now 00:35 here, hoping I can sleep soon as I need to be awake early to have a shower and catch the bus into the city centre. Tomorrow is therapy day. Not looking forward to it at all.

I hope youā€™ve all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Thanks Cam. Hope your migraine goes away soon :v:


@tailee17 congrats on 74 days! :muscle:t4:

@FalloutSign congrats on 10 days! You should be happy! Keep on keepinā€™ on! :muscle:t4:

@Soberbilly Bill, your days are inspiring! Continue to lead by exampleā€¦:muscle:t4: I believe thatā€™s one thing we all strive forā€¦the ability to be able to be an example to others. :clap:t4:

@Tragicfarinelli congrats on 136 days sober! :call_me_hand:t5::muscle:t4:

@Ashley_luvz_starz congrats on all of your sobriety achievements. :muscle:t4:

@JonasE congrats on 44 days! :muscle:t4:

@Timetochange congrats on 323 days, continue doing what youā€™re doing for a better you, better days are ahead and things will get better! :muscle:t4::people_hugging:

@Rookie congrats, Kristen, on 3 days! :muscle:t4:

@Chevy55 my guy on 129 days!! Iā€™m doing my push ups brotherā€¦goodnight buddy! :muscle:t4::call_me_hand:t5:

@Doreen1 sounds like an interesting day! Serenity definitely helps! Keep on keepinā€™ onšŸ’ŖšŸ½


@Lighter congrats on 72 days, Marie! All will be well. :muscle:t4::people_hugging:

@Whereswaldo congrats on 56 days. I totally understandā€¦I have 4 boys at homeā€¦and man it can get very very hectic very very fast! Sounds like you ended on the right foot, venting to us here and listing the things youā€™re grateful for. Also, I use my sponsor as a place to ventā€¦most times heā€™ll ask me ā€œwhat does the big book say about thatā€ or ā€œpray about itā€ but he does listen and he tells where to go to lead me in the right direction. Better days are ahead, and things will get better for you and your tolerance. Keep on keepinā€™ on, buddy! :muscle:t4::call_me_hand:t5:

Checking in/out Day 21. Happy Motherā€™s Day to all the mothers here. We all know that one day is not enough to give you all the credit and praise you women deserve. Us men do know the sacrifices that are made, and it doesnā€™t go unnoticed. No amount of flowers, cards, sweet messages, gifts, hugs and kisses will ever be enough to give you recognition, love and gratitude yall deserve!

Smooth day over here, went visited mother in law today in ICU, she wanted me to grill her a Tomahawk steak! :joy: I said how are you gonna eat it and you canā€™t breathe? :joy::joy: & how am I gonna sneak a tomahawk steak in ICU? She just frowned at me. Couldnā€™t stay long so did a FaceTime with the kids so they could see maw maw and tell her Happy Motherā€™s Day.

Mama bear had a good day today, we catered to her like we do everyday. (You do not wanna be on mama bears bad side.) jk. She loved her gifts, she has one more that will be coming tomorrow that she doesnā€™t know about. But yeah, We had a smooth laid back day todayā€¦did some burgers on the grill tonight and now Iā€™m back to relaxing again hahaha. Good to see everyone had a good day! #ODAAT :heart:

Goodnight, fam!

Just for today, I will have fun in my recovery!



Long day, but pretty good :relieved: My eyes have been open far too long to look at a screen. Goodnight everyone :heart:


Day 49 Feeling better today actually did some productive house cleaning. Which helped tremendously with the depression. Just thank full for another day without using or drinking.


Just like that weekend over :man_shrugging: It was a good day and got done what I needed to so I will be thankful for that. Hope everyone had a nice day. Deuces peeps :v:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 75

Looks like itā€™ll be Another warm an Sunny day, I love days like this. I hope the entire summer gets really warm and Sunny.

Didnā€™t remove much of the concrete pile yesterday. Our neighbor got guests and I didnā€™t want to bother them. So we took the car to a nearby city and bought Ice cream instead.

It was really nice.

Had a bbq when we came home, after that we tried our Western outfits, to be prepared for Saturdays opening of the Old Western theme park.

The boys outfits needs some small adjustments and I still have no idea what to wear besides my cowboy hat.

Today boys are back in school, and Iā€™m aiming to move the rest of that pile.

Starting to think about maybe creating a Western Inspired garden so it fits with the rest of the house which is getting more and more country western for every year.

Wishing yā€™all a wonderful Monday :heart:


Day 324.
Up earlyā€¦ Weather is basically lots of rain :slight_smile: back at work today. Itā€™s a 8-3.30 day which is not bad.

Had to put the heating on as its cold. Itā€™s quite nice getting the house warm :+1: quite tired. What I do know is that my life is better without alcohol.
Thatā€™s pretty much a fact.

I may log on to work early. See how things are then I can plan the day better.
I donā€™t think we will have a holiday this year. Need to save some money for the winter as the start of this year tourism wise has been dire


Checking inā€¦ day 4. I will flesh out things a bit later today, Iā€™m not great right now.


Thank you @CATMANCAM ! Iā€™ll do my best! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::dancer::beach_umbrella: Sorry about your headache, hope you could get some sleep and feel better when you wake up!
Hi @Lola glad you came by to show us your numbers! :star_struck: Gefeliciteerd met beide!

I hope every mom here has had a great mothersday! :heavy_heart_exclamation: And for everyone that misses his ore her mom like me I want to give a hug :people_hugging:
I miss mine for 20 years now and so mothersday is mixed feelings for me. So I lighted a candle for her and thought of the good memories.

*Day 2063 :es::dancer::beach_umbrella:
Day 1 of my 10 days holiday for Spain :confetti_ball:
Today is travel day. We go by bus so itā€™s a 20 houres travel. We arrive tomorrow at 7 oā€™clock ore so. Yesterday I packed my stuff and as always I packed too many.

I have to carry all this (exept for the shoes) :face_with_peeking_eye:
So today? Sit in a bus, change bus, sit in a bus :sweat_smile:
Spain here I come!!
Have a good day ore night all


@SoberWalker Enjoy your trip! Send us photos. I hope the bus ride wonā€˜t be to strenuous. 20 hours is a long time :astonished:
@Dustysprungfield Whatever is bothering you friend, I hope sharing here will help and I hope it passes soon as it eventually will.
@MrsOdh Thanks for reminding me I need to spend some time in the beautiful sun today as well :grin: Looking forward to photos of your new garden some time hopefully soon.
@CHASE.E.U Whenever my mood is at an all time low I feel like household chores together with some podcast or talk are the best distractions to get through the day and not make it worse. Hope you are feeling better today :people_hugging:
@Just_Laura Sending the anti-sleep sleep jinx right away :mage:
@K_S I share your mother in lawā€˜s sentiment about the steak :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
@Whereswaldo My friend, kids that age are so much work! Please do come here and vent. Honestly. At that age the amount of attention my daughter needed all day long was driving me nuts. I have no idea how people working in day care survive this. I always see them with a bunch of little ones on the play ground and they are all so calm and collected. Super human if you ask me. Me? I was not calm and not collected. And very grateful for day care and grandparents :wink: So donā€˜t beat yourself up for feeling like a mess around your kid. Give yourself some credit for being human.
@Lighter Enjoy your cuppa. Sending you some light :rainbow::unicorn:
@Soberbilly Sound bath sounds so nice :blush:
@Danwood85 Thanks for being here and sharing. Every share helps someone besides yourself :mending_heart:

173 sugar
37 UPF
44 gluten
23 dairy
10 overeating/binge

Still sick, but feeling better overall. Trying to not feel to sorry for myself. I very much hope for no anxiety and panic today.

I attended a recovery dharma meeting yesterday and I realised Iā€˜m a mess. But in a good way. We are all messes. But we all try to keep up appearances. And we probably all think that there are people out there who have their shit together. There are none. And in recovery places we just admit to that. That we donā€˜t have our shit together and that we are a mess. I like that. So Iā€˜m a sick mess today.

I cancelled my usual Monday class and Iā€˜ll have to cancel the one tomorrow.
Iā€˜m going to do some stuff around the flat, laundry and such.

Iā€˜d also like to move on my current game. There are different routes that I could go, itā€˜s still very early in the design process. This is a phase of possibilities but also a lot of dead ends and backtracking. I usually enjoy this but it sometimes feels like wrestling an octopus. In the end one of the paths will emerge as the one to an actual game but this takes its time. Patience and perseverance. Letting things evolve and giving them a bit of a push at the right time.

Iā€˜m sure I will spend some time on the couch watching some TV and the new book I started reading is very promising. Itā€˜s a collection of short stories. I remember hating them when I was in school but at some point I developed a taste for this format.

Anyways: Have a good day today. Letā€˜s keep things in peace today, letā€˜s stay kind to each other and ourselves, and letā€˜s enjoy our freedom in this life :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:



One day off today. But busy enough. Lots of stuff to do, of which tagging along for a couple of hours with a a lady who is doing the work I applied for is the most exciting. Sober and clean.

In other news, the audio on my PC is kaput. Time for a new computer I guess. But so much to choose from. Will need to have a good look. Iā€™ll take a bit of time. May is the month us employees get an extra month of salary called ā€˜holiday moneyā€™ (that @soberwalker already is spending, safe travels Claudia!) so I can spend some.

In the meanwhile letā€™s all have as good a day as we all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from Amsterdam, where people know how to make the best from one day of summer.


Im so sorry you missed it too :weary: cant believe people werent talking about it beforehand! But thats awesome you got some cool pictures, glad we both got to experience a little bit of it in that way :pray:t2:


163 days

Kids at school so had the day free with the wife.
Went to the gym together then out for lunch, did a bit around the house then it was time to pick up the kids. Sheā€™s off on nightshift so will catch up on some shows that shes not into.

@Whereswaldo sounds like youā€™re in the trenches at the moment mate. My kids are a little bit older (early primary school) but I remember those days. My wife and I both do shift work, and at times it is tough with the kids, but at the same time so rewarding. In the end I feel lucky to be able to spend as much time with the kids, theres a lot of blokes that dont get that time.
Maybe try a change of scenery, get out the house, my go to when I wanted them to sleep was to take them to the pools, swimming would wipe them out :joy::joy:


Thanks man, I really appreciate your words.


Thank you :pray: I reckon at daycare they all entertain each other and follow each otherā€™s lead. Like our little guy goes to sleep at 11am every day at daycare without fuss. We canā€™t get him to nap anymore!
Crazy times. Thank you for your kind words.


Haha yes! We know swimming works a treat. Swim school starts in a few days which will be good but itā€™s too cold to go to the usual water play areas at the moment which would work. Thanks for your reply mate. These bad days/weekends are pretty rare thankfully.


Day 129 AF

Up and out at 5amā€¦ busy week ahead.

Be well all


Hey all, checking in on day 1429. I hope everybody has a good one!