Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

We all do Scott. Coming here is one of 'm. Thanks for doing so. Addiction is a cunning foe. And a deadly one. Thanks for the reminder and here’s hoping you have nipped this in the bud friend. On we go. One day at a time for all of us. :people_hugging:


100% true about coming here. I did a lot in the beginning. I need to look at tobacco, sugar, ect…through the same lenses I did, and still do, with alcohol.


My sign I think would be I am crazy stay away or I will hurt you.

Hang in there breathing is good. Thank you for the share.


104 days sober
Still sober today :heart:


Hi all, 43 days AF. That’s all xx


126 AF
244 drug free

Hey TS family, checking in on a beautiful Monday.

Had a restful Sunday for Mother’s Day. Miss my mother tremendously whomhas been passed for 24 years.

Got a happy mother’s Day text from ex, wasn’t sure how to respond. Felt upset by the text.

Regardless moving forward back to work this week.ay be starting a pt job weekend job within the next few weeks as well. Let’s see how it goes. Trying to pay off debt and keep outbid trouble.

Feeling lonely at times, have thought about possibly exploring dating. My sponsor says a firm no until I reach one year of soberity :pray:t4:

Well, hope everyone has a good day really struggling with quiting ciggarettes…guess I’ll treat it like the other addictions one day at a time!


Good afternoon friends! I survived another overnight shift but boy was i TIRED this morning. Im on my 3rd night in a row this time around and i may have to do 2 more. Our part time nurse called in sick and so if theres no one to cover, im on my own. I had to get some things done today so i havent really rested but hopefully ill get a chance later. I got my son on the bus and then went grocery shopping. Came home and put everything away. Then off to the gym. In all reality i should be resting instead of working out but i needed the gym today. I needed that self care time and i needed to push out all that negative energy inside of me. I am beginning to feel pretty resentful towards this homecare situation and so the gym helped me to release that build up anger. I prayed today also just asking for acceptance in all situations.

Tmrw my husband and I are getting new phones and renewing our contract and im worried about this app. I can easily download it again but i dont know if i know that password to get in. So thats stressing me out. Im assuming my username is butterflymoonwoman but ill be guessing on the password. I have never logged out since i joined years ago lol

And ya im just putting away some laundry and tidying up before my son gets home. Not much else to report right now. I really hope everyone is enjoying their Monday :heart:


Checking in! Its 9:30pm here in the uk i hope you are all having the best day :blush:


Can you click forgotten password? And it should send a password reset to your email?


I just tried logging out and was able to get back in. Thank u!!!


@acromouse @CATMANCAM thank you🙏

A quick check I’m tonight, I’m a little sleepy. Day was busy but well. Hope you all had good start to the week :heart:

Day 22 :v:


day 803 of no self harm

just trying to get through the days lately.


Checking out, Day 129 AF

Hot day on road crew today, then home to mow our acre.
Tomorrow hotter day for road work then two acreages to mow, edge and trim after work. Gonna be tired after that. Next day, Wed, same thing, two properties after work. Then one property Thurs.

8;00pm, showered and in bed for 4am wake up call and hopefully gym before I get out the door.

Funny thing is, I don’t even mind it. Sober life has helped me enjoy working even more than I did, but this time at labor instead of executive work. I love it!!

Good night TS peeps :hatched_chick:


Day 76 sober. I love reading all the posts here. They make my day and are the highlight recently. Keep sober and sharing friends.


Day 4

A very good day. Take care peeps :pray:t2:


@laner totally makes sense I am the same way with self help books. I need to read reviews and hopefully from people I know and get a good idea of what the book is about before I commit to reading it (especially these days as my reading habits are not what they used to be). Hopefully one of the recommendations given today by Rosa or Mno will be useful :hugs:
@yelena Welcome back to day 1 friend. We are here to help support you on this journey. Having a good support system helps keep you focused and accountable on this path. Day 1 and many more to come :muscle:
@butterlymoonwoman Oh man girl – I am so over it with this damn homecare agency. They are so inept in how they handle the care . Totally inhumane to expect someone to have to deal with so many over night shifts and so many in a row when they continuously drop the ball. Whatever happened with the nurses they were training? I do hope that you get some rest my friend. Glad you were able to blow off some steam today. Sending you loads of love! :heart: :people_hugging:
@sadmemequeen way to go with your 800+ days Megan :tada: :tada: Sending you hugs and comfort :hugs:

Love this Nick – glad you are enjoying your work and your extra projects. Way to keep going forward with that positive attitude :muscle:

Checking in on Monday evening
509 days free of alcohol and weed
924 days free of cigarettes
Man its been a day. I wanted to take my mom to the botanical gardens today or a museum but it seems that all is closed here on Monday’s. Found a place to visit in another town but that ended up being a bust. Did get a lovely 2 hour scenic drive out of it :laughing: Not much else going on. I am feeling exhausted and my whole body is in pain so i am just chilling best i can. May call it an early night.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Monday night check in. Typical long day and will do it all over again tomorrow. Have a good one everyone.


Coming to the end of day 2 starting again. Succumbed to the ever deceitful, lying, romantic salesman in my head. It took me a bit to get back on, but I’m not giving up. I’ve got to keep trying. And actually use my relapse prevention program. Read through a few posts and suggested links on here this evening. So encouraging and inspiring.

Thank you to all of you who post. It’s so, so much appreciated and so, so helpful :pray:
Good night



Good day off. Weather’s finally turning around. Can’t wait for school to be done so we can spend more time together out there. Pretty tired so off to bed early :sleeping:


@K_S congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@acromouse I’m definitely with you on being a mess and not having my sh*t together :sweat_smile: congrats again on double digits no overeating/binge :tada:
@Yelena welcome back :people_hugging:
@Butterflymoonwoman It’s absolutely appalling that you are faced with this challenge again! Sending you strength and energy 🩵 :battery:
@JazzyS I hope the pain lets you sleep :people_hugging:🩵
@Jeanine welcome back :people_hugging:

1372 days no alcohol.
837 days no cocaine.
352 days no vape.
1 day no binge-eating.

Sunday night I didn’t fall asleep until 4:45am, despite being awake since 00:37 the night before, but I managed to sleep for 4hrs so it was better than nothing. It took me right until the last minute but I did manage to shower before therapy, I had to get a taxi there instead of the bus though, because of my brain.

Therapy wasn’t too bad this week, I had some positive things to talk about this time, like my walks and not consuming sugar. We acknowledged that my binge-eating is happening around our sessions, and that it’s a symptom of talking about traumas.

Then I had my zoom chat with the Safe Soulmates facilitator at 5pm, which was put in place to offset my binge urges after therapy, but it got really deep and I ended up disclosing some things that I feel a lot of shame around from my past, and then I really wanted crisps. But I managed to do some meditations, and then I decided to close my eyes and see if I could fall asleep, and I did, then I woke up at 2am. :raised_hands:t2:

It’s after 4am now, I’m glad to be caught-up here. Today is my session with the psychologist, and I think I am going to make it my last one.
