Checking in daily to maintain focus #66


Yesterday was good. Had a good meeting and talk with my possible colleague at the possible new job, there is another candidate for the position so will hear next week if they want to go forward with me. I’m tempted to tell about it at my current workplace I won’t yet.

Experience expertise work day ahead. I’m good. Saw a beautiful exhibition yesterday in Van Gogh museum with works from Matthew Wong, self taught Chinese/Canadia painter who had a short career before succumbing to a myriad of mental health stuff in 2019. Absolutely stunning paintings with lots of parallels to Van Gogh himself. I’ll be returning before the show ends in September.

Have as good a days as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from the queue in front of the museum yesterday morning, which moved fast so I didn’t have to wait long to get in. And 95% of the visitors come for Van Gogh, so the Wong exhibition was quiet. Love.

@CATMANCAM Good on you for identifying some triggers and countering them by using your tools friend. Progress. Success with your therapy session. :people_hugging:


@Lighter 73 days for Marie! :call_me_hand:t5::muscle:t4: Glad you’re seeing results from the work you’ve been putting in. Im ready to lose some weight but not too much maybe get to about 180# but speaking on weight…my wife showed me some pictures from September/October of last year and I had to be around 140/145 I was so sick you could just look at me and see how bad off I was. Now that I’m sober and taking care of my mental health I am 225# and it’s hard to get rid of some of it. Anyway enough about me, glad you’re seeing progress, Marie. :muscle:t4:

@Dustysprungfield hey, Dave. Glad you’re able to identify triggers and look back and take something from each reset. You got this my guy, and better days are ahead! Keep on keepin’ on! :muscle:t4:

@SelfLove_42 Day 23! :muscle:t4::clap:t4:

@Pattycake 306 days for Patricia… Strength and love right back atcha. :muscle:t4::people_hugging::heavy_check_mark:

@Yelena You can do this! Don’t think too far ahead. #ODAAT! :muscle:t4:Keep on keepin’ on!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: @Timetochange thats all we can do. Like the number of days you have! :muscle:t4::clap:t4:

@Juli1 104 days for Julia! Another day down. :muscle:t4:

@suechu congrats on 43 days. Keep on keepin’ on. :muscle:t4:

@Danwood85 sober twin, congrats on making it to Day22. Busy is good my guy…:muscle:t4: :clap:t4: you got this!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: @SadMemeQueen i know the feeling, Megan. You got this! :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:


@Chevy55 I love it that you can see positive changes and speak on to remind us that we’re learning to live a new life! Keep on keepin’ on my guy! :muscle:t4:

@tailee17 congrats on day 76! Keep on keepin’ on. :muscle:t4:

@Rookie glad you’re with us checking in Day 4, Kristen. Keep on keepin’ on. :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

@Steve14 back atcha brother. Have a good one! :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

Hey everyone! Checking in/out Day22. Good day today, It rained all last night and power went in and out a few times. I have to have a fan blowing in the room for noise, so everytime the power out I woke up :joy:
Good productive day although I’ve been dragging all day, it’s storming again tonight, hopefully no power outage.
Mother in law still not doing any better but also not any worse…
Anyway, well that’s about it for me today, I’m beat!

Goodnight, fam!

Just for today: I will demonstrate my trust in God by experiencing this day just as it is


Day 325. Up early. Got a busy day today but not a bad one. I feel on a bit of a treadmill. So I need to think about what I can do to break that cycle.

Very dark outside again. Probably more rain! Lousy for tourism.

I keep reading the news. Probably too much. I think i must check it about 10 times a day at least to stay informed. Not sure it helps knowing too much!.


@Timetochange About the news I sometimes think it‘s not about knowing to much but about reading about the same kind of news all the time. Nobody writes about people having normal lives, being nice to their neighbours or enjoying a cup of coffee. It‘s always stuff that makes you anxious and worry that is on the news. And after a while the world looks like there is only bad stuff happening. But imagine reading ten times a day that in my part of the world the sun is shining beautifully, children are going to school, friends are helping each other and birds are singing in our trees :blush:
@K_S Hope the storms in your part of the world will lessen and give you some peace soon.
@Mno I have to say I‘ve been to the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam several times and I always enjoyed it a lot. It always leaves me very inspired. I‘ll have to check out the stuff by the painter you mentioned. Maybe one more reason - apart from coffee with you :wink: - to visit Amsterdam next month.
@CATMANCAM Nice to hear your therapy went well and you had nice experiences to share. It‘s so good when we have some mental sunshine in our lives.
@Jeanine Welcome back. Keep coming back. Keep sharing. Your shares help everyone around, including you.
@JazzyS Sounds a bit like my Berlin experience: At least we go to travel a bit :rofl:
@Chevy55 It‘s really nice to read how sober life is going great for you.
@Butterflymoonwoman Believe me, everyone would be resentful in your situation. I‘m only down with some tummy bug and I want to hate the whole world. But I‘m glad to hear you could log into TS back again. Good to have you here.
@Juli1 How is swimming treating you and how is yoga with Horst?
@JonasE Denial is big. We all live on it. Good to see you are acknowledging it. Good luck with getting to your therapist search again.

174 sugar
38 UPF
45 gluten
24 dairy
11 overeating/binge

I got a nice little pink rose from my daughter yesterday for mother’s day. This made me so happy :heart_eyes:
Still sick, no big chances for overeating with tummy pain and nausea. My daughter also does not feel well with a tummy ache and nausea. I hope it‘s just the lingering effects of yesterday’s migraine and not the same bug that has been bothering me. She‘ll stay at home today. No school for her. She can have a day of rest.

The weather is still on the beautiful side, so I‘ll definitely enjoy the sun and spend some time on the balcony.
I‘ll be working on my current game. I‘m still in the process of refining and evolving my original concept and I‘ll spend more time on iterating on this process.
Maybe some more game design studies. Listening more on the talks from my festival. There have been some very interesting topics there ranging from generative AI in game development to using crafts.
My mum will do some grocery shopping for us, and the ex wants to visit this evening.

Whatever the day may bring, let‘s stay in peace, kindness and freedom today :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


*Day 2064 :dancer:
After a long bus drive and not much sleep we arrived in Spain. The weather is grey and a bit rainy. But it will clear up in a few days.
Going to grab a coffee and go for a walk.
Time to adjust a bit to the new environment :sweat_smile:

Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Every day I wake up I can’t make a promise I won’t drink today bc I don’t know the future, I can promise I’ll take whatever steps necessary not to pick up. So far so good.


Hello all, checking in on Day 1 again. Have really been struggling. I think a shift in hormones alongside this house move has meant I have been fighting day to day. I am feeling stronger this morning so hoping to get some momentum going. Thank you all for being here.


Day 130 AF

4am, up at at er! Gym, work, mow, lol.

Should be a great sober Day!

Keep it real friends and make this a day worth living!


** My morning sunrise


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 76

Another day with amazing weather.
I wish we had this weather all the time.

Already on my second glass sugar free iced tea. Don’t care about the artificial sweeteners for now. I rather have them than the extra calories.

Tried my Lilly Pulitzer shirts from last year today. They use to be like three sizes to big and now they fit almost a little snug.
Not impressed.

Extremely tempted to start another crazy diet again. Won’t do it this time because I know it’s not good for me. Still trying to focus more on strength and building muscle than being thin. Doesn’t sound like much but yesterday I could actually open the salsa jar without help. That’s a win.
I’m not moody all the time, have a lot more energy, don’t need to nap in the afternoon and I’m not constantly hungry or hangry.
Still feels wrong though.
And I don’t like what I see, yet.

Enough with that.
Today I’m going to keep working in the garden and go to the city dump with things I need to throw away.

Wishing y’all a wonderful day. :heart:


Day 46 (technically in a few hours but I’ll just do it now)

Not going to work today. Called different therapists and all of them were full. Got a diary as well. Made an entry.

Here we have an old game that’s playing in my head rn. I start to improve so I need to feel bad. Been playing that for years.

Immediatly after doing sth positive for myself I need to drag myself down. Be it living healthier, being sober, etc etc…

And I’m just so godamn tired of it all. Tired of crying at random, tired of being angry and hate filled, tired of my obsessive thoughts.

The last one hits differently.
Ever idealized a person so much it turns obsessive?

Have that as a coping strategy and it’ll completely fuck you up.

Now do that for about 12 years.
(Different people, same symptoms.)

Shit’s pretty bad tbh.

Goddamnit I need therapy.

Sorry for the vent, I’m just so fucking tired already and this is just one self sabotaging act of many.

Had to get it out somewhere.

Hope you people are doing good and thank you all for not making me feel alone in this.

Thank you and rest well.


Day 92 AF
So…a few weeks ago my life took an unexpected turn…again.
In December of last year my partner and I had a falling out and decided after 6 years to end our relationship. We both were not coping very well mentally and communication about important matters was almost non existent. We both needed time and space as individuals to figure out what we wanted in life. I honestly thought our relationship was totally finished until I received a phone call early April from her to touch base and ask me if I’d be interested in couples councelling and see if there was any possibility of rebuilding our relationship.
We now see each other twice weekly and obviously taking things very slowly and our communication is working a treat. Councelling has been a fantastic help and great space to openly discuss any relevant issues and learn tools to handle difficult situations. Ultimately, communication is everything in any relationship. So we are on our way once again.

Peace and strength to you all.


Hey all, checking in on day 1430. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


164 days
Real nice chilled day, just tidying, laundryand cooking at home.
Back to work tomorrow day shift


Day 126 AF
Day 226 drug free

Good Day all,

Up early and started my workout routine. Went for a nice walk/jog. After my morning routine if prayer/meditation will do some weight training followed by a nice yoga🙏🏽 stretch. I have been wanting to restart my yoga classes a friend has a studio in her condo I can use for classes. Just need to believe I can and take the action. Been in my head the past few days. Missing my ex, feeling lonely. Will continue to push forward asking God’s will to be done in my life being the best person and mother I can be sober and clean ODAAT.

Blessings for a wonderful day all! :yellow_heart::pray:t4:


Hi, nice to see you :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 203.
Im learning to pause before I act,especially when agitated. And I can start my day over at any time. Have a great day everyone.


Day 74

Good morning. Another day away from sickness and despair :blush:. I can barely remember who I was then. Just enough not to go back.

Feeling so clear this morning. It’s even clear outside ! I see a sunrise beginning on our first sunny day in ages. Summer is here. I’m ready. It will become oppressively hot very soon. Something is very different, though. I no longer feel trapped in it. I no longer feel hopeless. I know it’s temporary now.

Alcohol keeps you stuck in places you don’t want to be. With other stuck people. And no way out. You can sit and drink and bitch all day, but no one has the power to change anything. Or even to determine if there’s anything actually wrong. You’re so sick you just feel it’s all hopeless.

Now everything is opening up. I love it! I need to stay sober a lot longer before I leave the area, but right now I can find the best of right here, and get healthy. I don’t think I could climb a mountain today. I need time :blush:. Planning on returning to winter sports next winter. :snowflake: :skier: I will start going when I visit family there.

@K_S You’ll get there, my friend. You’re getting healthy and strong. It takes a really long time for everything to settle. I’m glad you put on weight. I was mostly a beer drinker and now the puffy look is gone. Going slow and putting sobriety first- we’re both going to feel great this summer! Congrats on 20 days! Thanks for the shout out, Kenny.

Happy Day to all, :heart:


57 days. Over 8 weeks without a drop of alcohol.
It’s 10pm in Brisbane and I just hopped in the car to bring it in off the street. Funny feeling of anxiety moving the car because usually when I did that I had been drinking and technically shouldn’t have been driving, even if just to pull the car into the driveway.
I guess it’s moments like these that give me a little boost that what I am doing is really bloody good.
Its comforting knowing that if there’s ever an accident or emergency, I can hop into the car and drive if I need to.
Having kids now, I cant imagine them needing my help as teenagers and I’m not able to go and rescue them.

I told my wife how my brother asked my mum if I’ve still stopped drinking, yet didn’t ask me directly. She thought that was typical of him and found it amusing. I reckon he thinks about it every time he drinks now and that gives me a sense of pride that even if we aren’t talking about sobriety, he would at least be thinking about it, and that’s really the first step.

Anyway, I’m feeling so much better today than yesterday or over the weekend. Thanks TS team, your words helped me turn my mood around and reset. To think, that was my constant only 8 weeks ago, and now it’s a rarity.

Thank you.


Day 9 :white_check_mark:

3 hrs sleep, due to one of the cats wanting to go out very early :astonished: and me falling asleep too late :sleeping:
Luckily it hasn’t been to bad where it affects my mental health and anxiety - grateful for this.

Cooked X2 huge lasagnas for my mum who is unwell.(has been since I was 12)
She really likes them so I thought why not keep busy.
Not sure what Il have for dinner yet. I might have a slice of lasagna I will see later on.

Very tired trying to stay awake to keep a good sleep schedule. Awake in the day and sleep at night.
Especially these early days keeping on top of H.A.L.T is crucial.

Recovery dharma online tonight. I couldn’t get to the face to face meeting last week as the carbon monoxide stuff and waiting for engineers.
So online tonight for me. Hope I will be awake still.
A nap is tempting right now but I’m holding out.
I want to sleep tonight :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a great day everyone :sparkles:
