Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Checking in on day 307. Here’s to another day of freedom and wise choices.:peace_symbol::heart:


Day 2243. Babysitting day.


Day #1 for me, dear fam. Please pray for me.


Welcome to the community Matthew! Great work on day 1. You are among friends here. Loads of great advice, distractions for when the urges hit and support on these threads.

Stay connected - wishing you luck with your journey :muscle:


18 months, a year and a half, booze free today

Happy to be checking in sober.


Checking in day 134 AF :blush:


105 days AF checking in
I just managed my “bad thoughts show” with a quick decision of: No interest today! :sunglasses:
Love you guys :hugs:


@Mno thank you :blush: 🩵
@acromouse it really is :blush: thank you 🩵
@JennyH welcome back :people_hugging: moving is very stressful, I hope you’re settling in now so you can focus on your sobriety again, sending strength 🩵
@Chevy55 your views of sunrises and sunsets are breath-taking :star_struck::camera_flash: thank you for sharing :blush:
@JonasE very relatable re the self-sabotaging :people_hugging: I really hope you can find an available and affordable therapist asap :crossed_fingers:t2: sending strength 🩵
@Seb that’s wonderful news, so happy for you :revolving_hearts:
@Soberbilly congrats on 750 days :tada:
@wahtisnormal congrats on 30+ days :tada: I’m sorry you’re struggling :people_hugging::mending_heart: sending strength 🩵
@Laner I’m glad you made it home safe :raised_hands:t2: congrats on 40 days :tada: I’m sorry you can’t access therapy through your work. I’m glad you have a caring friend 🩵
@Noshame congrats on 300+ days no smoking :no_smoking: :tada: double digits no lozenges :tada: and over a month no marijuana :tada:


@Matthew1 welcome :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada: sending strength 🩵
@Brian1965uk congrats on 18 months :tada:

1373 days no alcohol.
838 days no cocaine.
353 days no vape.
2 days no binge-eating.

Psychologist therapy today was good, I spoke about my recent positives, and I found the courage to end it (finally).

I had healthy real food for lunch which felt amazing.

The Adult Eating Disorder Service got back to me, following their team meeting, and said the lead psychiatrist will be getting in touch with me to arrange a review meeting. So that will hopefully be promising.

I do keep wanting crisps, I think it’s because they are such a safe bet, as they are consistently the same, so my addict gets exactly what it wants every time. I’m focusing on the consequences…

My blood glucose and cholesterol have both came back very high, the diabetes nurse is going to be calling me to discuss, so I’m hoping I have signal when she calls. I’m quite sad about this as for 55 days of the last 3 months that the test covers, I didn’t consume any sugary or fatty foods, but I can only focus on what I can do moving forwards.

I messaged my SIL 3 weeks ago to ask if she was free any time before their wedding anniversary so I can take a card and see my baby niece again, she replied saying she was busy the following week but free this week, so I replied saying I could do the 15th or 17th and asked which suited her best, but then I didn’t hear anything back. I don’t like to pressure people so I left it, but last night I decided to bite the bullet and messaged again to ask if she had decided which was best. She replied apologising for not replying and that she was free both days. So because I had therapy yesterday and today, I decided to give myself a free day tomorrow to decompress, and I replied that I’d go on Friday, so I’m looking forward to that now. :smiling_face:



TW ED tendencies

Thanks for asking Aga… Swimming is my all time fav and I had several good ones with a free lane for me or shared with other intelligent swimmers knowing the rules lol, and… So much sunshine.

Yoga is also good… Very deep and spiritual practice… Today I had a tea with Horst afterwards on a very cozy couch in the lounge. He is 72. I feel his experience through his practice. I always think it’s not that challenging physically and then I have sour muscles. Also it’s releasing emotions. Today unfortunately I had aching stomach after 1 hour (it’s 90 minute class). Maybe also some kind of release.

And afterward I had to bike back! Lol… 3 kms one way, but I was so exhausted cause of some hills out there. Don’t have good condition but the visual stimulation with the sun, sky and the fields was awesome. :yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart:

Thanks for having you and your way. You’re inspiring me. I have some issue with eating too. Almost healed from binging, dispite of a (healthy) midnight snack from time to time (maybe cause I ate too less the day) but looot of judgement in this whole topic. Don’t know if it’s the right moment to look closer. Strict dieting made me relaps to alcohol several times, as well as not taking this shit serious! Siiigh it is :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Checking in… 37 days alcohol free.
Have a great day everyone. :grinning:


Whoa!!! Congrats on a year and a half, Brian! It’s been a pleasure following along and seeing you grow in your sobriety and recovery journey. Growing together as we all strive to here. Well done!


Evening all,

I want to apologize, I do read through the thread and I want to reply and say things but by the time I get to the bottom I have no idea how or who to respond to. I’m definitely on the ADHD spectrum and my heads mince at the best of times. I’m really enjoying and motivated by your stories. I always find a good few that are relatable which really does help. Thank you :pray:

@K_S thanks sober twin - looking forward to hitting the milestones with you bud. 22 days and going strong :v: glad to hear your family’s well :heart:

@wahtisnormal 30 day milestone is awesome Zoe. Well done!.. I hope you’re feeling better soon and allow yourself to be happy without feeling guilty :pray:Good job on the meal prep.

Checking in Day 22… I’m working a lot and struggling with it. I have 4 messages that I have returned in the last 2 days. Either because I don’t have the answers they require or the time they need. It’s constant, if I’m not working I’m invoicing, replying to customers, sorting my van, ordering materials. Or stressing that I haven’t done these things. The money is good but I’ve never really given that much of a shit about money. I know it helps but costs fuck all to put my trainers on and go for a run or hang out with my family, just my health which with working so much isn’t the greatest, I’ve booked 2 weeks off in a week and a half and I have the feeling I’m going to be working most of it.
Organisation is the key, but I’ve lost the key, probably under the seat of my van with my bank card, 2 Sharpies and a heap of plumbing fittings :person_facepalming::joy:

Hope you’re all well! :heart:


Congrats getting through 3 weeks :facepunch: I hear ya on the working part I own a auto repair business and it’s typically 80 hours a week just to keep up. The money is good but becomes less and less important lately. Hopefully you can enjoy some of that vacation. I haven’t taken one in at least 10 years so my time is coming :smile:


It feels like a trap doesn’t it, what else can you do when that’s all you know and pays well but makes you feel like shit…10 years… i don’t know if I could survive that long! Hope you get a break soon bud and thanks :pray:


Checking out Day 130 AF

Later than usual as we put in a long day after work on two acreages with an another neighbor in that area looking to join our client list??? I’m still weighing out that as I only originally wanted 4 clients and already have 6 large properties I am doing…

But regardless, tired and ready to hit the hay 4am comes early. Thank goodness for sobriety.

Gnight TS people. Be well.



@brian1965uk 18 months :tada: :tada: Way to go Brian! Keep stacking up the days :muscle:

Girl this is awesome! Send that shit packing – flex those muscles :hugs: :muscle:
@catmancam Good news on connecting with the Adult Eating Disorder service. Hope it is promising and helpful. Sorry about the blood results – you can get them under control. I have seen your disciple friend. I know that when you have something like these results then you will be more focused on your timer :hugs:
@danwood85 No need to apologize friend. You checking in daily is great. Appreciate you sharing your journey with us. Love that this forum has no obligations and every story is helpful to our journey’s. For me when I am on the laptop, I write my responses on a word document or notepad and then reply at once at the end of the thread. If on the phone then I start replying to one post and keep adding to it till I get to the bottom (I then cut and paste the response into a new response. Hope that made sense. With the thread being so active, it is hard to remember which posts to reply to and what you wanted to say. I do hear you on the work taking over your time. I know being a business owner it is hard to find time for yourself. Always something to do and stay on top of and its never ending. I do hope that you are able to enjoy your upcoming vacation and that you don’t burn out before then. Remember to breathe friend.
@soberbilly Way to go Sober Buddy! That is impressive work on how you handled the situation. Very proud to see you putting your tools to use in such a positive way.


Yesterday was a f**k you day

I lost another good friend to suic*de,
This is usually when id run and pick up but nope not this time, instead i went to the gym and hit a pb deadlift

Its going to be a hell of a week


So sorry for the loss of your friend. That’s tough stuff. Glad you diverted your mind and did something positive :muscle: