Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

OMG! I am the daydreamer type. Always in some kind of thoughts, ideas, concepts, whatnot. I can analyse the hell out of everything, but getting my grocery trip organized is a major mental and emotional task for me. So I am veeeeeryyyyyyy impressed by someone like you who not only manages to get themselves organized but apparently keep a business running. Your dad though sounds super-human to me :wink:


Thank you sooooo much for sharing this. It is so nice and heart warming to hear how your life is getting so much better in every way. :hugs:


Hey all, checking in on day 1431. I hope everybody has a good one!


165 days
Busy day at work. Made the day fly by.
The work crew went to the bar at work at the end of shift. I went along to hang out for a bit and things were all good, had a brief moment of feeling awkward but it passed in a second.
Glad to be sober and off to bed soon.
Will hopefully bike to work tomorrow morning, the forecast isn’t great, little rain and it’ll likely be 3-4°c .


Day 75

4 am, so almost morning. Making progress with insomnia. I got most of a night’s sleep and couldn’t lie there. Had negative thoughts as soon as I woke. :arrow_up: :up: now. :up: :coffee: :coffee: Just more brush clearing. Nothing is wrong so it’s weird. I’ve got a pour-over made. 75!


Same here, woke up ultra mad. The tax man sent me an email at 3 am… I read it at 5am and tried to sign in to read the actual details of the statement… Their site doesn’t open until 6 am! This country is so backwards! So going to do the same as you…. Down my anger in bottomless coffee :coffee:


Sorry to hear that! Would be better for everyone if they sent the message during business hours. I hope it turns out ok for you.


Thank you, I appreciate it. I hope the insomnia gets better for you too!


So lovely to see you thriving lady :frog:


Look at you at almost three months :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@steve14 grateful that your business is doing well and you are keeping busy. I do hope you are able to get some help so that you find time for yourself. I know how important a vacation or a getaway can be for the mentality…10 yrs :astonished: that’s a long time friend. Hopefully this year :hugs:
@Butterflymoonwoman so happy they found some coverage. Sending healing vibes and hope your son is not getting sick. Hope you had a wonderful restful sleep.
@CleanHeart this is impressive work friend. 80 days now and I love the line about “keep going with pursuing healing” YES! ODAAT
@Jeanine knowing you have hard days coming up, I am glad to see you preparing mentally and physically for em. Staying busy and surrounding yourself with support is key. Remind yourself that the urges don’t last and you will not have to ever repeat day 1. :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:
@Forgive_Yourself great to see you checking in and going strong with 134 days :muscle:t4:
@wahtisnormal wow Zoe…love this post and all the positivity! Great work on your meal prep. Always a lovely way to start off the day knowing you have something something healthy and ready to sustain you. That walk looks heavenly :heart:
@Lighter I do hate waking up feeling off when nothing is wrong. I sometimes think it’s a bad dream that I had had its emotions lingering in me yet I can’t remember the dream. Hope the coffee helped :people_hugging:
@SKhan what an awful way to get up… sorry that you were not able to see the message. Hopefully all gets sorted. I know that the IRS sends letters almost monthly as sometimes their system is so chaotic and a big mess and they don’t register the information properly and then it’s our responsibility to show them the error that they made :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Happy Wednesday TS
Decent night sleep. In a lot of pain but hopefully I will be able to get my nerves stimulated enough to take my walk. Ready for my coffee and to cease the day.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Thank you! I’m looking forward to it :+1:


Checking in on day 308.
@2JTravNZ , sending you love and light in this dark moment. So sorry for your loss.
@Mno , I always appreciate the photos you include with your posts. Makes me want to go visit the Netherlands!
@Brian1965uk , congrats on 18months! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

[quote=“wahtisnormal, post:1146, topic:182072”]
After 31 days, I can say I honestly enjoy being sober so much more than I expected
[/quote]. That’s a wonderful feeling!!! Keep stacking up those days!
@JazzyS , here’s hoping you are able to get in a nice walk today. Pain sucks.

Wishing everyone a positive day! :two_hearts::peace_symbol:


Day 2242. I need to sit down with the youngest and talk about what happened the other day. My “go to” is be the peace maker swallow my pride and patch things up. However, I feel deeply, he needs to know he was wrong, his actions were wrong. His real father did not give him great life skills.

Just not sure if he is ready to hear it. When I play out in my heaf the conversation we need to have. I always come back to telling him, “you were wrong, unfortunately you are not at a point to handle the “why you were wrong.”.”


Today I am 8 months alcohol free!


Day 900

Feeling good. Having a really positive spell in my life at the minute. I didn’t get the promotion I went for and considering I’d invested 7 months into actually doing the job that was a kick in the teeth but even then I know something bigger and better awaits me.

I am on a succession plan and I will be promoted at some point in the next couple of months anyway just not to the department I wanted.

Anyway feeling happy and positive.

Those who say you can’t and you won’t are the ones scared that you can and you will.

Go out there and achieve your dreams everyone, I’ll be behind you all the way!

Sending love and strength to you all! :heart::muscle:t3:


Morrrrning friends! I had an amazing sleep last night!!! Feeling sooo rested. My son seems to be fine. Dont know what the spike in temp was all about, but im grateful hes ok.
Todays plan is to hit the gym and then clean, clean, clean. Going to do a thorough cleaning of the apartment while listening to some tunes. That really is about it. Have an awesome day everyone!!! :hibiscus:


Congratulations on 31 days! So many positive things in your share I loved reading it! Happy for the changes and the good thing’s you’re experiencing in your life!!!


Checking in day 78.


Thank you :face_holding_back_tears:

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