Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Thank you so much :pray:t2:


Hey sober fam. Well today marks that six months, im proud to be where im at right now. Im being a good employee and just enjoying the little things. No not everything is perfect, but i dont feel that sadness or that being lost like what should i be doing with my life. I feel a sense of peace and right now im just grateful i have a job, my girls are safe, summer is coming. Pretty soon im getting autumn a little electric dirtbike. I figured to celebrate today i would come into work and pick up a shift. My boss yesterday was talking to me and he said something about today, im like oh idk im off tomorrow and he was like would you wanna work. I was like hell yeah, i dont mind being here and it keeps me from sleeping all day lol. I literally make time and a half plus a extra ten dollars a hour on top of it so why i havent been picking up more over time is beyond me. I guess sometimes money is not all i care about. Sometimes i hear people at work just moaning and complaining about how they hate their job or this place, its sad to hear bc if you dont love what you do the place wont thrive the way it could. You get to make the job what it is. So love what you do and hope you all have a great day much love


Congrats on 6 months!!!


Thanks Billy!

Yes, the anger is valid. Now, I have already faced the situation that made me angry, and completely removed myself from it. That is what I will think/meditate about. I forget I am free now, I can heal now, I can let go of it. It served its purpose. Peace is what I seek now. :heart:


Was a busy day here. There is always a lot to catch up on after being away a few days. But now I feel back in order and did most of my to do list. I had 2 friends over for dinner and it was nice to have a visit. Today was one of those days where I didnā€™t really dwell much on things. Didnā€™t have a craving, didnā€™t feel too anxious or upset or sad. Just felt good and like things are okay. I needed a day like that.
I ordered this workbook on my kindle and will have a look at starting on this. I tend to go through books but know I need to pace myself with this one. My friend suggested I do a little at a time and that I should plan to do some exercise after followed by something nice because it probably brings some things up for me. Iā€™m in bed now and hoping to sleep easily tonight. Am thankful for an easier better day today.


Checking in day 135 AF :blush:


Today I did my online check in for the annual physical I have scheduled next week and TODAY I disclosed to my primary care provider that I have a substance abuse disorder. Even though I have been on this journey for two years apparently I did not feel like disclosing that on my last physical last year.

Some people are born with heart defects, some develop diabetes or cancer. I will drink until dawn if I ever go back to drinking alcohol. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but eventually. I abuse substances.

Now I just have to try hard not to walk that back in person. I work in the health care system I am utilizing so nosy co-workers could discover this information if they dug. Of course that would be a huge HIPPA violation so they could never disclose that they knew.

Feeling honest and sober on day 819. :disguised_face::star_struck:


106 days AF checking in

Bit hard to sumarise how I feel today.
Quite okay. Bit of brainfog and bit of aching back. Sounds like a granny :sweat_smile:

@acromouse thanks for your answer. Yeah to the space capsule and yeah to forgiveness on the eating topic. I have a lot to forgive, I think. For now ā€œjustā€ keep on healing ā€¦

Like the wheel keeps on turning lol :ferris_wheel:

Love you guys :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 25,

Just checking in.


Checking in on
371 no alcohol
302 no vapes or ciggs (11days no NRT)
33.94 no form of marijuana



Day 47.

Nothing new to report. Trying to cut down cigarettes. Went from 32 to 16. Which is still a lot.

The optimal amount would be zero but I donā€™t want to quit completely. Not yet anyways.

Hope you had a good day and stay safe. :slight_smile:


Bravo :clap:t3: Thatā€™s a huge deal. Proud of you, chica!


Day 117.
Just about to finish my workday. Then on to dinner prep, then daycare pickup for my daughter.
Will be a solo evening with my little girl, as my wife is on her way home from work out of town.
I am stressed stressed stressed out about life and all my obligations right now.
I gotta keep my chin up, and do one task at a time. One foot in front of the other, and donā€™t give up.


Ive been super busy today. I went to the gym this morning, mailed a letter, hit the dollarstore for cleaning supplies, and then came home to do my thorough cleaning.

I had an uncomfortable interaction with a man while waiting for the bus with my son this morning. This guy and his dog came up to us to let my son pat the dog, which is fineā€¦ but then the man was asking questions and idkā€¦ it felt like he was invading my space. As my son is getting on the school bus, he introduces himself to the bus driver which i thought was weird. Then once my son leaves he continues talking to me then offers to walk me to my building. I mentioned my husband in conversation so that he knew i wasnt interested and also said no to him walking me to the building as i was "in a rush for work " (lie) but he said he was walking his dog anyway. I just wanted to get into my apartment so i quickly walked there and then he leans in for a hug. I have no idea who this person is. I felt extremely uncomfortable. And now im freaking out that he will be there tmrw around that time when i go to drop my son off at the bus.

Ugh my anxiety is high. I struggled thru my workout bcuz my mind wasnt focused. Cleaning was a good distraction but now im overthinking again. I called my husband when i got in the door and told him about it. Yaā€¦ that kind of dampened my day a bit.

Anyway, just needed to try and get this off my mind. I always think of things i couldve done differently. One thing i noticed about being in recovery, is that recovery has made me a nice person lol which is normally a good thing. But when situations like this come up, i wish i wasnt as nice and instead just tell the person that i dont want to talk right now. I have to work on being firm and setting boundaries with people. This situation caught me off guard and i wasnt prepared to handle it. Any advice in dealing with this sort of thing is welcome. Maybe im being paranoid and maybe this man was just a friendly person. But it wasnt comfortable for me and i wasnt respecting myself by listening to myself and standing up for myself :frowning:


@wahtisnormal thank youšŸ™ Iā€™m glad your feeling better and noticing improvements with your sobriety! Your meal preps looks fantastic, Iā€™m going to screenshot that for motivation! Good jobšŸ‘

@JazzyS, yep makes sense. Hopefully when I get more time Iā€™ll be able to be more active on here. Thanks, wise words as always and I do need those reminders to breathe :person_in_lotus_position:
I hope youā€™re managing to get on top of your pain levels and make it out for a walkšŸ™

Thanks @acromouseā€¦I feel like that going through the thread, finding everyones story really interesting and having something to say but getting to the end and burning out a bit. I do love this community :heart::pray:

Checking in Day 24 I thinkā€¦I got in at a decent time tonight and went for my first jog in a while. Felt really good, it was a beautiful night. I then got home and my mood dipped, no reason for it just feel a bit miserable. Glad I went running though. Felt like the beginning of something.

Hope you have all had a fantastic sober day :heart::pray:


Day 59 huge moment for me. I said at the beginning of this journey on this forum that at 90 days Iā€™ll start working on the rest of my health. I then moved it to 60 days. Here I am, for the first time In 4 years, at a gym. Itā€™s right by my kids daycare so I can go right after drop off.
Thank you team for helping me and being so encouraging.


@Chevy55 131 days! Sober and tired is wayyy better than hungover and tired lol. Keep on keepin on my friend. :muscle:t4:

@Nordique 1431 days is inspiring. Continue being an example of what we all can do! Recover! Keep on keepinā€™ on. :muscle:t4: hope you good day my friend.

@MrFantastik 165 days of sobriety! Keep on keepinā€™ onā€”busy is good! :muscle:t4:

@Lighter Day 75, happy 24, Marie! Keep on keepinā€™ on! :muscle:t4: hope the insomnia gets better, I too had that problem, Iā€™ve been prescribed a number of medicines to help. I know what youā€™re going through, hope it gets better soon.

@JazzyS Hi, Jasmineā€”hopefully youā€™ll be able to get a walk in today & the pain eases away. Happy Wednesday!! :slightly_smiling_face:

@Pattycake Hi, Patricia! Wishing you another addiction free wonderful day. :slightly_smiling_face:

@Third Harry, 2242 days is amazing! :muscle:t4:

@Trixie1 congratulations on 8 months today! :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

@BrOKenWolf 900 days for Richard! :muscle:t4:

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: thanks for the positivity youā€™re sharing with us! Sending love and strength right back atcha. :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::people_hugging:

@Butterflymoonwoman congrats on your sobriety achievements. Glad you feel well rested and that your son is okay. Enjoy, cleaning and more cleaning. Turning on some tunes and cleaning is very therapeutic. Hope you had an awesome day! :muscle:t4::slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks, Billy!!! :pray::pray:


@Mindofsobermike Happy 6 months, Michael!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: @Mindofsobermike thats whatā€™s important! :muscle:t4::call_me_hand:t5:

@Seizetheday 135 days for Hannah! Keep on keepinā€™ on. :muscle:t4:

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: @TrustyBird so true! We take it #ODAAT. Congrats on another day sober. 819 days!!

@TrustyBird :point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: honesty is the best policy.

@Juli1 Hi, Julia! Hope you had a good day, & congrats on making it another 24, 106 days total :muscle:t4:

@Noshame congrats on all of you sobriety achievements! :muscle:t4:

@JonasE I can relate I want to give up all tobacco products eventually but not right now, taking it one day at a time. Happy 24, congrats on 47 days. :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

@PositiveThoughts This too shall pass! Chin up, chest out, better days are ahead. #ODAAT :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::people_hugging:

Checking in Day24. Not a whole lot going on. Wife is out of town going drop off one of the puppies. We only have 1 left now.
Homework with the boys, and Iā€™ll be getting supper ready soon. Thatā€™s it for now, hope everyone has a good day. :muscle:t4:

#ODAAT :heart:


Six months is
a great milestone! Congrats!!