Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

@Mno I hope things settle down at work, sending you strength šŸ©µ Love that all the leaves on the trees are covering the view of your square, Spring is in the air! :grinning:
@acromouse congrats on 40 days no UPFs :tada: I feel like your stomach issues have been ongoing for some time now, maybe itā€™s time to see a doctor? Iā€™m sorry your symptoms have flared back up :people_hugging:šŸ©µ

1374 days no alcohol.
839 days no cocaine.
354 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

Caught in a web of depression, fairly sure itā€™s because the weather is miserable again after being nice for a few days.

I read a chapter of the book Iā€™m reading.

I listened to 2 hours of my current audiobook. 1.5hrs more to finish it before it becomes unavailable, so Iā€™m planning to get through the rest today.

I watched an episode of TV in the lounge.

I went out for a walk in the rain, to the shopping centre, to buy a card for my brother and SILs wedding anniversary. I also bought healthy real food for lunch.

I received my parcel with my brother and SILs 10th wedding anniversary gift.

But then the depression wave intensified and before I knew it my reptilian brain had taken over and I was bingeing again. I donā€™t even remember going to the shop. Itā€™s all a blur now.

I have my appointment scheduled at the eating disorder clinic at the hospital in Cambridge on the 24th, so Iā€™m really hoping they can help me out of this mess somehow. Because it has escalated so much worse than it was the last time I was under their care. Iā€™m embarassed and ashamed that I havenā€™t managed to recover.



Day 327. Working 7-4.30 today

My wife is still in pain so we are trying a chiropractor tomoro

Sun is out. I think i have about five meetings so not too bad. Keen to relax this weekend.
I prefer myself alcohol free and I know my partner does.


Checking in, hope everyone is having a great week!! :purple_heart:


Checking in 246 SAF/232 no smokes.
So the move is finally over. Tuesday was very stressful trying to have settlements in two different states and still get to the place to have the movers meet there and unload everything. Me and the wife been together 27 years and itā€™s amazing how much stuff you accumulate over time. Even with throwing a lot out prior, unpacking is still a lengthy process. I think weā€™ll like it here though seems like all the neighbors so far are pretty decent people. Iā€™ll check back in when itā€™s not so hectic around here.
Love yaā€™s :v::green_heart:


Day 76

Itā€™s a good day to relax and be at peace. I was reading TragicFā€™s post and thinking I feel much the same way lately.

People from my past are popping their heads up and I donā€™t want them. Some of them are fairly good but lack courage. Some have become victims. Many play along with unethical behavior. Itā€™s sad and negative and I left to be free of the corruption and rot.

So they keep popping up this week wanting to go to lunch, get back into my life and Iā€™m like, WTH. Soon as I get a little sober time. I donā€™t want to know how crappy things are at work. Itā€™s a perfect death spiral over there. The sad faces. Alcohol. Futility. I can take it in very small doses. Otherwise it drags on me. I think part of me was happy, at first, that I was cared about. But Iā€™m not sleeping well and often feel like thereā€™s ick on me that I need to wash off.

Iā€™m supposed to do a lunch tomorrow but Iā€™m going to bump it. I need to be at peace. :v:

Heavy rain today, a perfect day to reset. Iā€™m scheduling more home repairs and renovations, finally. Time to move forward. Iā€™m excited about the future.

Lots of love, I need to read some posts on coffee 2. :heart:


Day 488.

Itā€™s been a while since I last checked in and figured itā€™s about time. Thank you @Twizzlers for checking in on me in the You Are Missed thread and sorry for leaving it till now to post.

Iā€™m alive and sober. Iā€™m also travelling again and the schedule has been a bit hectic so I tried justā€¦ living in the outside world, taking it all and spending less time on the internet. Sometimes I get in my head and unhealthily obsessed with certain things that happen in the online. I saw something that triggered me and I felt like the best course of action was taking a step back. Sorryā€¦ thatā€™s vague but a good of an explanation as any.

Anywhoā€¦ My travels are a much deserved break and weā€™re getting close to a nice Croatian island where weā€™re spending a good few weeks. I need pretty views to clear my little head.

I love you guys. :heart::heart::heart:


Lovely to hear from you dearest Amyā€¦thank you for checking inā€¦love you girl, safe travels xxx :heart::heart:


Hey fellows, yesterday was a good day, 10th day of being sober. Continuing morning habits like breath exercises of various kind, even started 10min meditation sessions and itā€™s something which definitely helps body and mind to be in control, balance and helps overall emotional stability. Doing my best in eating smart and healthy, still can do better though but Iā€™m so much thankful to God, Jesus, angels around me for great support in enabling me to sport, do trainings and getting into shape. And I thank all of you, coming here every day, reading posts which also helps me to stay firmly on ground - no matter how strong I feel, no alcohol got me here. Be well, :heart:


2108 days alcohol free 114 days weed free


Day 53 I didnt drink. I watched a movie and went to bed instead. Then got up and did p90X yoga and now getting ready for work. Ps. P90X can kiss my ass hahaha thanks everyone for always being here with supportive words you guys are amazing


Checking in 7 days

Had a great day yesterday. Enjoying life without the brain fog. Have a great day people. :muscle:


Day 234. Anxiety has been through the roof at times this week. Getting ready for a trip. Have not been since 2018.
Hope everyone has a good day!


Travel safe and have fun!

Travel Tip - Take sometime and write out your checklist, then put your checkmarks :white_check_mark:. It will ease your mind that you have what you need, and youā€™ve done what you need to do.


Day 9.

Thank you all for being here!


Day 26

Just checking in.


No explanation needed. Taking care of yourself is priority, but for what itā€™s worth I can relate :100: percent and have been doing the same lately. I keep saying Iā€™m going to dive in headfirst and get more involved here but my gut tells me I still need to have some distance at the moment. Embracing vulnerability is hard sometimes but itā€™s important work. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re traveling again and hope youā€™re enjoying your time!


Just a random thought I had today I need to write down. Itā€™s often heard that you shouldnā€™t compare yourself to others. Iā€™m only just realising that not only does it mean donā€™t compare yourself to people who you feel are doing better than you (grass isnā€™t always greener), but also those you think are doing worse. Iā€™ve realised I often compared myself to those who are less fortunate, or have a worse addiction, or who are really angry etc. i look at them and say ā€œwell at least Iā€™m not THAT badā€. How effed is that. 1. I shouldnt be looking down on people and feeling better than them. 2. I shouldnā€™t be using other peopleā€™s issues as an excuse for my own bad behaviours just because 'im not THAT bad.

Far out. Sobriety is cool but you realise some hard truths about yourself.


Grats everyone on being sober today. Iā€™m on day 53. Iā€™ve had a bad day yesterday but today is all positive. Everyone keep up!


Day 2245. Crazy how life has evolved. Before I got soberā€¦I ā€œneededā€ huge and grandiose things to qualify as a good day. Best part of the day yesterday, watching the 8 month old Grandson salivate while watching grandma fry chicken. Any day that child smiles is a good day for me.


Checking in on day 309. Sending good thoughts your way, all. :pray::pray::heart::heart::peace_symbol::peace_symbol: