Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Day 328. Day off! (other than a meeting 8-9)
Slept in till 7.30 am which is late for me.

Gloriously sunny outside. Weather for the weekend looks fabulous.

Chiropractor appt for my wife today. Hoping that goes well

I sometimes wonder how different would my life had been if I had been alcohol free for longer… Or even from the start. But thafs no use other than a ‘a what if’ moment.


That’s putting NEVER CRAVE ALONE into practice right there.


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 79.

:musical_score: Sun is shining, the weather is sweet​:notes:

Friday Bbq of course.

Preparing for the season Opening of the Cowboy/Old Western theme park we’re going to visit tomorrow.

Nothing to report really.

Wishing y’all a wonderful Friday :heart:


An outdoor pool in the rain… how cool


Day 133 AF,

Up and at em at 4:30am. Ready for the lovely sunrise to come up in an hour’ish.

One more property to finish today after work and another successful week complete.

Feeling great and sober, strong and clear minded.

It’s a long weekend this weekend with a concert to attend Sunday. My first event sober, and a lot of friends attending that I’m sure won’t be sober, but all good, I’m not concerned. I’ve got this!

Embrace sobriety friends


167 days
Pretty chill day. Was supposed to work tonight but had to take it off to look after my daughter. Wife had plans with the oldest daughter and would have had to cancel if I went to work, glad to have a job that has such good sick leave benefits.
One more nightshift tomorrow night then I’m on leave for a couple weeks


Enjoy your holidays @Amy30 and @SoberWalker :sun_with_face::parasol_on_ground::sunglasses:

PS: hope the thunderstorm is gone now and the sun comes out Claudia.
And I’m so pleased you made it to your beloved Croatian island Amy and feeling at ease.
You both deserve having a wonderful time.
Big hugs from a distance.

And have a great sober and clean Friday everyone


I’m checking in sober my friends. It’s time for transparency. I am 1 day and 5 hours sober.

I spent much of yesterday in a terrible state, I slept a lot and was quite sick. I had replaced drinking with walks, but did not do this 2 nights ago. I felt tired, and was feeling a bit low. I’ve since tried to examine why I felt this way, and all I’ve come up with is that my brain is fight to get back into the drinking routine. What I’ve learned is I must not be idle during the times I normally would drink.

I’m going walking tonight, that’s for sure. I know you’ve all been wishing me well, I’m forever grateful for the support. I will succeed, I just need to keep working the plan and stay committed to it.

Have a wonderful sober day all :pray:t3:


It’s hard to say definitively, I shoot for minimum of $75 per lawn and/or around $75 per hour mowing/trimming.

Most of my properties are $150 for mow/trim.

I book wife out at $35 per hour plus travel for garden work (weeding, planting, turning soil). I book at about $50 per hour (heavier labor, chainsaw work, tree trimming etc).

Last night three mows, from arrival to departure was just about 3 hours in total. $250 cash.
Tonight’s mow is about an hour + for $125.


Coolest thing was…
On my way to the pool all the clouds passed away and I had full sunshine on my 90 minutes set :sunny::heart_eyes::muscle:t2:


Day 328. Second check in. I’m going to apply for an online MA course. I haven’t studied anything for ages… Mainly as of lack of interest. I don’t have the energy to do anything like a phd and work full time.

I’m keen to use my brain while it’s still working and work would support me as I don’t tend to ask to do any big training. This will probably be the last one I do? Dunno. Let’s see. I need to apply by the end of next week?


Day 77

Good morning. I am looking forward to another day of healing.

Still rattled by the sudden appearance of old co-workers this week. :flushed: No, I can’t see all those people all at once. It’s so weird like maybe they’re planning a revolt! Probably. About time. Y’all get at it!! I don’t know, but I am enjoying life sober on the outside. I’ll stay in touch with some but on my terms. That’s not my life anymore. It’s sweet I wasn’t forgotten, and am respected. Maybe I can hang with some in time. Like the day before I blow the area. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Meeting with a former helper of my Dad’s for lunch tomorrow. She might be able to help me tackle some of the house things here. I really need an extra pair of hands to help me organize things and she always needs extra work.

Very early sobriety, still. I wish I could just be healed already! It is lonely sometimes. I’m just nowhere right now, and trying to sort it out.


Good on you! Enjoy. And why should it be the last one? If there’s one thing I’ve learned sober it is to do what I like professionally. Or intellectually or whatever. Do what you like friend. Can go to university at 70 too. People do.


100 days sober!! Doing great😊


@Ofmiceandroach congratulations on triple digits Emma!
@aine welcome back! Im glad u didnt stay out in the problem too long and that ur back here.

I agree with this! I was very much the same and had to keep busy when those addict thoughts popped up. Do u have any hobbies u like to do? I used to use this idle time to discover what i enjoyed doing :slight_smile:
@acromouse congratulations on 2 weeks of no overeating! I still think this is a HUGE win even tho sickness played a role in this. Im proud of u!!!
@mno that rose bush is just so gorgeous! Im glad ur weekend is here and i hope u get some well deserved rest. The line of work ur in is not easy by any means. I dont know how u do it. Hope ur interview goes well next week. Is it in the same line of work?


Loving the sequence of numbers today for my timer!
Im up bright and early this morning (515am). Just couldnt sleep anymore. Was going to go to the gym but decided against it. Im super sore from yesterdays workout and i really felt compelled to spend some time reading on here. Not much planned for today. Just spending time with my son and doing some daily cleaning. Thats about it. Hope everyone enjoys their friday!!


Wow…how can a manager get away with saying that and acting that way. Sorry for the stressful shift. Hope today a MUCH better for you
@Soberwalker dang that sucks about the weather. Hope it gets nice and sunny for you soon. That stupid stinking addict mind… grateful you were able to send the thoughts packing.
@Mno great news in the 2nd interview. Sorry your days have been so crap lately. Hopefully you can unwind and re-enter this weekend. I love the pops of red … another beautiful picture :people_hugging:
@Laner big hugs friend :people_hugging::people_hugging: grateful that my words helped.
@acromouse nicely done Aga…2 weeks is great stuff and all your timers are thriving. Hope you continue to heal from the tummy bug.
@Chevy55 oh have a wonderful day and hope you enjoy your sober concert tonight.
@Ofmiceandroach way to go with your triple digits :muscle:t4: :tada:
@Aine great work on getting right back on the horse. Hold on to the awful feelings from yesterday as a reminder when the urges hit. A solid plan to stay busy is wise. I had to keep my body and mind occupied so that I would not be able to focus on the temptations. Have several options available so you always have a back up. Keep connected as well… Support is super helpful in this journey.

Checking in… happy Friday everyone
Slept like crap and didn’t get enough hours. Luckily the weather is cloudy so I can still go and enjoy a nice walk without overheating. Waiting to get my coffee fix first.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day- sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in on day 310. Sending everyone strength and love :two_hearts:


There is a snake in my house and I am about to lose it! Deep breaths. Dogs are outside and someone is coming.


Day 2246. Bypassing on a promotion at work. I love the quality of life I have. I have passed that point in my life where a job title is needed to make my identity.