Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Hey all, checking in on day 1433. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in, day 14 :grin::grin: have a great day guys!!


43 days
I went on a long hike this morning and yelled my frustrations out. I probably sounded like a crazy person but it felt damm good. I started reading in this workbook about trauma just some of the intro today. Then made a sorta plan for how to go through it. Giving myself space and time during and after working on it. I made a list of things that help me relax and destress in times of high anxiety/stress. I feel overwhelmed by everything and am trying to find ways to make things a bit easier. Iā€™ve been told I need to be more compassionate on myself so Iā€™m adding that to my list of things to try to work on. Iā€™m going to slow down over the summerā€¦take more time for myself try to be kinder to myself.
And Iā€™ve decided to postpone my work trip which will set me back on my salary a bit but Iā€™ll sell a few sheep to make up the difference so I wonā€™t get money worries. Iā€™ll still have my translation project to work on but just donā€™t feel up for a trip yet.
So thatā€™s been my dayā€¦trying to come up with some sort of plan on how to work through my traumas instead of shoving them down.


Thank you! At ease for sure. It will take time to heal up the trauma and stuff behind the drinking. Iā€™ve had a lot of exposure to people from the past over the past couple of weeks. Too much! Can step off now. Need peace more :peace_symbol:



Sober day 80 and Happy 61st. Bday to me. The day has positive possibilities.

Stay strong and sober friends.


Good for you on being happy where you are. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you. I plan to stay calm and sober.


@Rookie yikes ā€¦hope you were able to get that snake out. What a crazy way to start the day.
@Thirdmonkey congratulations on bypassing the promotion. So much more to life than workā€¦glad to see you enjoying it all
@FalloutSign congratulations on your 2 week milestone :muscle:t4:. Keep stacking up the days :hugs:
@laner loved reading thisā€¦glad you were able to scream and releaseā€¦sounds like this workbook has some sound and solid adviceā€¦ hopefully you will see some good results soon :pray:t4:
@tailee17 happy birthday Lam! And a huge congrats on your 80 days ā€¦hope you have a wonderful day celebrating you :confetti_ball::tada::people_hugging::birthday:


Day 376. Glorious sunshine here :sunny:


@Amy30 good to read from you :blush: glad youā€™re back travelling and are back in your happy place šŸ©µ
@Bunto congrats on double digits :tada:
@Rookie congrats on your week :tada: I hope someone was able to get the :snake: out!?
@Doreen1 sorry about the anxiety :people_hugging: but enjoy your trip :blush:
@NewBeginning1 congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Soberbilly sending love to 5 year old you šŸ©µšŸ«‚
@ForrestKump congrats on all the 3s :tada:
@K_S thank you :blush: sending love to the parts of you that think they are not enough, they are, you are :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@JazzyS thank you šŸ©µ I will try :face_holding_back_tears:
@Mno good luck for your 2nd interview :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:


@MrsOdh enjoy the theme park :racehorse::roller_coaster::boot:
@Aine welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on your honesty :clap:t2: :tada:
@Ofmiceandroach congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@FalloutSign congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Laner proud of you for taking steps to work through your trauma, and planning ways to take care of yourself through the process šŸ©µ
@tailee17 congrats on 80 days :tada: and happy birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face:

1376 days no alcohol.
841 days no cocaine.
356 days no vape.
1 day no binge-eating.

Yesterday my 50kg of gluten-free instant oats arrived. It was half price this week, so I took advantage of the offer. The only thing is, upon reading the ā€˜suggested useā€™, it is meant to be mixed with cold water or milk and drank like a protein shake :man_facepalming:t2: I have found a way to make it more like porridge, so nevermind. This will hopefully keep me back on track with no binge-eating.

I managed to finish the audiobook today, within minutes of it becoming unavailable, I had to listen at 1.5x speed. I also read a chapter of the book Iā€™m reading.

I have been feeling unwell and very fatigued, Iā€™ve been thinking it was just the depression, but I decided to test my urine this morning, and there was a lot of glucose in it, and I havenā€™t even had much sugar. So I called my GP surgery and told them, I also said Iā€™d seen my latest blood test results with the high HbA1c result, and I said the diabetes nurse hadnā€™t called me to discuss. Then she said the diabetes nurse was planning to call me on the 28th! But she said sheā€™ll get someone else to call me today, so Iā€™m just hoping I have signal when the call comes through.



Day 12 :white_check_mark:

Fantastic day today, really got my hands dirty in the garden and I enjoyed it so much. All the pets out there with me. Beautiful day.
Worn out and exhaustedā€¦ Ready to walk the dog then cook some dinner and catch up here this evening :city_sunset:



i do hope you have a signal when the nurse calls. Hoping you can get to the bottom of this and start feeling better. Smart to be proactive and test your urine today. Sending you energy and healing vibes.


Happy Birthday to You! :tada:


I work for a big mental health institution. The job Iā€™ve applied for is with the same employer but a different branch. Iā€™m in addiction care now, what Iā€™d like to do is in treatment of people diagnosed with personality disorders. Like me. What exactly the job is, is a bit complicated to explain for me. Should I be hired there Iā€™ll try to explain.


Have you ever heard of anti abuse? I have a script thats lasted for a long long time. I use it as a once in a while back up plan, I will take one if I go somewhere where alcohol is served. Itā€™s not for everyone, but I found in the past it was a nice safeguard while I got comfortable in those environments.
Just thought I would mention it.

Enjoy your night out and all the best.


Sounds like a glorious day in the sun. Good for you. Congrats on 12 days.


I made it to Friday! :partying_face: 1 more week of hard graft and I can chill, do my own thing and enjoy the freedom of sobriety. Sitting in the garden in the sun with a we can of kombucha :heart: hope youā€™re all well and set up for a good weekend :pray:

Checking in day 26 :v:


Checking in, 40 days sober.
Have a great day everyone. :grinning:


Checking in day 137 AF :blush: