Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

i do hope you have a signal when the nurse calls. Hoping you can get to the bottom of this and start feeling better. Smart to be proactive and test your urine today. Sending you energy and healing vibes.


Happy Birthday to You! :tada:


I work for a big mental health institution. The job Iā€™ve applied for is with the same employer but a different branch. Iā€™m in addiction care now, what Iā€™d like to do is in treatment of people diagnosed with personality disorders. Like me. What exactly the job is, is a bit complicated to explain for me. Should I be hired there Iā€™ll try to explain.


Have you ever heard of anti abuse? I have a script thats lasted for a long long time. I use it as a once in a while back up plan, I will take one if I go somewhere where alcohol is served. Itā€™s not for everyone, but I found in the past it was a nice safeguard while I got comfortable in those environments.
Just thought I would mention it.

Enjoy your night out and all the best.


Sounds like a glorious day in the sun. Good for you. Congrats on 12 days.


I made it to Friday! :partying_face: 1 more week of hard graft and I can chill, do my own thing and enjoy the freedom of sobriety. Sitting in the garden in the sun with a we can of kombucha :heart: hope youā€™re all well and set up for a good weekend :pray:

Checking in day 26 :v:


Checking in, 40 days sober.
Have a great day everyone. :grinning:


Checking in day 137 AF :blush:


What a shitty day, but they canā€™t all be good right.

I havenā€™t relapsed on alcohol or drugs, but I have relapsed on selfharm. I want to write it here because I donā€™t want anyone that knows me to think I am crazy that does this. I wish I had someone to talk to from within my circle of people I know and trust that have experience with doing stuff like this. But everyone that I know that has experience with this either doesnā€™t want contact with me anymore because of the drug abuse I did in the past or have died from succesful suicide attempts. I still regret a lot from the past, but I canā€™t change the past. Just the present. I had such a busy and stressing day with a lot of craving for my DOC. I also got a call of someone if I wanted to drink and go to a bar which annoyed me even more. Good on me I said no to that, but thatā€™d be the only thing I did well today.

54 Days sober Alcohol & Drugs.

Grateful to be a member of this forum so I can still write this off of me. Hope it will give me a sense of relieve soon.


Thanks for sharing here. Stay strong and maybe read the threads of gratitude. To express in words as you have means you want a positive change to happen. It can.


I appreciate your kind words and advise, Iā€™ll definitely check out what is suggested to me. For some reason this addiction keeps hunting for me, probably now I also stopped smoking cigarettes it relieves me to hurt myself. I probably sound crazyā€¦ But something in me says I made a good decision by harming myself.



Still sober.
Itā€™s colder then the days before, lot of rain, but itā€™s cozy mood somehow.
Was at the outdoor pool againā€¦
Now napping in my chillout area lol.

Love you guys :hugs:


Checking in on this beautiful Friday afternoon

1 year 1 month 18 days meth free

1 month 18 days tobacco free

Iā€™m truly blessed to be here and to be able to keep going and fight the urge and temptations!



Day 49.

Nothing much has happened. Did some light cleaning and tomorrow itā€™s time to go shopping for suits and other stuff. Gonna leave a dent on my income for sure.

Whatā€™s slightly concerning is the idealization of drugs/alcohol in my mind rn. Kinda wanting to go all out ā€œone last timeā€. Which is bs because when did that ever happen?

I know itā€™s fairly normal in early sobriety but I dislike how comforting the thought of lashing out and relapsing seems rn.

Itā€™ll pass with time Iā€™m sure of it.

Have a great Friday everyone. :slight_smile:


@danwood85 YES ā€“ its Friday and you are enjoying the sun in the garden with a Kombucha ā€“ life is grand. Way to go with 26 days!

@vanessa8 Great work with your 40 days ā€“ keep it going strong :muscle:

@leroy doesnā€™t sound crazy at all ā€“ self harm is an addiction like any other and its another way for the mind to cope with lifeā€™s ups / downs. I am sorry that you did relapse. Do you know what led to the relapse? Are you able to connect with self help hotlines or mental help clinics in your area? Sometimes an outside perspective is what is needed when battling the mind. Great work on your sobriety from alcohol and drugs. Sending you hugs my friend. You deserve love and affection - not pain and distruction :people_hugging: Do hope that you are able to tend to yourself and heal the wounds :pray:

Oh man that addict voice really does have a sneaky way of making you believe you are missing out on something - the need for the one last time ā€“ one last time for what exactly - to put addictive poison into your system and pray that you will be able to recover and try sobriety again? Our stupid brain romanticizes the alcohol and it is so easy to do as its so readily available and literally everywhere you turn. I have to constantly remind myself of my early days and how hard it was to even get to that point. I donā€™t think i could be that brave and strong again. 49 days and going strong friend ā€“ keep pushing forward :muscle:

Afternoon check in ā€“ i was able to take my mom to the botanical gardens in town (funny how iā€™ve never been before and they are only 15 min away). We enjoyed our time there but left when it got to hot. Looking forward to checking out a nursery now and picking up some plants / herbs for the deck / front of garage area. the planters are looking so empty :laughing: Be well my friends - will check in later :hugs: :heart:


Thank you @JazzyS :pray:


That is terrific. Congratulations!


Thanks for clarification. My bad. I thought it was called anti abuse for some reason.


Thank you :pray:

Thank you for sharing your day 12 of your personal journey with me.
Forgiveness towards yourself is healing.
Nice photo of you too :sparkles:



I like this so much! Proud owner of When Things Fall Apart that was a huge help to me when I was sober between 2007-2013. Now here she is again and I think her books/teachings are a badass idea for me right now! Very applicable to both recovery and things I would like to address. I have a hard edge on me at times.

Thank you :heart: