Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Get a gigantic iced tea. Like a bucket-sized one. Then you’ll have to leave the room frequently because that’s a lot of liquid! And keep checking in if you feel uncomfortable for sure. I went through it last weekend. It was annoying but I did it and am so glad to this day! You’ve got this, Kenny. We are right with you man!


Yuk!! Not a good start to the day. Glad you are here with us.


Really have to call BS on this :roll_eyes:


Day 329. Lovely day here. I went for a small bike ride. Going to build up the distance over time

Had some nice texts from my youngest daughter. I hadn’t heard from her since January. Small steps


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 80

We had a blast at the Opening of the Cowboy/Western theme park today. The weather was amazing.

We got to meet and play with Lucky Luke, The Dalton’s, Annie Oakley, Billy The Kid, Sheriff Thompson,Zorro and Tornado.

The boys went as their Western Characters Austin and Sherifó.

Austin likes to shoot things, and want everything to be in perfect order. He prefers when there’s peace and quiet so he can practice his shooting skills.

Sherifó likes to eat, sleep, and talk to other people,he and Averell Dalton is good friends.

We names my husbands characters Rollo because of his Zimmer walker. He was in the West Mainly for recreational purposes.

Mine Mrs Sophia is a rich and excentric Ranch owner, half Hispanic Gypsy,the other half is unknown :blush:

Feels so good to know that we’re going back again in a few weeks.
Maybe with other characters or maybe with the same ones updated. :blush:

Wishing y’all a wonderful weekend.


Good luck with the gathering. I have faith that you will look at the bigger picture, and remember your goals today. Enjoy the sunshine. Prayers are with you.


It’s so triggering to deal with our partners sometimes. I think it is wise to just keep focusing on you, maintain your own mind state and let time deal with whatever is happening. Personally, I’m on day 2, so my partner is very cold and irritable with me. Its annoying and frustrating, and makes me want to lash out, but I know that it will settle over time and reacting wont help my situation. Not sure if that is helpful for yours.

Anyways, wishing you strength and peace of mind.


I remember feeling like that last time I was sober for a bit of time, then I relapsed, and the good days disappeared completely and there was only depression.

When I read your post, I think I cant wait to get a day here and there were I feel good again.

They say its always hardest before it lets up, so remember how far youve come, that youve earned those few good days, and more are on their way if you keep working. You got this, friend.


It does…butttttttt…I spent quality time with myself in the beginning. The issue with isolation comes when the cravings hit, the bad days happen. Thats when you need to reach out and get a helping hand.


Checking in as I haven’t been around for a while!

Things are going well. I’m no longer a drunken idiot, my skin looks brighter, now I’m hoping to gain some weight as I didn’t realise how much older I look!

I really hope everyone is well! I would tag everyone, but just give me a little wave so I know you’re still here and kicking!

Much :black_heart: to you all.


Nice to see you here and know your doing okay :sparkles:


Yay! I love it :heart: I’ve been looking forward to the Old West Theme Park Grand Opening right along with you :blush:. So good you shared and its so good to see everyone so happy.


:wave: I’m here, good to see you! Stop by again.


I just ordered a patio table and chairs and am going to look at plants! Old drunk me would probably have just keep hating my patio and done nothing about it, lol. Here is the table I ordered.


It was a little pricey so I found some cheaper chairs.


Checking in day 138 AF :blush:


Checking in day 62. Have a great day everyone.


So glad to hear the western park was a success. I like @Lighter was looking forward to this too!!


Day 141. Just in case you’ve wondered about my missing moments:

New things: 30
New in this thread?: 751
New in Gratitude: Don’t know yet.

My depression is deep. Job search is horrible. I can’t believe the crap that is advertised and the fact there are companies which pay the same today as when I worked there 20 years ago. Huh. Yep - know I need to push my entrepreneur button.

My depression and past knowledge have instilled what I once had deeply in mind, other people should not change your mood. It’s a poor thing to allow.

Make you think? Absolutely.


So pretty! Love blue very much :heart:


@JazzyS thank you so much again, you’re so kind! I hope you didn’t spill your coffee and had a good time with your sister!

2nd check in…I know it’s different for everyone but it does get better right? I do have these positive moments like this morning and a lot of the time it is in the morning or when it’s just me and the little guy but I’m finding socialising and relationships a bit of a struggle. My best pal is fine, always there for me and supportive. I’m struggling with everyone else though. Today was the local village gala or feat. I was offered beers quite a few times which I declined but I don’t know, kind of made me feel a bit isolated. I wouldn’t have went but the little man’s pals were all there and he was excited to go. My wife went out with friends and came home with alcohol, it has annoyed me a little. It’s really upto her what she does but I’m now sitting on my own, I’ve had no adult chat or banter and my phones quiet and it never usually is. Is this normal in the beginning to feel a bit lonely and cut off?

I did have a good time later in the afternoon, I never went padlleboarding but me and noah went swimming in the river Tay. Still a bit chilly :cold_face: But fun​:clown_face:

Hope you’re all having a wonderful Saturday night! :pray::heart: