Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Much love Twiz! I hope you’re well x


Happy to see you friend!


Hi all. Checking in after some time. At day 3 now.


You too, Indi! Makes me smile to hear things are going better for you now :blush:


Yes, thank you. I have been working with my support worker and we’ve made real progress - I’m 24 days sober!! My longest stretch in a long time.

I hope you’re well! You were one of the people I was thinking of x


It is hard to go back to the ‘real world’. Part of me wants to stay sheltered. I am moving too quickly in multiple directions on multiple projects. Net negative.

Action Plan: Hire a helper for the most difficult tasks. I can’t do it all. And I’m so miserable about that. But why? I’m in over my head, is all. So I did it today. Hired a helper to come after my first sober vacation. I still feel bad about not being able to handle everything but it’s too much for someone who’s pushing, ahm 25 :wink:

Now must let it all go. The anxiety. I’m so overwhelmed. :stop_sign: :raised_hand: Time to :relieved:


@juli1 WOW just WOW – I love this all and so happy that you have shut the door for good on that toxicity. Way to go friend. SO very proud of you and glad that you are making the living situation work for the both of you. Enjoy the extra lane space in the pool :hugs:
@chase.e.u 55 days is no joke – you are doing it friend and it does get easier the more days you stack on. Yes isolation can lead to relapse or mental anguish as well. If you do not trust yourself out in the world would you be willing to connect online? Stay connected here and chat with people on the threads or look into a different online recovery group that may be more helpful than your past ones? The rollercoaster of emotions is a nightmare but I found that in dealing with the emotions when they started it got easier to not drop off so rapidly on that coaster. It was more of a smooth ride. We are here for you Chase – wishing you strength and love :hugs:

I love this Mike – what a lovely reminder to not get all bent out of shape over the inconveniences and instead roll with the punches – figure out a way to fix the issue and keep moving forward. Thank you for this post – I needed this reminder
@michelle so sorry for your loss. Glad to hear that you will be spending time with your dad and enjoying a BBQ. Day 2 and going strong. Try to find ways to remind yourself of why you started on this path and why you don’t want to drink so that when the hyperaware state wears off you will have healthy reminders to keep you on track. :hugs:
@k_s Much strength and support your way Kenny. Hope you are able to enjoy the gathering and do know we are only seconds away :muscle:
@steve14 UGH I do know how the lid can blow when you have been working to the bone and how the slightest thing can be enormous. Wishing you luck on working through the anger issues. I was hoping that I had a grip on mine but seems that they lately I find myself curing and scowling way more and mentally heading in a bad place when things annoy me. I am hoping that with meditation and practicing kindness I will be able to start letting go of the anger before it eats away at me. :people_hugging:
@tailee17 Total horse shit! He has some nerve to put all this on you and not give you a explanation or more detail. No way are you responsible for his emotional state. Deep breathes my friend. I do hop you are able to find the serenity you seek. :people_hugging:
@kareness I too would run myself ragged to keep the house clean and looking perfect for company to come visit (even if it was a quick 10 min hello) – lately I have realized that no one cared about my space – they wanted to spend time with me. I let so much time go in cleaning that I lost it on spending time and making memories. I know it is important to have a space that you are happy in and can enjoy with beautiful surroundings – hope that you can find that balance soon and enjoy some feel good time with friends :people_hugging: OMG I love the new table (the color is beautiful). Have fun shopping for plants – I do enjoy the feel and smell of a nursery.
@mrsodh Love the photos and so happy that you all had such a wonderful time today. Thanks for sharing the opening day with us
@lile01 Oh friend it is lovely to see you pop in. I am so happy to hear that you are doing well. Much love Indi :hugs: :heart:


25 isn’t ‘pushing it’! I’m only 21, haha. Get all the help you need, there’s no shame at all. Help exists for a reason. Proud of you :people_hugging:


That’s fantastic news! I’m so happy to hear you found help. You are sounding good :heart:


Good to hear from you friend. I’ve missed you. I hope you’re well :people_hugging:


It’s completely normal. I spend a lot of my free time doing my own thing and have grown to enjoy it. I do still socialize but it’s a different crowd. Nothing changes if nothing changes is a great phrase.


I was kidding about 25! I’m as middle aged as I can be :grinning:


Ah, I’m sure you don’t look a day over 21 :wink: x


Damn – that is shitty for sure! I am sorry that the depression is so deep. Big hugs friend – hope that the job search bears fruit for you soon. :people_hugging:
@danwood85 You are most welcome friend. I did enjoy my walk. The weather was so beautiful I ended up doing a longer pathway and no coffee was spilled :wink: Did also get some quality time with sis and BIL. What you are experiencing is totally normal. The early days I self isolated from friends to get solid footing for my sobriety and then realized that many of my friends were not really my friends and I needed to change up my social circle. This is a sad realization at the beginning but I know that I can find others out there that are more like me and can enjoy life without getting drunk or high. I am sorry that your wife brought home alcohol. Can you talk to her and ask that you keep a dry house for the time being or maybe keep it in a area that is not frequented by you? I had my brother put all the alcohol in the garage so it was not in my face in the house. Glad you and your little man had a fun afternoon- sounds like a wonderful time. It does get better for sure – just keep showing up for yourself :hugs:
@carlo Welcome to the community and a wonderful job on day 3 :muscle: You are among friends here – I do find the daily check in thread to be a wonderful source of support. Hope to see you around.
@lighter So glad to see that you listened to yourself when you felt overwhelmed and adjusted accordingly - hiring someone to help is a strong move. Even if you could do it all by yourself - why should you - why burn yourself out trying to do so? Hope you feel less anxious knowing that you have taken this step.
@lile01 Oh i’ve missed you too my friend. I am doing well thanks for asking… still here and finding myself in my sobriety.

Checking in Saturday afternoon
I did get in my walk and workout this morning – feeling good about that. Spent some good time with siblings and BIL. now enjoying some quiet time on my own watching a cheezy romance movie and catching up on TS. May work on my puzzle a bit while i wait for everyone to get back from the football game.

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Awe you’re the sweetest!


Man, I’m so glad to be back. I’ve missed all of my sober friends. Thank you so much for being here everyone! I love you more than you know x :sparkling_heart:


Not at all, you deserve the world! Keep kicking arse! x


Welcome back Indi :wave: You’re a good person and you deserve a life where you can be your full self, present, alive, living your imperfect life just like the rest of us. You belong :+1:


Thank you Matt x


@JazzyS @Steve14 thank you both, I appreciate it. I get it change isn’t always easy but necessary. I don’t think any of that would of bothered me today if I was a bit more content. And thanks for the reassurance that it’s all fairly standard and it gets easier.

Tomorrow’s another day and 4 weeks for me. I’m pleased with that.