Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

You’re doing great man! Best advice I can give is be patient! It wasn’t easy for me but so worth it.


I have been thinking for a long time that I shouldn’t be working for people, unless they are my clients. Yep. Yepper. Yeah.


i love it – i know you can make this work for you.

I loved the Yep. Yepper. Yeah — sounds like the right path for sure :hugs:

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Thank you Jasmine! I need to stop :stop_sign: And watch a show. I have help now so I don’t burnout again. I can relax. Was feeling the overwhelm building, then I actually did the right thing! No one cares if you’re burned out, it’s just self-punishing garbage so I stopped. :heart:


I have been doing na and tried a bunch of different meds.


Day 1247,

She did cut me loose, just like I did in the past with a girlfriend when I felt no legs supporting myself. I respect her for that. We did no nice things together, she has way to much going on. We both felt unconditional love for each other, but under the circumstances even that was not enough. I feel fine, went right away to a diner with people I know via an app to meet new people. Vented a bit and someone said that’s a good thing for us. The welcome back of the people I knew already was warm. Maybe the true emotions still need to come, but I kind of knew this was coming and protected myself for her remarks to bring me down with her. She acknowledged her drinking problem two days ago, so I know well enough what such remarks and nightly app conversations mean and are not to be taking to personally. Of course they still did some damage to me, but I forgive her. She only can save herself, I hope she does and will be rooting for her. Sometimes it is not ment to be. I hope she escapes the triangle of self obsession. One day at a time my dear friends, drinking is not an option :pray:


Sorry Rob. Never easy. It sounds like you handled it perfectly, not isolating, sobriety strong. Sending best wishes for healing and new beginnings.


Hi everybode, 49 days AF and counting. Only real problem is the dreaded sleeplessness, which hit as expected in the first couple of weeks, then improved greatly for weeks and is now back with a vengeance - lucky if I get 2 hours most nights. Anyone going through similar timescale wise?


Day 50.

I’m just a silly little creature doing it’s thing.

Goodnight everybody :slight_smile: :zzz:


Day 26. A miracle is taking over


Checking out day 134 AF

Took a zero day and I mean a zero day. Not even 1000 steps. Nothing. Total veg out. Loved it!

Now watching Canucks playoff hockey. Let’s Go Canucks!!



Thanks @JazzyS for including me in your reply to everyone. I like how you tag people loke that. I’m new to the app and unfamiliar of the best way to speak to people. You seem very nice and thoughtful, and also wise. I will do my best to keep my mond of the reasons I quit. I feel stronger this time and more sure of my choice. Fingers crossed. I hope you have a great night.


Checking in at the end of day 7. It feels so good to be at one week. I’m a visual person, so I have this calendar on my fridge and each day gets a smiley face that I don’t drink alcohol. It’s a nice accomplishment and a motivation to keep going when you see all those smiley faces in a row.

“You become obsessed with getting a drink, and yet you try to convince yourself and others around you that your behavior is normal.”

Been there so many times. I was sober one full year. Had a drink and a year and a half later I’m still trying to get to day one. Today I got to day 7.

Thanks for all your posts. I may not comment directly, but I always appreciate reading everyone’s experiences.

Have a good evening.


Checking in sober tonight. I ran five miles today and now I’ll be going to bed sober. Looking forward to another hangover free morning.


Day 587

Another day down. :heartpulse:


Late evening check in. Morning started rough. I prayed and prayed for hubby heart to soften. By noon conflict became less of an issue. It is really exhausting not knowing what the temperature is. All I can do is keep doing the right thing and pray GOD to help me stay focused and kind. I do not want to hate.


@rob11 Great to see you handling this so well. You are right – sometimes it is just not meant to be. Drinking is not the solution or an option. Keep working your recovery friend – you are dong amazingly well with your 1247 days! :heart: :muscle:
@suechu great work on your 49 about to 50 days Sue! Sleep was most definitely an issue for the first few months. It would even out and then I would go back to days of sleeplessness. Hopefully you will find a good rhythm and get some good sleep soon.
@jonase YEAH 50 days – great work with your sober timer. Keep going strong :muscle:
@michellle You are most welcome – great to have you here with us. Appreciate your sweet words. There is no right or wrong way to speak with people. You can hit reply under a post and reply directly to the person or do the @ sign with the person’s handle or if you highlight a portion of a post a “quote” link pops up and you can reply to the person this way and respond to a particular part in a post. Hope that made sense and helped. WE are all here to help so feel free to ask any questions. ODAAT :hugs:
@jeanine Way to go with day 7 – 1 week and so grateful that you are feeling good. I love the smiley face on calendar idea :heart: many more milestones ahead to be celebrated :tada:
@tailee17 big hugs friend – it sucks having to tip toe around someone’s emotions in your home. Sending you love Lam – hope that things get cooler and easier at home :heart: :people_hugging:
@Noshame how’s it going friend?

Checking in on Saturday night
514 days free of alcohol and weed
929 days free of cigarettes
My goodness i am so glad i didn’t go to the UFL game today. I feel exhausted staying at home - i know i would not have been able to handle the drive and game and long ass day. Grateful for the pizza my siblings brought me – was a vegan big mac pizza (a take on mc donald’s big mac) - it was so delicious. i enjoyed working on my puzzle and enjoyed a nice movie. Now time for bed - sweet dreams my sober friends.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


@Lile01 I was literally just thinking about you today and hoping you were okay. Good to hear you’re doing well :heart:

@Soberbilly He’s only in jail for a week. He’s been on drug court almost 4 years now after being in and out of jail for stupid shit. It’s helped him overcome his crack addiction, but like the dummy he is, he tested positive for pot. Again :roll_eyes: I’m used to it.

@suechu Sleep seems to be the most talked about topic around here (something we all have in common). So many, myself included, struggle with sleep issues in various times of sobriety. At 15+ months, I’m beginning to believe it’s just a normal part of life at this point. Having a consistent evening routine does help. ie : if you exercise, make sure it’s never within 4 hours of bed, no late night snacks, dim the lights and avoid screens an hour or so before bed, don’t do anything mentally stimulating so your thoughts won’t be racing. Try something different to see what helps you :crescent_moon:


Today was a nice day. Beautiful weather. Enjoyed the afternoon with my daughter and got some much needed groceries before work. Typical Saturday night. The vibe at work was a little off, but it didn’t affect me. I was in a great mood all day :smiley: I’d like to thank Dr. Scholl’s for the heel and arch, pain relieving orthotics I bought today. I’m blown away by how well they worked! My feet, legs, and back were virtually pain free at the end of my shift. 10/10 recommend :ok_hand: Work in the morning so I’m off to bed. Have a good sober Sunday!


@tailee17 I hope your home situation improves soon. It does not sound helpful for healing.
@Jeanine Congrats on one week. A huge milestone :muscle::partying_face:
@Bomdhil Sounds like you on a roll.
@JonasE Keep doin your thing.
@suechu I hope your sleep improves soon. Bad sleep is such a bummer on everything else.
@Soberbilly This is just my curiosity: Do you consider the thought or the thought reaction itself that some behaviour is not ok as a judgement? Or does it have to go further? What I‘m trying to ask is: At what point does a thought become a judgement?
@Rob11 Sending healing vibes and love your way :mending_heart: Thanks for sharing.
@Lighter Way to go on actually seeing your own self-punishing behaviour clearly, putting a stop to it, and even taking a different route. That‘s growth :muscle::muscle::muscle: I‘m impressed.
@Lile01 Congrats on such a long streak of sobriety. It‘s really good to hear you have support and are doing so well.
@Carlo Welcome back :wave:

179 sugar
43 UPF
50 gluten
29 dairy
16 overeating/binge

Clubbing last night was wonderful albeit too short. Had to get home as I don‘t want my daughter to be home alone at night. I‘m hoping for more time next weekend.
Today it’s time for my weekly review, looking back, taking stock and preparing for next week. I like this routine. What has passed, what to let go, what to prepare for. Helps me a lot during the week.
The weather looks nice. I can see the sun lighten up my flat. A walk, very relaxing yin yoga in the afternoon, some reading. There is a 8step recovery meeting in the evening I am curious to attend.

Let‘s use this chance of today for a day of peace, kindness and freedom: One day at a time :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


just starting day 2. yesterday wasn’t too hard, today will likely be fine for most of the day as well, might become a bit of a struggle in the evening tho. I hope I can keep this up. but even if I relapse, every day without it counts. every single day counts.