Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Impressive! Nice job in tackling it :+1:


@Just_Laura I can relate to the cleaning urge when the sun finally comes out. I had that with my balcony a few days ago. Now itā€˜s a really nice place. Hope your car has become a much more enjoyable place too.
@Juli1 Nice numbers :wink: Your story of ā€šrelaxing and luxuriousā€˜ reminds me of some people who spend most of their time on cruise ships (AIDA) and talk all the time about those cruises and nothing else. There is lots of alcohol involved too. Every time it sounds like a very special kind of hell to me.
@SoberWalker Enjoy Barcelona. Again thanks for those wonderful shots.
@Whereswaldo A shoutout to not mowing the lawn so often :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@Mno Flowers from Amsterdam are always a treat :blush: Thank you.
@Jeanine I really like how you explore and describe a different way of dealing with life sober than with a DOC. And the quote today is spot on.
@SKhan Congrats on getting through the event sober and escaping it on time. I get the sadness. Our DOCs are our ā€šfriendsā€˜. They take the place of friends for a long time. You have to part from a friend. You need time to grieve. That is a sad time.
On the other hand you might be starting to realise that alcohol is a false friend. Has always been. People who get drunk on gatherings, people who use a drug at a gathering donā€˜t do this because they want to be with their friends. They do it to avoid the discomfort of having to deal with each other sober. They do it to avoid truly engaging with other human beings.
@JazzyS I often get this intense tiredness when the weather changes suddenly, especially right before the storm. Good thing you got to take a nap.
@Soberbilly Thank you for sharing your challenge and your thoughts and experiences with it. It really is provoking some interesting thoughts in my mind. One more reason to attend a dharma meeting this evening for me.
@K_S I so enjoy your shares about your family life.

180 sugar
44 UPF
51 gluten
30 dairy
17 overeating/binge

Today is pentecost and a public holiday around here. Schools are closed for today and tomorrow, a short school break. This means no classes for me neither today nor tomorrow. I had to cancel those last week cause I was sick. ā€˜ll be looking forward to next week then.
Iā€˜m already excited to get back to my game design. Today is going to be a lot about the feelings of in the player experience Iā€˜m have in mind.
I hope my daughter feels well enough today to visit either my ex or my mum. Would do both of us some good if she left the house for a while.
I still have not recovered 100% from this tummy bug. Occasional pain and nausea. Nothing serious but since perimenopause started Iā€˜ve been having a harder time when ill and taking longer to recover. These hormonal changes are the worst shit.
I have a walk planned, some yoga and maybe a short workout in the afternoon and a Recovery Dharma meeting in the evening.

There is a chance today for us for peace, kindness and freedom friends. Letā€˜s not waste it :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:



Good morning sober fam!
It was good day yesterday. We had some couple visited us, made BBQ, there was some alco but not much, I wasnā€™t triggered at all. Girl is pregnant so she wasnā€™t drinking as well. And guy made some fire show for us and my boys were amazed :slight_smile: It would be even more spectacular in the dark but was super nice anyway.
I went to the attic to show them what we still have for the baby so they could take it if they like. Iā€™ve found a lot of cute clothes, stroller, little bathtubā€¦ Made them happy. I also found some box with few old fotos of my parents and me as a kid. Brought back memories. Made me sad for a moment but i shaked it off. I miss them so fckn much.
Today? All family at home (free day from work and school), weather is not so great. So i guess its gonna be lazy chill day.
Wish you all best, much of love :blue_heart:


Day 51/ almost 52.

I went to the dinosaur park yesterday and got soaking wet. Didnā€™t care as it was still an awesome time.

Always feel nostalgic when it comes to that place. :smiley:

Moods been increasing steadily. At least I feel less unstable. Gonna get my 1 month chip tomorrow, as I prioritized my work over AA. It was only last week when I started attending again.

Kinda have to work on saying no to overtime hours. I collect hours like a madman and itā€™s easy to fall back into neglect.

Hope everybody else is having a good day :slight_smile:
Thank you and hear you tomorrow.


Day 80

Up at 3, so Iā€™m hitting the coffee. Insomnia has improved but I get these nights still. Just so much to understand and discover. There isnā€™t much solid ground yet. Very uncertain.


170 days
Check in before bed

  1. Right foot/ankle has started up with being painful and swollen and tender. I have had ongoing Achilles issues in the past and plantar fascitis. Iā€™ve had scans on lumps in my Achilles and usually they can only put it down to a bursitis/tendonitis issue. I have crepitus in my knees as well so I creak really badly when I walk. Honestly, itā€™s so annoying as I take joint supplements and exercise and have been losing weight and taking care of nutrition. I know it isnā€™t the end of the world by far, but Iā€™m getting frustrated. My eye condition is in a flare as well so I canā€™t really see much out my left eye. Such is life, but annoying for me. It will pass. Let it be.

Much love :two_hearts:


Day 57 Checking in Peaceful & Fully in zen.


Day 136 AF

Went out for dinner with friends, apparently Iā€™ve motivated them to stop drinking. They were both at about 16 days but she had a few glasses of wine, he just water. I felt proud to go out as couples and not drink.
My wife ended up having 4-5 drinks and a couple joints and she was as pleasant and bubbly as she liked to be. I was happy I could be her sober drive and allow her am opt to have her fun as she has been on the other shoe most of our couples lives.
Went to concert afterwards and most people I knew there were drinking, and I enjoyed the concert very much sober.
Walking the dozen blocks back to the car we passed many inebriated people. It felt good to be amongst those that were not.
Felt really good to have on new jeans, tshirt and sports coat in smaller size and look good as well. I felt like a million bucks. I was happy in my own skin for what felt like an eternity hiding under ill fitting clothes

Tired after two late sober nights and looking forward to get back on a routine till inevitably next weekend when I turn another year older.

Have a wonderful sober day TS peeps


Day 1248,

Brought her her stuff I still had at her door and she handed mine. She looked like a mess, but itā€™s out of my hands. Iā€™ll include her in my prayers . Blocking her from my phone is still to be done, a hard thing to do but I know it needs to be done :pray:


Checking in 250 SAF/ 236 no smokes. Just finished the move and started building another bedroom in the basement for when our son gets home from working on the cruise ship, in July, and guess who called yesterday and said he was on the way home 2 months early? Needless to say heā€™s sleeping on the couch :rofl:. I think heā€™s leaving for another 4 months for an Alaskan cruise line in a few weeks though. The last 5 months he was in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, the Netherlands, la havre France and Kiel Germany which was his absolute favorite so @Faugxh and @Juli1 just figured Iā€™d let you know he said your homeland is gorgeous. Enjoy your day sober guys, love yaā€™s :v::green_heart:


@Collins congrats on your smoke-free year :no_smoking::tada:
@Misokatsu I hope youā€™ll get a chance to do something just for you asap before the Summer stress amps up :crossed_fingers:t2:sending calming vibes :woman_in_lotus_position::sparkles:
@Tragicfarinelli thank you :blush: once Iā€™ve had treatment from the AEDS (Adult Eating Disorder Service) at Addenbrooks, Iā€™m hoping to be able to buy groceries again, without bingeing them all the same day I get them. At the moment I am very restricted. So far, I am not bingeing the oat flour, so Iā€™m pleased about that. I really hope I can keep groceries in sometime soon. Other than the oats, I just have meal replacement products that I get delivered. Now that I have more awareness about carbs, I can start looking after myself better. :blush: Iā€™m sorry about your pains :people_hugging:
@leroy yes, make that appointment. Good luck with getting your licence :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@JazzyS Iā€™m hoping itā€™s just from the bingeing Iā€™ve been doing recently. I really hope itā€™s not the oats because I have SO much of it! Iā€™ve just received my blood glucose monitor, so I will be like a scientist now and will be able to track what the oats are doing. Iā€™ve learned a lot about carbs over the weekend, really has opened my eyes to what Iā€™ve been putting my body through. :cry: Iā€™m sorry for your swelling and sensitivity, glad you stayed home and listened to your body :people_hugging:
@Brandon83 welcome :blush: congrats on 18 months :tada:
@LeggaLyn welcome :blush:
@Twizzlers Congrats on 2 weeks :tada: donā€™t believe these lies! Tell that voice a firm ā€œnoā€ :warning:
@K_S Iā€™m glad it turned out well this weekend :blush:
@SKhan well done for walking away, thatā€™s a huge win! :clap:t2:


@SoberWalker I hope you are enjoying Barcelona without too much anxiety :people_hugging: :sun_with_face:
@Lighter congrats on 80 days :tada:
@Chevy55 Iā€™m glad you enjoyed the concert :notes:
@Jasty2 congrats on 250 days SAF :tada:

1378 days no alcohol.
843 days no cocaine.
358 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

So now I know that any carbs are capable of raising my blood sugar so high that my kidneys start pumping glucose out in my urine. Iā€™ve never tested it before, when I havenā€™t eaten anything obviously sugary, so Iā€™m grateful for this awareness. I decided to conduct one more test yesterday evening. I waited until my urine tested clear, then I ate crisps, glucose appeared. I then had a small (compared to usual) takeaway, and more appeared, itā€™s finally tested clear just now.

I also ordered a blood glucose testing kit, to keep a closer eye on what my body is doing. It arrived today and I have done 3 tests so far.

Today would usually be therapy day, but she is off this week and then next week is a bank holiday here, so I have a break. Iā€™m still hoping to shower today, because I am visiting my SIL and baby niece tomorrow (rearranged from Friday).

I received a reply from the gym, and they said that my membership had expired. They said I would need to go in in-person to see the sales team if I want to re-join, so I am planning to do that this week.



Checking in day 11

Happy Monday. Sober and hangover free. My first grand baby is due any day! :pray:t2:


Day 30

Just checking in.


Hey all, checking in on day 1436. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


@SoberWalker beautiful picture. Hope you are able to enjoy Barcelona and not feel any anxiety. :people_hugging:
@Juli1 triple 1ā€™s I absolutely love seeing this!! It is sad that the culture puts so much stock in alcohol and that itā€™s a go to for just about anything (relaxation, having fun, being sadā€¦) weā€™ve been there and done that and know that itā€™s all lies. Finding a better way to live life and you are crushing it :muscle:t4::tada:
@Just_Laura grateful that you and your brother are both on the sobriety path. Hopefully you two will be able to find your way back to each other and have a stronger relationship than before. Wowā€¦ great work on tackling the car ā€¦always so much energy. Happy Monday Laura
@acromouse thanks Aga and you are so right.

The weather change 100% was the culprit. The muggy humidity is so draining. Great work on your timersā€¦ great milestones to celebrate 50+ for gf and 30 no dairy :muscle:t4:. Damn tummy bugā€¦Iā€™m sorry itā€™s still bothering youā€¦do you think you should get it checked out?
@Lighter yeah 80 days Marie!! Hope the coffee hit the spot. Hopefully you will find time to rest todayā€¦glad to hear that insomnia is improving :blush:
@Tragicfarinelli sending hugsā€¦itā€™s awful when your body acts this way and all at once. Hopefully you will find some relief soon.

Love this Nick! Keep that feeling flowing and how awesome to be the inspiration for others to want sobriety. Glad you enjoyed your evening and felt good about your sober journey.
@catmancam I do hope itā€™s not the oats too. So glad for all the research you have done and utilizing the kits to get real time results. :people_hugging:
@SelfLove_42 yeah 30 days! Great work friend :people_hugging:

Checking in on Monday morning
Feeling super tired but need to get moving. Have a dee deliveries to do and hope the coffee kicks in today so I can workout and meal prep.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦ sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



Happy Monday all. Itā€™s Victoria day here in Canada so holiday. Iā€™m spending the day doing First Aid Recertification. Requirement for work and generally speaking essential training for life with children.

I have been agitated lately. Pissed at my ex who moved out of province and is working under the table. No support for our three children. F***! God help me. Reciting the serenity prayer. Completed my part with servering him court documents. Now I must surrender. Trust that all will be well and that Godā€™s for us. Not always easy although! Think I will start with recording my daily inventory although Iā€™m on step 2 I know it will be helpful!

Hope everyone has a wonderful, strong and Serene day. Blessings :pray:t5::yellow_heart:


Thanks Jas,

Workout and meal prepā€¦ now your singing my song :notes:

Enjoy this amazing day, well itā€™s fog here, but amazing regardless. :heart:


46 days sober
Today was okay. I started on the 1st chapter of this trauma workbook. I then decided to write some of my story thinking maybe this is a way to process. Iā€™ve never fully shared it with anyone before. I thought maybe sharing it would help me somehow. I donā€™t know if it will or not but I wanted to be brave and Iā€™m trying everything to get better. And I am proud of myself today. I did what I needed, sharted on the workbook and afterwards I took care of myself. I had a hike, drank my best tea and took out my saffron for dinner. I know I will have some bad miserable days again where I feel hopeless but things can get better.