Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Checking in Day 4 - have to work today, painting an exterior house today. It will be nice to be out in the sun. I feel tired though, but I’m sure that will change once I start moving more. Anyways, have a great day guys.


I feel absolutely awful! I had one drink a few days ago :sob: i know thats not a excuse its just as bad as 20 so now im back to square one, BUT i recognised my triggers and have reached out for help around me also to keep me focused


I’m glad you are here Dani. One day at a time for all of us. The only thing I can say right now is that I hope you can learn something from this. And that next time you’ll come here before you drink. We might be able to talk you out of it. The distraction and delay is helpful anyway. Wishing you success :people_hugging:


Checking in on day 313. :peace_symbol::heart:


Checking in today on day
376 no alcohol
307 no vapes or ciggs (15days 20hours no loszenges)
38days 16hours no form of marijuanna

Off to work
Take care and stay strong


Day 331 second check in. Logging off from work. I don’t interact much with alot of people on here but it is so invaluable to see regular folks check-in in every day. Keeps me focused


Thank you Billy. What a lovely reply! I appreciate it, it’s really helpful.

It’s interesting, even if you choose the uncertainty, and it’s healthy, it can still be so uncomfortable and stressful that you’ll wish for the old sometimes. That rut, even though you hated it. Most days I like the newness of everything, others I can’t stand it.

Sometimes I’ll get the overwhelming urge to nail things down and have a predictable life again. A bad one, a boring one, an unsuitable one- doesn’t matter. Then the suffering begins. I chose this state of not knowing. It’s a crazy dilemma that apparently plays out in my subconscious around 2:34 am and I’m on TS posting about insomnia by 330. :laughing:

Maybe I know all I need to for Day 80. :question::question: what a novel concept! Be happy and not know. Have a great day.


Checking in Day 6

I had a day off work today and the sun was shining. Decided to go and relax in a local pub garden in the countryside that I always really love and am very proud of myself that I could do so while remaining alcohol free with the added bonus that I felt no craving for it either. Perhaps my mindset is right this time vs the times I have quit for a known duration (e.g ‘dry January’) - I can see that knowing I would drink again at some point weakened my ability to stick with it


Second check in for today, but I just have to share my hilarious soon to be 14 y/o with you guys.

When you go in 8th grade here and turns 15 you get an offer fron the Swedish church to do bibel studies for a year, which leads up to the Christian Confirmation, something similar to the Catholic first communion. In the end of the year they usually make a trip to another European country with the church group.

It’s traditional and a lot of teens does it even of they aren’t really from religious families.

My 14 y/o is the opposite of Christian he and his friends has even created an Ásatrú group in school that claims Odin and Thor as their rightful Gods.
The members walks around with necklaces that has a lucky Viking coin filled with runs for good luck.
The founders, my boy and his bestie have a big Thors hammer necklace with wolf’s.

Today in their “meeting”/ recess a representative from church had interrupted them to hand out flyers about the confirmation.

My 14 y/o who is High functioning autistic but has 0 filters did got a bit upset about it.
He asked of it would be okey for him to hand out flyers for his Ásatrú group in church next Sunday.

They said No. Then he thanked them for the flyers, went home and throw his in the trashcan.

Then his teacher called me she said it was inappropriate behavior, and asked me to talk to him about it.

I still think it’s hilarious. He didn’t got mad, he didn’t do anything aggressive he just asked if it was okey for him to do the exact same thing they did. :laughing:


Morning friends. Hope everyone is doing well! Today is a holiday and so we are all home (well my husband is out tattooing so its just me and the boy at home). Im just doing some cleaning today and folding laundry. Nothing much. I had some extremely messed up dreams last night. Woke up in a funk. But im over it now and will continue on my day as usual. Hope u all enjoy ur monday addiction free :slight_smile:


Exactly i will do that also! Definitely distractions help a lot :blush:


Day 2249.

No matter what we did to ourselves because of our addictions, the destruction we caused…

from “The Pocket Thich Nhat Hanh” by Thich Nhat Hanh, Melvin McLeod -

“Each human being is a multiplicity of miracles. Eyes that see thousands of colors, shapes, and forms; ears that hear a bee flying or a thunderclap; a brain that ponders a speck of dust as easily as the entire cosmos; a heart that beats in rhythm with the heartbeat of all beings. When we are tired and feel discouraged by life’s daily struggles, we may not notice these miracles, but they are always there”


Thank you my friend!!!


Thank you for the tip James, we did some Gaudi! But another place then you mentioned.

“Palau Guell” (Palace from Guell). Very nice!!


I love Barcelona :heart::heart::heart:


Checking in. 43 days sober. I’ll stay sober today too.
Hope everyone has a good day. :sun_with_face:


Checking in day 140 AF :blush:


Day 83 . First physical therapy appointment today. Lots of exercises performed. Lots of exercising todo. I am pooped.


Hi everyone checking in on day 15 :heavy_check_mark:

I have read every ones replies and advice :pray:
I have a migraine so replying in one message here.

Thank you all for caring, taking time to encourage and open my eyes to what I can not see myself right now.

I am sober, have half a plan and working in the rest.
At the moment keeping busy and being productive are helping but I know that only takes me so far in my sobriety journey.
I have been on here long enough to know tough love is still caring and I can handle it, nothing better than the truth and honest support even if it might not be what I think I want to hear.
I appreciate everyone of you so much.
I have been engaging in recovery groups just not as much as I should be.
One day at a time.



Day 7

I feel normal today… No highs, no lows just smooth sailing. No cravings & no triggers.

It was a very uneventful day. I went to work, that was smooth sailing. My parents had my kids for a sleep over last night so they came over to drop them off. We had a nice time, just chatting and snacking.

The plans for the rest of the night is dinner, relax and bed. Simple and boring but exactly what I need after yesterday’s excitement.

I wish everyone a good night!