Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Congratulations on 1 week!!! Glad things are going well for u right now in ur recovery :slight_smile:


Evening all, quick check in tonight. Just in from football and feel like I have a migraine coming on. Visions a bit blurry. Hope youā€™ve all had a good Monday :pray::heart:

Day 29āœŒļø



@Danwood85 congratulations :clap: You are one day ahead of me!


Today has been a loooong day. I experienced many moments of feeling overwhelmed. I actually have many emotions running thru me right now, especially worry and anxiety. All part of life i suppose. I just need some down time, which i will hopefully get later.

Our full time nurse (the one who took like 1.5 months off) is supposed to be coming back tonight. It will be good to see her but im worried that she wont be coming in. I honestly cant do another overnight.

I have a busy day tmrw and i am sooooo excited to hit the gym. I need a good workout soooo badly. And then i have some running around to do and then home to relax. Hope everyone has a good night!


Checking in at the end of day 9.
I took a brisk walk after work today. It was hot as all get out but I enjoyed it. I canā€™t help but look around at the trees, the sky, listen to the animals and think could I ever enjoy this fully if I was drunk or even buzzedā€¦.the answer is no. Practicing mindfulness really helps me appreciate being sober.

Good night all.

ā€œThe significant problems we face cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created the problem in the first place.ā€


Checking in day 338 who woulda thoughtā€¦.
Im absolutely exhausted today. I could hardly stay awake. Emotions are pretty flat. Wondering if my meds arenā€™t working. I almost feel on the edge of the black whole of depression. Iā€™m not afraid that I will drink but Iā€™m numbā€¦ā€¦

There simply is no joy in my life. My back pain is slowly increasing and there are fewer and fewer days of manageable pain.

Much to contemplateā€¦. Sleep well everyone


@falloutsign Glad you were able to recognize the triggers and get back on track with your sober journey with your focus and your support :muscle:. We will be here for you if you ever feel the urge hit ā€“ I find that by coming here to post or just read helps me get through the temptations.
@soberwalker Very beautiful pictures Claudia ā€“ glad you are enjoying your trip. Safe travels back home tomorrow :hugs:
@tailee17 Grateful your PT went well ā€“ hope you will be up and moving comfortably in no time. :pray:
@twizzlers Hope you were able to get rid of that migraine. Great work on 15 days! Love that you are engaging in recovery groups and are more active here. Keep up the amazing work friend :hugs:
@skhan Congrats on your 1 week friend! A normal day without highs or lows is perfect ā€“ especially in early recovery. Keep putting in the solid efforts and stacking up the days :muscle:
@danwood85 WOW see you tipping on 30 days friend ā€“ great work. Hope you were able to stop that migraine from taking hold ā€“ no fun when they hit. Looking forward to celebrating your 1 month tomorrow :muscle: :tada:
@bomdhil Check you out Thomas 28 days and going strong :muscle:
@butterflymoonwoman Oh man Iā€™m sorry for the long emotional day Dana. I do hope that your nurse shows up and does her overnight without any issues tonight (that would be real shit to back out at the last minute). Hoping that you do find some down time and get to rest :people_hugging:

Checking in Monday night
516 days free of alcohol and weed
931 days free of cigarettes
It was a decent enough day. I spent most of the day trying to keep myself from burrowing myself in a emotional dark hole. Grateful that i cried, i screamed and i talked it out with my mom. I still feel overwhelmed but i know i will get past this. Just super frustrated with my body and its BS symptoms and all the pain / swelling. Luckily i had some flip flops that still fit so i could go to the doctor today - a total waste. Saw me for 4 minutes to tell me that she thinks i need tests that i have been requesting. Now i have to wait a few months to get these tests done. Iā€™m not even mad cause at least its getting done.
I did get to attempt a new dessert which was the highlight of my day LOL ā€“ it turned out amazingly well :yum: Tomorrow will be a brighter day! Iā€™m getting ready to call it a night ā€“ sweet dreams
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening ā€“ sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



Busy day ahead. Half a day of experience work, second interview for a possible new job, seeing my family doctor for my shoulder. I slept OK, Iā€™m sober and clean, still working my ReDiscovery one day at a time. I think and feel Iā€™m up to it. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love.

@DanaM56 Itā€™s good to see you Dana. Thanks for checking in. Good days and less good ones. Hope youā€™ll find relief from your pains soon. :people_hugging: :two_hearts: :people_hugging:


Big hugs friend ā€“ i am so sorry that you are still dealing with the back pain. Really was hoping that after your surgery that you would start feeling better.

Hope you are able to talk to someone to see about the meds (sometimes it could also just be a change in weather or vitamin dosage).

Sending you healing vibes and hope that you are able to find some relief from the pain soon :hugs: :pray: :heart:


Day 37

Got pretty depressed at work serving someone who was very sweet, but very stressful to interact with, and clearly not mentally all there. It made me sad because she reminded me of my mom, and how I feel deep sadness for both her and my mom, and the fact that no one wants to be around them. Was a very stresssful shift.
Made me think about drinking. But I decided to re-listen to an alcohol and sadness podcast on my way home as a way to distract myself and put my mindset back on the right track.

Still sad thinking about my mom, but it is what it is. Going to play some stardew and hopefully sleep soon. Didnt get great sleep last night.


Thank you @acromouse , @JazzyS , @CATMANCAM (and others I forgot) for asking about my trip to Spain :hugs::dancer:

*Day 2071 :es:
Iā€™m not good in last days, no matter the occasion, today is oneā€¦
But I had a good vacation, havenā€™t thought about work much. Tonight at 19.00 we have to take the bus again for a long drive home.

This picture above was the ā€œpresentā€ I received yesterday. I knew the existence of this beautiful ceramic tile mosaic and found it by surprise.
Even managed to get a picture of it without a bunch of people on it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Barcelona was great, but after a whole day in the crowd Iā€™m happy to have one final day left in a more calmer area.
Enjoy your day ore night all, I will too :hugs:



The beautiful weather must definitely be helping my energy and mood. The car cleaning I did yesterday made a noticeable difference, but it was just minimal upkeep like clearing out trash and vacuuming. I wanted to spend some time outside so this morning I did some more detail work (something I hadnā€™t done since I got her 7 years ago) I spent almost 4 hours scrubbing grime from every crack and crevice I could reach. Top to bottom, inside and out. She looks brand new! Such a rewarding feeling :relieved: I know I sound like a cleaning maniac! All my adult life I always kept a very clean home, even while drinking, until there came a time I couldnā€™t even clean the bare minimum. After years of slacking, getting back into those good habits has been very difficult for me. I feel like Iā€™m finally seeing the light :sparkles:

Right when I finished I was asked if I wanted the night off work bc there were less people in the tournament than expected. I rarely take a day, but today it sounded perfect. My daughter went to a friends and I was able to do the laundry instead of tomorrow morning. Looong day on my feet, and my body is sore, but I feel great! No way Iā€™d ever accomplish so much if I were drinking. Sobriety rules!!!


So after my wobble last week im back on the wagon and still going strong. Working on day 4 and feeling strong.


@Just_Laura Love your cleaning stories :dizzy:
@SoberWalker Thanks for sharing this present :gift: with us. Enjoy the rest of your stay. Whatever is bothering you, I hope you have someone to talk around.
@wahtisnormal I am sorry you have been sad, and I am sorry about the situation with your mom. I know from experience that itā€˜s difficult to love the people around us who are mentally ill. Sending you hugs and love. Also congrats on dealing with your feelings through a podcast instead of reaching for a drink. Great job! :mending_heart::clap:
@JazzyS Let it all out girl :confounded:. Good thing at least the dessert saved the day :wink:
@DanaM56 Iā€˜m so sorry youā€˜re in so much pain. This is so difficult to deal with. When Iā€˜m in pain I find it so difficult to not get sucked into this dark hole. Sending you love and caring thoughts :heart:
@Jeanine Yay to mindfulness :person_in_lotus_position:t2:
@Soberbilly I like ā€˜heavily meditatedā€˜ :rofl:
@MrsOdh A big shoutout to your boy! Iā€˜d really like to hear the explanation how his behaviour was inappropriate :roll_eyes:
@Butterflymoonwoman Fingers crossed the nurse situation clears up soon.
@Danwood85 Hope your migraine cleans up soon :face_with_head_bandage:

181 sugar
45 UPF
52 gluten
31 dairy
18 overeating/binge

Had a very nice Recovery Dharma meeting yesterday evening. Iā€˜m starting to enjoy these and they are slowly becoming part of my evening routine. I donā€˜t feel like doing them every day, but Iā€˜ll see what a good frequency would be.
My tummy bug symptoms are still not gone. I donā€˜t feel ill anymore. Itā€˜s just some pain and nausea once in a while. Iā€˜ll consult my private doc and maybe go to the GP to get this tested. Itā€˜s been two weeks now since this started. I always had a tendency for these digestive symptoms to hold on for longer then usual, so I am not too concerned. On the other hand itā€˜s just annoying.
Today will be more time for designing my game. Iā€˜m not done with the formal elements and then on to the dramatic ones. This whole thing is starting to take shape. I love this process.
There are some groceries to be done and errands to be run later. Iā€˜m planning a workout on the rower and some yoga in the afternoon.

Letā€˜s work towards peace, kindness and freedom today friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Morning all, pleased to have made it to 1 week in my recovery. A little milestone ticked off. I actually set out to achieve 4 of them:

100 hours
100 days
1000 hours
1000 days

Onwards to 100 days! (Iā€™ve joined the 100 days sober thread).

I hope everyone has a good day :+1:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 83

Still amazing weather. I hope the summer will beike this.
The forecast for that is uncertain. According to the experts Sweden will be caught in the middle of one area with low pressure and rain, and one area with high pressure warm and Sunny. And the weather depends on what way they take.

I hope for the warm and sunny to take over.
Past summers have been cold and last Summer was so bad and rainy (They say it havenā€™t rained that much for about a hundred years) that we barley saw the sun. Add this long ass winter that didnā€™t end until the beginning of May what itā€™s still was pretty cold.

And if this Summer goes the same way, cold gray and rainy. Iā€™m going to stick to my plan and move abroad within a nearby future.
Iā€™m not made for cold and Rainy summers, long cold dark winters, and cold springs.
Iā€™m made for this, warm sunny and + 20 C as a minimum.

Thatā€™s all Folks, wishing yā€™all a wonderful day. :heart:


He is hilarious most of the time.

Have to admit that I havenā€™t watched Vikings. I saw the commercials and that was it.
I get it, itā€™s supposed to be entertaining and exciting. But it doesnā€™t have to much history authenticity, and I know Iā€™ll find that annoying.

Ironically enough that comes from someone who loves cartoons :laughing:


Not sure, but I guess it interrupted the peace in some way. His mentor speaks more German than Swedish so I have some trouble understanding her most of the time.
Sheā€™s nice, but very strict about school rules and policy.
It goes both ways though, so if a teacher does something wrong sheā€™s the first one to correct it.


Day 332. Working 7.30-5.00pm today
I feel tense. Not sure why.

Iā€™ve applied for the course I was interested in. Will see how that goes.

I heard from two of my children. One is on holiday in Austria. The youngest is preparing for exams. She wants to do a biology degree. But in the north of the country. I think if I stay so far south long term I will end up seeing v little of them. I really need to think about that when I retire as I donā€™t want geography to be a pain.