Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Day 493.

Greetings and salutations from the magical shores of the Adriatic sea. Today is a bit of a miserable, rainy one, but still pretty to look at. I was gonna get out and do a workout by the seaside at 7, but when I saw the weather out the window I just rolled over and went back to sleep. Can’t win them all :joy_cat:

Now I’m just chilling on the balcony with a coffee and watching the rain and the waves. It’s quite relaxing. Plus, yesterday we went on a 10 km hike, so a chill day is pretty much needed at this point.


Day 171
At home with the wife today. Took the dogs for a walk in the bush. Poured down with rain while we were out, was a great time. Kids were at the gym in the afternoon both were doing well.
Trying to decide what I want to do tomorrow. Bike ride or boxing training in the morning. See how I feel tomorrow morning

  1. It’s like night and day, black and white, soft and hard, crazy and even; the two people I am now. Pre and menstrual me and the ‘other’ me. Honestly, it’s tiring. I do wonder if things would have progressed (scientifically, medically) more if everyone had these hormones and periods. But alas, for now, this is my reality that I’m getting about two good weeks a month :sob::sob:

Putting those feet in front of each other. Day by day. It’s all we can do.


So nice to see you checking-in Amy! Enjoy your time :blue_heart:


Day 58. Thanks to those who commented on one of my last posts. I was asked what else am I doing for my recovery besides this app. I spent some time thinking and talking to others and realized i was just coasting in my recovery. So I have made a commitment to make more meetings and i have also got a sponsor which I am excited and nervous about. To be honest the step work scares the shit out of me. I am sure I am not the only one that has felt this way but I dont want to look at myself that hard but I am going to try to remain open and honest as i got through the process. I want the full benefit of the steps. I hope everyone has an awesome day. What we cant do alone we cam do together.


Checking in day 63. Going to start making a habit of trying to read these posts again as I find everyone’s stories really interesting and helpful.

Huge week ahead. We are doing one last ditch effort to buy a house off market and are waiting for the agency he last listed it with to get in contact with him and get back to us. We have an agent coming to value our property tomorrow to tell us how much he thinks we can get for it, but we have a number in mind.
If this falls through, I think we will be knock down rebuilding, the quote is completed and just awaiting our go ahead!

Wife is expecting our second bub in 10 weeks and work is getting busier despite it getting colder (termite and pest work usually slows down in cooler months).
Lots happening and I feel this is the most important time to stop and take a big breath and double down on my sobriety.

Have a great week everyone.


47 days sober :blush: Today is my birthday and I’m proud to start my 31st sober. I had a really nice day out with my friend. We hiked up to the hot spring and had a long soak and then stayed for a picnic. Just relaxing, chatting and reading a book. I’ve felt good today. I needed the day out just letting myself relax. I think sitting in the hot spring is my new thing for self care. I didn’t realize how tense I had been. Tomorrow I will start on this work book again and some of my translation work.

Hope everyone is having a good day.


Hey all, checking in on day 1437. I hope everybody has a good one!


@butterflymoonwoman how did your evening go Dana? Hope the nurse came and you were able to get some rest :hugs:
@wahtisnormal Sorry for the overwhelming sadness Zoe. Great work on finding a healthy distraction to keep you on track. Keep stacking up them Days :muscle:t4:

Big hugs Claudia :people_hugging::people_hugging: here if you need to talk it out…hope it gets better soon. This is a beautiful pic … caught my eye on the travel thread too. :heart: Loved the spontaneous tattoo :wink:

YES! Love seeing this…keep it going strong :muscle:t4:
@SussexGuy congratulations on your 1 week milestone :muscle:t4: :confetti_ball: :tada: ! Looking forward to celebrating many more with you
@Timetochange wow…I love that you are connecting with the kids…baby steps but they are reaching out and that’s something. Hope the relationships continue to bloom

Wow…this is awesome Chase. Great to see you working so hard towards your recovery. I know it’s scary to start digging into yourself…lean on your support during thelis time and remember that you are not alone.
@Whereswaldo good luck with getting the home you want. Wow…10 weeks is so soon…very exciting times. Smart to be proactive with your sobriety. 2+ months and going strong :muscle:t4:
@laner HAPPY BIRTHDAY – sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate you-- hope you get to do all that and continue to feel good :hugs:

Checking in on Tuesday morning
Restless night … thankfully the coffee is hitting the spot. Frustrating that I’m hit with allergies this year. Been a few years where they didn’t bother me and now they are back.
Have to take my car in to get the back hatch fixed. I was gonna try to do myself but the part takes too long to get and I need the car to fully usual in a few weeks. Just hope it’s not too costly.
Not feeling great but much better mentally than yesterday so i will put that in the win column.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Day 188. Doing pretty well, i feel good mentally, physically i could eat a little healthier but ill work on it. I like that i dont think about drugs or alcohol even a little bit, some dreams, but thats it. I dont have that desire to drink or drug bc i just know its not going to do anything for me. It taken me a while realize what the shit was doing. And making life manageable wasnt one of them lol.


Enjoy your travels Amy!

It’s a beautiful part of the world and one Ive been lucky to travel several times. I’m sure you’ve got everything planned but thought id share one idea which is a little off the beaten path - the Colosseum at Pula. Its the best example outside of Rome and has about 1% of the visitors, if you like that sort of thing


Happy happy birthday to you :birthday::tada::birthday::tada:


Checking in on my 314th day of freedom. happy Birthday to you, @Laner, you are an incredible person and a real inspiration!!:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Thank you for always responding with honesty its because you and others on this app that I came to the realization that i could do more.


It’s not that I’m depressed ore so, just sad to say goodbye to Spain/ holiday.


You are most welcome and I love that you’ve come to this realization. Yes you can do more and deserve a life without your DOC💪🏽


Aaah that I can understand totally. Glad you enjoyed your get away. Hopefully the sensation of the holiday stays with you for some time :people_hugging:


Just checking in, 44 days sober under my belt. Have a good day everyone!


Hey Jasmine! Thank u for thinking of me. She did show up last night thankfully. I was able to get some sleep but ive been having alot of using dreams lately. Blah :frowning: but im at the gym now so im working it all out lol


@Amy30 I am curious too!

One of my absolute favourite places in the world is Slovenia, and I have visited the Slovenian coast many times - as well as hopping down into Croatia too

Are you on holiday that way or are you lucky enough to live down there?