Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Thanks Jasmin, hope so and captured it in ink :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Iā€™m watching Wheel of Time serie on prime and itā€™s filmed in such a stunning places I had to google where is it, so amazing. And it is filmed mostly in Slovenia! Also Czech Rep and Croatia. Definitely on my ā€˜must goā€™ list. Beautiful!


Day 338. Beautiful day today. Iā€™m sitting outside with my dog. I hope everyone else is having a good day too.


Day 2250. Learning how to crawlā€¦i love babysitting day!


@Mischa84 Itā€™s good to be checking in again! :two_hearts:

@Soberbilly & @SussexGuy Iā€™m spending the next few weeks on a Croatian island. My husband and I travel a lot and this is one of our stops. I work remotely soā€¦ not quite a holiday but sort of a holiday.

@james83 thanks James, I am loving it being on the road. Iā€™ve seen the colloseum in Split a couple of years ago and Pula is definitely on our list. Probably not this round of travel tho. Croatia is stunning, but itā€™s quite difficult getting to places without a car and with a dog. :grin:


Day 8 and checking in early.

Everything that could have went wrong at work did, literally everything. I work mornings at a restaurant, the coffee maker and grill both went down from the start of the day. We are only 1 of 3 restaurants in my tiny townā€¦ People were not happy and of course itā€™s me that gets to deal with it.

I finish work, came home to reset. I showered, prayed and ate lunch.

I wanted to get my life organized and decided to start with all the bills that I havenā€™t paid. I didnā€™t realize I was months behind, I paid $840 to reset them $0.00 for a start fresh. I made the mistake of reading the bills and saw that the ā€œcarbon taxā€ was more than the usage and this set me off. I started cursing out loud out of anger (not really my style) but couldnā€™t help it.

Now on my theme of organizing my lifeā€¦ My 14th wedding anniversary is in two weeks. We always go away for a few days together. I donā€™t want to go, I HATE hotels and the travel. I always drink from start to finish to just tolerate it. At the same time, I donā€™t want to disappoint her, especially after all sheā€™s been doing to help me with the is journey.

So I sit here, over analyzing to the point that I feel overwhelmed. I donā€™t feel to drinkā€¦ In this moment, I just feel lost :disappointed:


I always hope youā€™re on the island of Krk, as Iā€™ve always been fascinated by that name. And I now I see thereā€™s a town on Krk called named Vrh! I want to live there (even when itā€™s not on the coast)!


Hi everybode, checking in Day 51 AF (forgot to check in yesterday, do I get a badge for 50?) Whatever, so happy & grateful to be here I couldnā€™t have done it without you lot. x


Hey @SKhan - congrats on day 8, especially after such a tough day

I was wondering, perhaps you and your wife could decide to visit a health spa/retreat for this anniversary? It doesnā€™t have to be a long way from home, just somewhere to escape to peace and quiet, relax, take in the scenery, and enjoy doing healthy activities or even just enjoy a massage or a swim etc

I donā€™t know if your wife is aware of your decision to go sober, but if she is I wonder whether she would be more than happy to do something different like this on this occasion?

Good luck for a better day 9ā€¦ā€¦


@SussexGuy you genius! My wife is on board. Itā€™s a spa day, with shopping and dining. Couple hours to get into Toronto, but I can handle that no problem.

This a huge headache that has been solved! Thank you!


Hey @SKhan thats great! Who knows you might actually enjoy it this year! Youā€™ll have to let us all know how it goes and where you end upā€¦.


Day 31

Just checking in.


Quicj check in. I had written a msg Friday but I see I forgot to hit reply.

Amazing weekend with my mom visiting. Very busy with the yard and veggie garden, got everything planted and cleaning up areas where our raspberries and strawberries are growing. Feels so nice to be outside in the heat. Hubby is going double time planting trees and digging the place for our above ground pool to go. Kids have just been amazing and then you know what? Yesterday was crap! And thats OKAY! Son has another ear infection and was just miserable and hubby and I were beat from the work and night wake ups, and you know what? Its OKAY. I kept telling myself, its okay not to be getting everything done todah. Its okay to have a down day. Its OKAY! I tried to help my husband with that, as down days over the past few years tended to take a lot out of us and you can emotjobally spiral. But I just kept saying: its just today. It makes sense qeā€™re tired and short of patience. We just have to let it be.

Today has been another good day so far. Off to get the kids & hopefully cab get my son some antibiotics as I want to take him to see my mom and nephew later this week. Fingers crossed.

Sending everyone love and if youre tired or feeling crap. I hope you know its OKAY! Not every day can be a winner, and that doesnt mean anything js wrong with you its just a day or a few days and thats life xo.


I love this and Iā€™m stealing ā€œItā€™s OKAYā€! Thanks for sharing.


Just sat down to relax after a busy morning and afternoon. Was able to get to the gym today but i really struggled with my workout. I just couldnt focus. My mind was in a million other places besides what muscles i was working on lol

Went to the grocery store afterwards and got a few things. Was feeling shaky and fatigued (probably bcuz i hadnt eaten yet and was instead over-caffienated) so I then came home to shower and to eat a large salad with chicken and 6 huge strawberries :strawberry: I am feeling alot better. I am feeling positive about my health journey. I am slowly losing weight and i just feel better mentally and physically.

I have however been having using dreams almost nightly. They dont feel that real tho so when i wake up im not totally in a funk. But stillā€¦ why am i STILL getting these after over 2 years clean?? I dont get it. Thankfully they are just thatā€¦ dreams.

Other than that today has been a decent one. Hope everyone is also having a great day! Much love


Day 1249,

Feeling tired. The last few weeks drained me a bit. Had my voluntary work and went to the gym. My emotions are stable but it hurts, I might put on a sleep meditation. Getting my peace back little by little after the break-up, I blocked her yesterday evening from my phone. Gonna go to bedā€¦.:pray::heart::pray:


Day 53.

Today sure was a day.
Not sure how to feel rn so Iā€™m using the power of sleep to mellow out for now.

Goodnight to everyone. :slight_smile:


Day 81

Rough patch. Feeling low.


Sending some more hugs over :hugs::people_hugging:
Is there something little you could do that isnā€™t putting pressure on yourself that you enjoy ?
Something simple that may help you get through these feelings :sunflower:


Yes. Going to soak and watch a show, I think. Brain fog. I canā€™t remember things. I was reading some research about brain recovery in alcoholics and this is so common at this point. It hurts but itā€™s a good sign.Brain and nervous system have to re-wire themselves.Thank you Twiz :people_hugging: