Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Yes :+1: re wiring the brain :brain:
Part of healing.
That sounds good a nice soak and watch something.
If that doesn’t help then just stick around here to keep pushing through.
Almost 10pm here :yawning_face:



The key is to push through and not drink! No matter what. I can have extra ice cream if needed :icecream:


We’re allowed to throw PAWS sickies with ice cream at any time.


Day 16 :white_check_mark:

Today was a rainy day inside waiting for some deliveries.
I surprised myself today with picking up the laptop and doing some more of my BSL course. Im really proud of myself for doing that today.
It felt good to do something I enjoy that I hadn’t done for ages. Made me feel like there’s life to live and make a difference and I’m beginning my journey to positive change.

Night :sleeping:



@JazzyS thanks for all your support during this time


Loved ur post! So glad u were able to do something that u enjoy and feel positive bcuz of it :slight_smile:


Hey, thanks so much for this and for all your help over the last month. You don’t know me outside of this community and you have helped me some so much getting to be this stage. A testament to kindnest of humanity​:pray: especially when you’re going through shit yourself you take the time to read and reply. Thank you Jazzy. I’m glad you’re getting the ball rolling with your doctor and you have your mum to lean on when it’s tough
hope you’re feeling better soon :pray::heart:


30 Days today :partying_face: Thanks everyone for sharing your stories and listening to mine. You really are a wonderful lot. Looking forward to the future with y’all. Hope you’re all well :pray::heart:


Day 100 AF
Keeping busy with gym 3-4 times a week, reading books, eating healthy. Have dropped 17kg since Feb.
Feeling SUPER.
Love my sober family :heart:


Hooray! Congratulations on getting to a month! :tada::bellhop_bell::white_check_mark:


Checking in 12 weeks.


Great going, Daniel !! Congrats!!!


Awesome job! Congratulations!!


Congratulations on the 30 days Dan :raised_hands:


Checking in day 12

A picture perfect day here. Still waiting for my grandson to make his appearance. Heading to VA on Thursday to be there for my daughter. It will be so much easier sober. I have been trying to upload photos. Is anyone else having troubles?


Thank you Jasmine. I always appreciate your support.


Day 339 AF
Feeling much better today. Slept well last night and had energy today. Trying hard to see the positive cs. The negative. Being mindful of my personal care. Eating well, going to bed early.

Thank you for the support, it is much appreciated.

Have a good night everyone


@SelfLove_42 congrats on 30+ days :tada:
@FalloutSign welcome back :people_hugging:
@SKhan congrats on your week+ :tada: sorry you’re feeling overwhelmed :people_hugging: perhaps your wife may be open to trying something you both enjoy this year, especially if she is supportive of your sobriety, and travel and hotels are a big trigger. (I see someone got here before me, I’m so glad to read your wife was happy to try something different and you feel you can handle it :blush::raised_hands:t2:
@DanaM56 I’m sorry you’re still suffering :people_hugging: I hope you can get some relief or atleast some hope of relief next time you see a medical professional :crossed_fingers:t2:
@JazzyS ugh, that’s so frustrating, but yes, atleast the ball is rolling and you will get the tests, I wish she could request them as urgent considering how much constant pain you are in! :people_hugging:đŸ©”
@SussexGuy congrats on your week :tada:
@Laner belated happy birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face:
@suechu congrats on 50+ days :tada:
@Lighter :people_hugging: sending strength đŸ©”
@Danwood85 congrats on 30 days :tada:


@Seb congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:

1380 days no alcohol.
845 days no cocaine.
360 days no vape.
2 days no binge-eating.

It feels like a long time since I last checked-in, but it was only on Monday morning. Alot has changed though. It is now 02:36am on Wednesday morning,
and I haven’t slept yet.

I received my blood glucose monitoring kit. I’ve been keeping a very close eye on my levels, with mixed results. The oats make it spike the highest sometimes, but not everytime, so I think my body is confused and needs to stabilize for a while. I am returning the unopened 45kg of the oats though. One of my findings is that my anxiety and depression also spike when my levels spike into the ‘high’ range, so that’s motivation to keep them stable.

I did manage to make myself shower last night, so I was able to visit my SIL and baby niece today, and it was so nice to speak to another adult human, rather than a professional, and just chat. I was feeling extremely anxious, weak, and shaky, so I didn’t feel safe to drive, but I went to and from via taxi, which was fine. So they have their anniversary card and present ready for their 10 years this Friday.

This evening, I even bought the ingredients to make a healthy sandwich. I was so eager to see my results 1 hour post-meal, and it was acceptable! I couldn’t believe it, because it was the best sandwich I have ever had in my entire life! The issue is, I now have enough ingredients left for 3 more sandwiches, but only if I don’t binge it all. :grimacing:

I can’t bear to think about how high my levels would have been after my binges, easily in the ‘dangerous’ zone on my chart, and most likely even way above it. So now I don’t want to ever find out. Extra motivation not to binge.

I am planning to experiment with different healthy real foods, and keep monitoring my levels, to find what suits me well. I am very excited at the prospect of re-introducing real food into my life after 6 years of living off meal replacement products or the foods I binge, like crisps and bakery goods, takeaways, etc. It’s all going to depend on whether I really can resist bingeing anything that’s in the fridge or cupboards. But the appointment with the Adult Eating Disorder Service on Friday will shed some light on what support I can get to help with that, so everything is moving in the right direction, and it feels like a true turning point in my life.

I am very grateful to the forum member that has reached out and really helped me with all of this. They know who they are, I won’t embarass them with a mention. Thank you so much, I appreciate you.



Hi everyone. I know you must all be sick of seeing me and my relapse messages. I messed up last night. I have tried to contact the Drug and Alcohol Intake to speak with a counsellor, they are get to get back to me. Ive gone through the whole process of questions again for an hour. And have tried to contact them again today. I feel defeated. I made an absolute fool of myself again and and feeling a lot of hatred towards myself. I really need these people to call back because I know I cannot do it alone. Hope you are all doing ok.