Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Thank you.


Sending you love :people_hugging:


Recovery starts nowā€¦ Start with a gratitude list to shine some positivity.


Thatā€™s a great idea. I have done that. Thank you.

1 Like

Thanks Billy. Iā€™m doing my best to not fight whatā€™s happening, just relax. It feels worse than it actually is. Got everything done that I needed to. Iā€™ll come out of this soon enough. Sleep always helps :heart:


Checking in at the end of day 9.
Doing okay. Really had to do some meditations today to get my mind out of a negative space. It took a bit but finally the brain released those feel good chemicals and I was okay. I could deal.

I do have a question, everyone talks about this being an app. Iā€™m on here via online. What is the app called? When I search the App Store for talking sober, it doesnā€™t pop up.

Have a good night.


Sober Time


Thank you!!! Iā€™ll go look for it now.


Congratulations!!! Very inspiring! :smiley:


Checkinā€™ in Day30. 1 month of continuous progress towards a healthier me! :heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::grimacing:


Yesterday and today has not the been absolute worst but not the best either . My 6 y/o who has been diagnosed with ADHD has been on an episode for about a week nowā€‹:weary:. We understand how the medication works and that itā€™s not gonna promise every day to be the same. We also understand that heā€™s similar to me, learning a new way to live. We understand thatā€™s itā€™s not his fault, he canā€™t help it so we really have been doing all we can to help and really really be patient. But man the last week has been draining. Yesterday after numerous times of mom and I saying ā€œStopā€ ā€œyou know you canā€™t do thatā€ ā€œplease stop sonā€ ā€œson weā€™re trying to work with you my guyā€ he still manages to do something wild and hit his younger brother with a curtain rod right upside his head causing a cut on his eye and big bo bo. Mom and I are furious because he graduates Friday and now his pictures wonā€™t be the best and you just donā€™t like to see your baby boy hurt like that. So fast forward we run outside because we hear him screaming so bad, we see it and weā€™re like ā€œomgā€ mom focuses on baby boy and I direct my attention to JJ. Well he decides I shouldnā€™t be saying anything to him and he gets upset storms off starting an episodes. His episode consists of screaming crying, temper tantrums and completely disregarding anything thatā€™s being said. This lasts anywhere from 30 min to 2 hours of him being like this no matter how many times you try to go back and resolve it. Oh Baby boy is calmed down now and weā€™re tending to his bobos at this point. (Heā€™s okay, just a big boo and still working on getting the swelling down) Itā€™s now 8:00pm and JJ still hasnā€™t ate supper. Well today he had a dental procedure scheduled for 7:10am so he couldnā€™t have anything after midnight, I continuously tried to calm him and get him to come eat, he would not. I didnā€™t want him to fall asleep feeling like that for 1 I always like to talk it out and not have him with all those emotions bottled up and second because if he falls asleep now heā€™s possibly gonna wake up hungry in a few hours and I canā€™t give him anything after midnight. Well thatā€™s exactly what happenedā€¦so I was up at around 1:00am trying to let him eat popsicles just something so he could make it through the rest of night. So now weā€™re at the dentist office, procedure goes well and heā€™s still a little woozy, I feed him soft foods and he falls back asleep. I say to myself ā€œtoday is gonna be a chill dayā€ ā€” nope. He wakes up and He picks right back up where left off the night before. Constantly ignoring me and all over the place. I am so drained right now. I need sleep and therapy :joy:

Im ready for the house to be shut down for the night. Weā€™re getting the boys in bed now. School is now out so I let them stay up a little later. Once everyone is laid down for the night, Iā€™m going into the living room, turning off all lights and getting a fan going so I can unwind once I feel better I plan on picking up big book and skimming through chapter 5.

OAN my sponsor and I spoke today and he told me ā€œI hate to even say it like this but youā€™re only picking up 1 month chip because youā€™re working the program honestly, & thats the right thing to do I just I donā€™t want you to let the 1 month chip take away all youā€™ve learned over this time. My sponsor suggested I invite the idea of you picking up your 5 month chip, you slipping 1 day doesnā€™t take away all the work youā€™ve been putting in or the knowledge youā€™ve gained, you have 5 months of sober thinking and livingā€”so Iā€™m just putting it out thereā€ we went on to talk for about an hour heā€™s really just being an ear and an outlet for what I just told you guys above, he gave some positive feedback.

Idk what Iā€™m gonna do yet. Just tired guys. About to relax.

I hope everyone had a great day #ODAAT :heart:
Goodnight TS family


Checking Day 2

I live today, Thanks to God.

I feel little improvement than yesterday. Iā€™m grateful. I had replacement of alcohol early morning with Cold lemon water with Salt.

Wishing a sober day to all :slight_smile:


Thank you Jazzy!

Day 65 today.

It was pretty wild seeing that the next milestone is 90 days. Not in my wildest dreams did I think Iā€™d be staring down that barrel. Then only a short hop to a 100 days.

This app really has changed my life. I love this community you have literally all saved my life.


@suechu way to go with your 50 + days Sue. I am not sure what days get badges but each day sober is a day won ā€“ you are doing great friendā€¦ keep it going strong :muscle:
@butterflymoonwoman so glad that that you had help last night and were able to sleep ā€“ so very sorry about the damn using dreams. Unreal how our subconscious can be so cruel and frustrating. Grateful that they are dreams and not our reality. Glad to see you feeling positive with your health journey :hugs:
@lighter big hugs love ā€“ I do hope the soak and relaxation helped. The brain fog can be so crippling. I have been dealing with a dense fog lately and it is super frustrating. I find that I am writing things down and still forgetting them. You are right that the one key is not to drink cause that will only mess up our brains worse. We can get through this :people_hugging:

YES ā€“ how lovely to read this and so happy for this positive change. Great work Twizzlers ā€“ keep it coming :hugs:
@bomdhil You are so very welcome Thomas ā€“ so grateful to be on this journey with you :hugs:
@danwood85 There it is ā€“ 30 days AKA 1 month ā€“ way to go Dan! You are so very welcome friend ā€“ we are a family here and I am grateful to have found this community as it has helped me immensely and I am grateful to be able to give back and help others. We are stronger together :hugs: :muscle:
@seb Triple digits Sebastian :tada: Love all the positives in your life ā€“ keep stacking up the days and reaping the benefits of sobriety :muscle:
@tailee17 Nicely done Lam ā€“ 12 weeks and kicking ass! Hope you are healing well and the PT is helping.
@rookie Safe travels and oh how exciting to be awaiting the arrival of your grandson. Yeah to day 12 :tada: Sometimes if I go to load a pic and back out then I am unable to load any pics ā€“ I have to literally force a shut down of the app in order to load pics again ā€“ not sure if this is what is happening for you.
@catmancam thanks Cam. Unfortunately this is very quick these days as it seems that everything is super backed up. I am grateful for making headway and trying to stay positive. Glad you got your kit and are already having some positive results from having it around. Sorry to hear that the oats are causing a spike. Are you able to add some cinnamon to them to see if the spike levels out? I was listening to a podcast today that mentioned taking a tablespoon of vinegar with water prior to one meal (any meal of the day) and this also helps cut the glucose your body produces. I need to start doing this for my inflammation and thought it may be helpful to you too. So very happy that you were able to get out and see your SIL and baby niece today. :hugs: Human connection is so important and needed ā€“ sending you a virtual hug my friend :people_hugging:


@BJonns So very good to see you friend. I am so sorry that you have relapsed and are feeling so defeated. Please do not beat yourself up. Guilt has no place in recovery. You are here now and working to reach out for support ā€“ should be proud of yourself for taking this step. We are here for you so lean on us and I do hope that you hear back from a counsellor soon. Maybe reach out for an online / in person meeting as well. You are not alone :people_hugging:
@k_s Congrats on your 1 month milestone Kenny :tada: oh man that is a lot to deal with ā€“ I do hope that you are able to unwind and relax. Be proud of your achievements and how far you have come! :muscle:
@sarath_unrelax Great to see you friend. Day 2 and back at it with a vengeance. I do love my lemon water with some black salt. Very refreshing. Hope you are enjoying :yum:
@whereswaldo You are so welcome friend ā€“ it is wild to see the days stacking up and I love the ā€œshort hop to 100 daysā€ it sure is fun to see the milestones adding up. Grateful to see you doing so well and here with us :hugs:

Checking in on Tuesday night
517 days free of weed and alcohol
932 days free of cigarettes
Been a decent enough day. Not much to report. The day kinda just flew by and i am having a hard time recalling what i did LOL. Well it is time for me to call it a night - hoping for a early start tomorrow. Good morning or sweet dreams my friends ā€“ Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you for your kind words.

I am just not coping today at all. I cannot get an intake assessment until the 27th June. Such a long wait. I have called Direct Line and chatted to someone there for a little while. But it just does not feel the same. I know that everyone has had similar feelings on their day one being so hard.


Oh man Iā€™m sorry that itā€™s such a long wait. Keep pushing through and stay connected here friend. It does get better :people_hugging:. Day one is super hard but remember that once you get through itā€¦you wonā€™t have to repeat it.

If you find yourself struggling with urgesā€¦find a way to keep yourself busy. Many threads here to read and engage in as wellā€¦these help me feel connected and on track.
Stay strong friend :muscle:t4::people_hugging:


Cheers man :metal::metal::metal::metal::metal:


*Day 2072 :oncoming_bus:
In the bus and on my way home since yesterday evening. I slept really good :sweat_smile:
Think Iā€™m going to be home at 4 aā€™clock at the end of this day.

Dragged my friend into a tattoo studio yesterday for her first tattoo and added a small one myself :blush:
Going for a trial class for cross fit training next sunday. I always use holidays to think about my life and what I want differently. This time I want to add some muscles into my life :hugs:
Weā€™ll see.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


113 days AF

Hey there, still soberā€¦

Just busy in preparing for my second key user certificate for the next module on Friday.

Joyned yoga yesterday, Horst is still doing a good practice, also with pranayama. I am still missing it to be challenging physically. Feelings of being bored coming up :innocent:

Found a book from Tara Brach, while laying on my mat in my room, looking at my books. Intuition. It is ā€œmit dem Herzen eines Buddhaā€ or ā€œradical acceptanceā€¦ā€. It is touching me at the point where I am :heart: hope I will stay reading it, my mind is very erratic about books (kind of a 20% reader lol).

These colors and flowers touched my heart yesterday at my morning walk @Mno

Love you guys!



The second job interview went well I think and feel. They asked me for a referral which was kind of unexpected for me. I contacted my former manager over Instagram and she agreed within 30 minutes. Modern times. Off today. Shoulder stillā€™s not OK. I should call the physio therapist and get an appointment. Family doctor didnā€™t help too much. Will do another echo to see if thereā€™s some damage to see but that will take weeks.

Feeling a bit down this morning. But Iā€™ll be OK. Iā€™m sober and clean and thatā€™s the first most important thing as otherwise nothing would come of anything. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love.

@Danwood85 Congrats on a full month Daniel!
@Seb 100 Already Seb! Yay you! No looking back friend. Big congrats.
@BJonns for me personally peer support was more important than professional help, especially early on. Once I had some time under my belt i worked on the underlying issues of my addiction. But first I needed to know we were in this together and that I couldnā€™t do it alone by finding my sober peeps. And lean on them. Wherever I could find and meet them. Lean on us friend. :people_hugging:
@Juli1 Back at you Julia! :hibiscus: :blossom: :cherry_blossom: :lotus: