Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

@sarath_unrelax Good to see you back friend. What happened?
@K_S First of all: Congrats on a whole full month of freedom friend. :clap::dizzy::partying_face: I have been following your posts here over the last months and yes my man, I feel like what your sponsor said: you have been sober thinking and sober living for way longer now then one month. I think thatā€˜s how it works. We keep getting those sober moments, until they become days, weeks and months. And until we get to this sober mindset. And then it is one day at a time.
Iā€˜m very sorry for your home situation. Thatā€˜s sooooo much to deal with and I am very impressed how you manage all that and donā€˜t try to run away from it or numb yourself out. What Iā€˜m trying to say: You go friend!
@Jeanine Great job on dealing with your mind via meditation. May I ask which meditation helped you?
@BJonns Welcome back friend :hugs: Great work on reaching out for help :+1: Donā€˜t beat yourself up. I know this is soooo hard, feeling like a total failure and all that. But why donā€˜t you try something new? Iā€˜m pretty sure youā€˜ve gone the self-hate route many times already. Why donā€˜t you try self-kindness instead? Self-compassion even maybe. There are some very good resources, meditations for example, on self-kindness.
@CATMANCAM So nice to hear you got to visit your family and have a nice chat there. Positive human contact is healing.
@DanaM56 So nice to hear you are feeling better today :blush: Good sleep is half the battle won for the day.
@Rookie I know some people had trouble uploading photos on Android based devices. There was a thread even for that. Maybe try to search for it.
@tailee17 12 weeks sounds a lot like 3 months if my math is not completely off. Congrats :clap::partying_face:
@seb Congrats on 100days of freedom :partying_face::clap::sunglasses: That sober life is treating you well!
@Danwood85 30days! Wow! What a streak. Congrats friend :blush::clap::muscle:

6 months sugar
46 UPF
53 gluten
32 dairy
19 overeating/binge

6 months, half a year without sugar is freedom and peace. So much peace. I would not have found this peace without all of you. Thank you so much :hugs:
When I walk through the store and there is all that sugary trash around me, or when I am at a place serving sweet stuff, or at a family gathering full of cakes I still get a bit uneasy. This stuff still triggers something inside of me. But the idea to engage with it does not even cross my mind anymore. I know where I will end up if I take that first bite. I really do not want to be there ever in my life again.
Right now I feel to be at a point where I feel at peace with eating most of the time. I am starting to trust myself, my hunger and satiety signals, my capacity to react to them in a non-obsessive and peaceful way. I have to pay attention not to slide back into behaviours that will lead me back. Yesterday I caught myself eating while reading something. Eating with distractions is a no-go. I need to pay attention to my signals.
Long post, short conclusion: Mindfulness and kindness are the way to go for today. One day at a time.

Today Iā€˜ll be working on the design of my game further on. The lady who helps with cleaning will be here soon. She is a wonderful person and we spend a lot of time chatting. This will be fun.
Like always: a walk at lunch time, a workout and yoga in the afternoon and a dharma meeting in the evening.
I hope my daughter gets fit enough to go back to school soon, and to the birthday party she is invited to on saturday.

Letā€˜s get to this day with an attitude of peace, kindness and freedom friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


@Butterflymoonwoman I love seeing your dedication to exercise :smiley: Itā€™s benefits are innumerable. Health and fitness are my passion and Iā€™ve studied it for 20 years (on my own bc it seemed most practical to know in life). I was curious if you usually workout on an empty stomach or itā€™s just how it happened today :thinking: If it is typical, I highly recommend having a small snack (even just a banana) 30/60 mins before your workout and another within an hour after. It will make a difference. My go to are fast digesting carbs before, to fuel the workout (usually oatmeal/fruit), then protein/veggies after to help repair and build muscle (usually eggs/spinach). I know you werenā€™t asking for advice but I like to share things that work well for me, so take it or leave it. Just keep on moving girl :muscle:

@K_S I wholeheartedly believe what your sponsor suggested. I knew nothing of recovery the first time I got sober in '19. I learned everything from the people here and in AA. When I relapsed just before 5 months, that knowledge didnā€™t just disappear. And even while struggling to quit again for 3 years straight, I still read here (secretly) and frequented 24/7 AA zoom meetings, absorbing what I could. My last ā€˜day 1ā€™ was nowhere near as scary as my first bc I had tools this time. There was a man at the last AA meeting I attended who had relapsed after 21 years, full of shame to be back at day 1. I told him exactly what your sponsor said. The fact he went back out didnā€™t erase 2 decades of sobriety. That happened. He lived it. I know itā€™s been said that relapse is not a part of recovery, but not all is lost for those of us who do. The work we put in counts for something, we just werenā€™t consistently doing enough. It works if you work it! So keep coming back :heart:


Exhausted this morning after all I did yesterday but once I finally got moving I felt pretty good. It was a hot one today and had to set up all my window fans when I got out of work or Iā€™d never be able to sleep. Feels pretty nice now (but it also means alot more bugs will be getting in :unamused:) Iā€™m looking forward to enjoying the next 2 days as Iā€™m off work. Heading to bed now. Much love everyone :heart:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 84

Nothing to report
Still Sunny outside, itā€™s said to be a change on the weather from tomorrow and weā€™ll have occasional rain showers.
I guess itā€™s good for the harvest, but I Prefer the heat.

Weā€™ll see, as long as the rest of the summer doesnā€™t rain away Iā€™m okey with it :smiling_face:

Thatā€™s all Folks, wishing you all a wonderful day :heart:


Day 82

Can happen to you.



Day 333.workinh 7.30 till :thinking: 2.30 so I can get outside. All good. Boring meetings best part of the day


Thanks Cam, I appreciate it


Always happy to see a member keep trying. :purple_heart:


172 days
Went for a bike ride. My longest in a while, 35km. Was a great time, cycleway the whole way. We have 2 harbours in our city from 2 different seas, I went from one to the other so basically rode across the whole width of the country.

After picking up the kids we went to the gym and I also got some sparring in while they trained.

Congrats on the milestones too
30 for @Danwood85 @K_S
A solid 6months for @acromouse, well done friend.
And the hundy for @Seb, good work on the lifestyle improvements. Sounds awesome bro


Day 1380

Still busy, busy. Talked to my sponsor for the first time in a while. So nice to talk about deeper stuff. Realised I donā€™t talk about how I feel about life with anyone else. With everyone else just talk about events or things. What do people outside the program do? Maybe others donā€™t navel gaze as much as I do :joy:.


Thank you kindly @Pattycake @CATMANCAM @Vanessa8 @JazzyS @mno @acromouse @MrFantastik


Really glad youā€™re here getting through Day 1 with us. Keep reading and posting. Tomorrow will be much better because of the things youā€™re doing today. If you need to, take it one hour at a time.


@acromouse Thanks bro :), I was sober for 35 days without Alcohol and Tobacoā€¦ I went to meet my friend and he was making food , after they take drinks suddenly my mind got blank and i thought will have a 2 drinks and eat food and go.
But that 2 drinks end up with one week heavy drink without food, and absent in office, spend lot of money etcā€¦
I cannot even 5ml of drink, we are alcoholics , i not drink one day at time


Day 9

5:04 a.m. here in Canada. Iā€™ve got my cup of coffee and ready for the day.

I woke up fresh, with the mindset to feed my spirituality. It felt great to know that I did this on time at 4:09 a.m.

This is the part of my days off that I struggle with most. Everyone else is asleep, my house isnā€™t big and my bedroom is under the living room. So I have to tip-toe around and be silent until 8:00 when everyone gets up.

If I can figure out something silent to do between 5 - 8 that isnā€™t boring it would be good for me. I donā€™t read and I can only watch YouTube for so long. I canā€™t put on the tv either because it shares a wall with my sonā€™s room.

Outside is dark and cold, no chance Iā€™m going out there either lol.

At least Iā€™ve identified this now and can start figuring something out.

Have a good day everyone!


A good morning to you friend! You could do your morning pages. I do something like it, sort of in between a journal, a diary and these morning pages. And not three pages, just one. And never mind if you havenā€™t written anything for yourself in forever or ever. Itā€™s an excellent way to get your mind going. And itā€™s quiet too.


Hey all, checking in on day 1438. I hope everybody has a good one!


Respect Aga: 6 months without sugar! Any tips for me? Are you skipping every added sugar? Like also pastasauce for example?
I tried multiple times but never get pass 4 weeks. Sometimes I eat it and then ā€œrememberā€ about my challenge not to eat it. Like a brainfog?
I feel weak with it. Have been eating a lot of crap at my holiday so Iā€™m happy to start with some normal food today, my walks and normal life.
Again congratulations with your half a year sugarFREE!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


To be honest I treat sugar as my DOC. I know I am not able to have just one, and I know that it will just wreck my day and then one day after another, and I will end up in a place physically, emotionally and mentally I absolutely do not want to be in. I have not the slightest idea how to control this stuff or deal with it normally. I either crave it, or hate it, or obsess about it. I have no idea how one might moderate this. The standard addiction stuff.
So I do not ingest it at all. I donā€™t consider it a challenge, but my sobriety.
Other than that it works like with every other addictive substance. The first days or weeks are the hardest when it comes to cravings. So itā€™s best to not have it in the house and to avoid situations where I might be tempted. After that it is maintenance phase. Meaning I have to be convinced that I can not control this stuff, that I can not have just one, that I have to be on guard every day one day at a time. The very moment I start questioning my addiction is the moment that will lead to me restarting the cycle of addiction.
That is the reason I am here and engaging in recovery communities. So I will not ā€˜forgetā€™ and keep at it one day at a time.


Im here still.
Strolling through day 5.
Yesterday had my major wobble which now seems silly and insignificant. Isnt that always the way. Ive done quite a bit of reading on the links between autism and addiction.
Moderation is something i have never managed with anything.

But today i am sober and feeling a LOT better than yesterday, so im just enjoying feeling relatively peaceful.

Love to you all family.


The stupid thing that I do not forget that I canā€™t drink but I do forget (ore seems to, mind does smart tricks) my attempt to live without sugar.
Also the chocolat thing was and is my to go to with cravings, my plan B. So I need a plan C, guess that is the walking thenā€¦
Hope to add the crossfit as a healthy new coping strategy as well.


Day 189. Up and at work, decent ride into work. Always love saying my gratitudes and thinking of where i am or could be. Excited to see my girls this weekend, hoping for some nice weather and possibly getting out and doing something. Much love everyone have a wonderful day