Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Thank you all for your replies. I appreciate it all so much.

Today is the end of Day 1. I’m now laying in bed, although I don’t know how much sleep I will get. I hate this part :sleepy:

I had my first ever AA meeting this evening. I even had a lady give me her number to call and chat afterwards. It was a very raw experience and is something that I will give another go I think. I had a doctors appointment today and he wants me to have a blood test to check how everything is functioning and he was the one who suggested AA. So I’m trying things a little differently and learning to ask for more help and not try and do this on my own. Along with checking in and chatting to you all and hearing your stories is something I really need and just have to make the time to make it happen. :people_hugging:


The whole craving business after a while seams like an endless tale: I stopped using sugar, I went for cheese. I stopped cheese, I went to overeating other stuff. I stopped overeating, I went for overworking… It’s really fascinating to see how my mind will come up with the next thing how to escape reality :roll_eyes:


Hey day 1 is no joke good job. I find that the meetings help a lot. I got into them 2 months ago and went for 5 weeks and started thinking i could donit alone i was wrong that week i skipped was miserable. I always herebin meetings what we cant do alone we can do together and this is absolutely true. Good luck and congratulations on day 1


Day 59. My higher power for some unseen reason just keeps blessing me. I have been up and down through the last 2 months but the one thing that has remained study is my faith in my higher power and even through the emotional Rollercoaster i have been one he has found ways to show me that i am on the right path. Today I am feeling grateful.


I wish it could be like; stop drinking alcohol, get addiction to learning new languages, stop eating sugar get an addiction to going to bed by 9pm :sweat_smile: why do the substitutes always have to be still something we need to work on :melting_face:
I’m 65 days no alcohol and I am really struggling to stop eating dessert and takeaway. It’s so gross.

Holy crap though I am turned off McDonald’s for LIFE. A news story just came out in Australia with a Macca’s staff member drying a wet gross mop head under the fries heat lamp! With fries underneath :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::face_vomiting::face_vomiting: the worst part is I’ve eaten at that Macca’s like 4 times in the last month.


Back to 5 days but a lot more positive than last time, ive started drinking something called liquid iv it has 3 times the glucose of a normal sports drink and you have one a day, not thought about alcohol once, and started taking gunmy vitimins for energy and focus, definitely changed my life :grin:


Heyyyo! Wow! 4 months of sobriety today. Longest stretch I’ve ever had and I can’t wait to continue it. The steps, the program, the fellowship has given me a life I never thought was possible. I went from suicidal thoughts to being excited for the future. Crazy huh?

If anyone is down in the trenches and you are seeking change, start going to meetings and just LISTEN AND FOLLOW. Life ain’t too bad, shoutout all my sober people!!


Day 32

Just checking in.


Thank u for the suggestion! Im always open to lerning new things about fitness and nutrition. I think i might actually try ur advice bcuz to be honest my usual morning routine is to wake up, drink an iced latte with 3 shots of espresso, then once my son is on the bus, ill drink my preworkout and then hit the gym. I NEVER eat before i workout. But I will eat around 12pm. So u may be onto something here. I do drink quite abit of coffee thruout the day which Im sure doesnt help. Most days i dont feel so fatigued and shaky but yesterday i felt almost sick. I eat 2 meals a day and maybe a snack if im hungry. But im trying to watch my calories (i eat around 1800 calories a day) so that i can be in a deficit to help me slowly lose weight.


Congratulations Jay on 4 months of sobriety!!

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And that’s exactly where I got it from :laughing:
My kids love Looney toons, I used to Watch it when I was a kid as well.
But I love the old Disney cartoons better.


Sending you loving energy… hope your day has gotten better. :people_hugging::people_hugging: Congratulations on your 2nd interview going well.
@acromouse yes! 6 months no sugar…so awesome Aga. :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::confetti_ball:love the conclusion… mindfulness and kindness are the lesson …thanks for sharing
@timetochange great work on your triple 3’s…keep stacking up the days :muscle:t4: :muscle:t4:
@skhan early quiet mornings are the best. A great time to reflect inwardly for me (on the days I can make it happen). A few ideas to fill your time… meditation (a great thread here with plenty of links), practice gratitude, yoga or tai chi. Hope you enjoyed your morning coffee.
@bjonns great work on day 1… The nasty sleep cycle does suck but it does get better. Keep the ugly feelings of day 0-1 alive so you can focus on them when your urges hit. Keep strong :muscle:t4:

Oh I love this so much…your entire post…so much positivity. Keep it going friend… looking forward to celebrating your 2 months tomorrow :hugs:

So happy for you and a huge congrats on 4 months :confetti_ball::tada::muscle:t4:

Happy Wednesday y’all
Oof…I don’t know what happened last night but I just couldn’t sleep. In pain and super frustrated but seem to be awake and functioning (not total zombie) this morning…gonna grab a coffee - get my mom and go for a walk while it’s not super hot.
Lots to get done today…the coffee better be up to the challenge :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Few can do it alone, dear friend! I’m proud of you for coming back and sharing. You are committed to this journey and you deserve the benefits you will receive. Sending hugs and love!!:heart: :people_hugging:


Checking in quick, day 315. Be well, everyone!:pray::sparkling_heart:


Today is day 240 af. Boy does that feel good!
We are on a vacation on the ocean. People start drinking at 9:00 by the pool.:flushed:
So glad I have this place to come and read and share!
Hubby is out on a golf day, I am going to hit the beach for a bit then hand at the pool. Have a great day everyone!!:ocean::rainbow::sunny:


Its a super rainy day here in Alberta. No sign of it letting up either. Once my son is on the bus ill be heading out to do a little bday decorations shopping for my sons bday. Then off to the gym for leg day. Will do my daily cleaning of the apartment and thats about it! Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


Day 2251. Working on being more mindful in the moment.


48 days no alcohol
Today’s been good. I’ve been very productive today. I read the 1st chapter of this trauma workbook this morning and have some things to think about now. I didn’t find it too triggering but was a bit anxious after. Went on a hike after and had a soak in the hot spring for my self care and felt pretty good after that. Then worked on my translation project in the afternoon. It’s going well so far but definitely feel stuck on being able to make real progress till I do some traveling for it but I just don’t feel ready for that yet. I organized some video calls to see if I can get around the traveling but I really need to do the trips at some point. Anyways am glad that I had another good day.


Hope u are OK?

All good here


I have tried something similar a few years ago when i had trouble sleeping.
You write anything thats on your mind down before you go to sleep at night then you bin it, its supposed to help clear your mind. It did work for me many times.