Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Day 1,
Sorry ive not been around for a while, like a lot of people on here Ive had a lot going on in my life.
Its nice to see so many familiar faces still here and helping one another.


Welcome back Col! Glad ur here with us still :slight_smile:


Woo hoo!!! Congratulations on a whole 6 months of no sugar! Lots of hard work went into getting here im sure. Sugar is a tough one


Thanks for askingā€¦Iā€™m doing better now that Iā€™m homeā€¦that walk was brutal this morning. Gonna practice some self care now. Enjoy your day :hugs:


Welcome back Col and congrats on starting your day 1 :muscle:t4:. ODAAT friend


@Whereswaldo Iā€™ve never had much of a sweet tooth (saltā€™s my thing :yum:), but for the first few months after quitting I really craved sugar all the time. Alcohol really messes with your blood sugar. Instead of buying sweets, I bought fruit. Alot of fruit. I also craved milk/dairy, which has more sugar than youā€™d expect. They both helped curb my cravings and eventually it all evened out.

@Butterflymoonwoman Ooh, I canā€™t workout without eating! I know some people swear by it but it makes me feel weak and dizzy. I eat breakfast and then snack all day until dinner (healthy snacks), which keeps the metabolism going. Alot of protein. I try to stay under 2000 calories a day, but Iā€™m not super strict. As long as you stay consistent, youā€™ll see changes. Eventually it just becomes a lifestyle and you donā€™t have to think about it as much.

@JazzyS Here I come with this again :sweat_smile:, but I bet the moon is too blame. I always have trouble sleeping, but it doesnā€™t usually leave me exhausted, and my bodily pains become exaggerated. Hope the coffee gives you the boost you need :blush:


Good to see you Col. Now letā€™s do this. One day at a time for all of us.


Day 82.5

Yeesh insomnia and all the crap that goes with it. When things start going better, and I try to jump into my new life I get slapped. Nothing I can do but keep going and try not to worry about when Iā€™ll be ā€˜functionalā€™. That worry is making everything worse. Today I have what I need to recover. And tomorrow too. Someday this shit will stop :raised_hand: :peace_symbol:

Up at 2 this morning. Got right up and made coffee. Did laundry. Crashed at 5. Slept till 8. Iā€™m really glad. Iā€™m reading some. Iā€™ll get better. 90 days coming soon :heart:

Big storms with ā€˜hen egg-size hail and largerā€¦ā€™ predicted for later. Wut? Yā€™all need to stop with all your Farm Disaster Talk. :rage: Sheez Iā€™ll go charge everything and hope the damn hens stay in the barn and donā€™t start laying evil ice bombsā€¦. :laughing:. Please I need a break from all the disasters . (Haha, no!!)


Thanks again for ur advice! I really appreciate it. I try to get my protein up to at least 100gr a day but some days i even struggle with that. But i try. I might try having a little something before a workout and see how i feel. I may really notice a difference!



Here they come! :laughing:


Day 54 here.

Doing okay for now, just a lot of work and my mind is generally running wild.

I feel like Iā€™m stuffing myself with overtime again just so I donā€™t have to be alone with my thoughts.

Distracting myself with other people works, but being alone is still hard for me. Maybe this early in thatā€™s normal.

I hope you are having a good wednesday and Iā€™ll see you tomorrow. :slight_smile:


Thanks @acromouse ā€¦ 6 months with no sugar is so impressive! Dietary issues must be so hard to combat as you canā€™t just not eat. Well done on your milestone!

@Mno much appreciated budšŸ™ Good luck with the job and I hope you get that physio appointment and your shoulder sorted. Sorry youā€™re feeling down. I hope tomorrow is a little brighter for youšŸ™

Thank you @CATMANCAM ā€¦aw man, it sounds like youā€™ve been through a lot recently. Iā€™m sorry for your struggle. Iā€™m glad you have a plan and things are moving in the right direction. Take care bud :pray:

@K_S Sober twinā€¦ congrats on a month my friend! Itā€™s not just the days we have in common. My kid has ADHD, heā€™s now 16 and has really started to come out of himself and is doing really well. I was a single dad and the struggle was real for years. Heā€™s like my best friend now. I believe in him and always have. When he turned 14 the hyperactivity and impulsiveness disappeared. Heā€™s the opposite now. Chilled, good to talk with and ambitious. Keep the faith bud. Iā€™m glad you got a lot out with your sponsor. Hope things are better todayšŸ™

I feel more energised and positive today. I had a really good discussion with a lady I work for, sheā€™s been sober 8 years and was delighted when I said Iā€™ve been sober a month and that I want to keep it going. She gave me loads kind friendly advice. It felt good to chat.

I heard this quote that when you smile at the world the world smiles backā€¦itā€™s been one of those daysā™„ļø

I hope youā€™re all wellā€‹:heart::pray:

Day 31 :v:


Stay safe! It was scary here in Iowa/Illinois yesterday.


Thank you Rosa! Yes, my friends in states to the north of me are warning meā€¦ Itā€™s creepy outside. Just has that look and feel but hopefully weakens. :heart:


We had that look outside but luckily it also waned when it got close to us. A lot of bluster but nothing serious. Power went out but only for an hour or so.


Thank you budšŸ™ that cycle sounds incredible! Glad you enjoyed itšŸ‘


Just checking in. 45 days down. Iā€™ll stay sober today too.


Hi everybody,
Thank you all for your contributions on here.
Day 124 for me.
All the best to you.


Checking in day 142 AF :blush:


Good for you, Chase. The steps also scare me. I think once we take a look, and acknowledge the parts we might be avoiding, we can be even more complete in the end. You already took an honest look at yourself and your actions by realising you were coasting, and you made a change. Sounds like youre well on your way. Good for you!