Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

This is so beautiful :heart_eyes_cat:

  1. Am doing some childminding for my friends. A super cute baby and a wonder genius young boy brother combo. Keeping me busy.

Happy 24 all :heart:


Thursday morning :heavy_check_mark: in. Another chance at greatness :raised_hands: Hoping you all have a day you deserve :v:


It is, the picure doesnā€™t suit it well. Itā€™s better in real life :hugs:


Day 10!

Funnyā€¦ I just learned when someone writes their days AF it doesnā€™t mean ā€œAs Fuck.ā€ :joy:

Another day off, my morning routine will be the same. Iā€™ve ready performed wudu and prayed. My coffee is made. Now itā€™s relaxing until everyone wakes up. Iā€™ll make the boys breakfast. Sauna, workout, shower and nap.

I had the thought to go to the driving range but I still donā€™t trust myself alone in that environment.

Iā€™m sure I can find something thatā€™s ā€œgood funā€ to occupy the afternoon.

Have a good day everyone!


Reconnecting on day 650 or thereabouts. Been thinking about how to spend less time on my phone lately. Not that itā€™s crazy, but I definitely think having it available/nearby is affecting my capacity to concentrate on one specific task and see it through in one go. I think I jump around a lot between the task, my phone, the task, any other distraction, my phone againā€¦ Itā€™s not productive.

Iā€™ll let you know how I get on with this.


@wahtisnormal thank you Zoe :pray:t4: appreciate being on this journey with you.

Oh this is a beautiful gift of sobrietyā€¦ Itā€™s all the little subtle changes that add up to a wonderful life we are happy to be living :people_hugging:
@Just_Laura thanks Laura and like you Iā€™m grateful for this app for that very reminder and connectionā€¦so happy we have each other here keeping us focused and supported. Omgā€¦that nap sounds horrid. What a weird feeling to wake up to. Have you ever had this looked into or done a sleep study? Not sure if they would be able to since it happens intermittently. :people_hugging:
@acromouse thanks Aga. Sounds like a rough mental battle day yesterday. Glad you won :muscle:t4:. A full day aheadā€¦hope you enjoy and get some time to just relax. An upcoming birthdayā€¦ When is the celebratory day?
@nastya_is_fighting oh how lovely it is to see you friend. You have been missed :hugs: Iā€™m sorry you are having a rough time ā€¦hope you were able to get outside and find some peace within. Do you have to go on Saturday? Might be good to stay away from triggering situations at this point. You deserve love and happiness. So glad to see you checking in. Sending loveā€¦hope your partner follows through and gets the help she needs

Keep pushing through each day. Look back and see what led to the last relapse. Keep connected and buckle down when you find the cravings getting stronger. You are not alone friendā€¦ODAAT
@skhan AF can also mean alcohol free or always free. Double digits today and glad to see you evaluating your outings to make sure they arenā€™t triggering. Have a wonderful day.

Checking in on Thursday morning
Not a good nightbof sleep but at least I got a few hours. Coffee is brewing and Iā€™m ready to start the day. Hopefully get my walk in first before the sun shows its full strength.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦ sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 2252. Had a slumber party with the grand baby. Taking off around 2 to go camping. Pretty good 24 hours!


Checking in for the end of Day 2.

Woke up this morning feeling so awful, physically and mentally, but heading to bed a lot more positive after having some chats with friends, reading all of the posts on here and attending an online meeting as well. I still didnā€™t have the courage to share, plus it was around bedtime for the kids, so just listened.

Hubby is still not happy with me for my last drink, so guess what he decides to doā€¦ have a drink :roll_eyes: Iā€™ve just left him to his own devices and went on about my day.

Hoping to wake up feeling even better tomorrow. Hope youā€™re all well :people_hugging:


Day 83

Another rough night. I am feeling extremely discouraged about sleep. I wonā€™t recover my health without sleep, or hold a job. Iā€™ve tried every tip. It feels hopeless.


Hey all, checking in on day 1439. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in on day 316. To those who are struggling with sleep issues, you are not alone! Iā€™m gonna try to catch some zzzzs right now, in fact.:smirk:


Hey guys :smiling_face:
You know what day it is?
Day 6 0 0 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray::tada:

Mic drop



Day 33

Just checking in.


Morning TS! Its currently 630am and im awake. I set my alarm for much earlier to workout but didnt quite make it lol Since i cant work out now, i decided to spend some time with my HP this morning. Did some reading on here. And now im going to make some espresso for an iced latte. Get started on my day.

Today my son is home due to an appt. So we will be doing that in the afternoon. I should be able to get a good walk in then while pushing my son in his wheelchair. Not much else happening today. Hope everyone enjoys their addiction free day!


@CHASE.E.U congratulations on 2 months Chase!!
@Sabrina80 congratulations on 600 days!!
@Lighter Sorry to hear about ur sleep issues. Sleep ia crucial and when we dont get it, it effects everything. I went thru a bad period also of struggling for hours to fall asleep. Think it was anxiety. I got very little sleep and it began effecting every area of my life. Had to talk to the dr and she prescribed me a low dose of a sleeping aid. It has helped me tremendously. Gives me weird dreams tho lol have u ever spoken to ur dr about ur sleep issues? Maybe they could help in some way
@JazzyS have a wonderful day friend! Hope ur able to get some rest at some point during ur day. Hugs!
@skhan welcome to the double digits!! Great job!!


Thank you Dana. Itā€™s a perfect storm for many of us, mid-life which is incredibly stessful, and recovery stress which destroys sleep. Iā€™m trying to keep it all natural but things are getting out of hand. Will need to bring this up with my doctor since itā€™s so severe now. Thanks again and Iā€™ll try to be hopeful, not defeated. And not pick up. Over time being sober will help me weather things like this better. Have a good day friend :heart:


Busy day today.
Flying visit.
Working on day 6, still sober.


Itā€™s been the best gift Iā€™ve ever given myself.