Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Day 1241,

Booked a retreat in the Northern of France via a non profit philosophy and meditation organization (this makes it very affordable money wise), already leaving in about 10 days. Sometimes you have to follow your impulses. The theme is: “develop yourself further: the next step”. Feel some resistance, but it might give my recovery some new impulses from a Buddha, yoga and meditation perspective :pray:


Day 18 :white_check_mark:

4 pm here, feeling to keep today simple.
Well the rest of the upcoming evening anyway.
Cook a nice meal and begin to read my new books that arrived yesterday.
Simple and basic be easy on myself.



Oh this sounds brilliant :pray:
Can’t wait to hear how it goes if your comfortable sharing.
Il be thinking of you and best wishes, I’m sure this will be a very good experience.


Day 2
Hello everyone. Thankyou for your kind wisshes and and reminders that im not alone here @SoberWalker @Mno @Butterflymoonwoman @JazzyS
:slightly_smiling_face: :+1: .
Is anyone else having this torrential rain? Im in North Yorkshire and we had a months worth in a few hours, sadly a child lost her life in a mudslide near us. Makes you think about what is important in life and how precious it is.
Wishing you all a good day today.


Congratulations, whoop whoop :confetti_ball::tada::boom:


Checking in day 86. Headed to AA MEETING. Good morning. To all here. Breathe, smile and thank your higher power you are sober today.


I’m in London we had rain the past 2 days very heavy where I am. But today has been sunny.

That’s very sad about the young girl :pray:


Checking in. Today is a work from home day so easier than a day with my long commute. Work is challenging and I don’t always know if Im doing it the best possible way. But that’s my insecurity talking and I’ll try not to listen for today. The twins and I will have Monday off so Im looking forward to a long weekend. Have a good day everyone, happy and sober!


Thanks for the tip Sophia. Alas it’s not how my mind works. I think about stuff I want to write about in a seemingly totally unstructured way, for days, or weeks even. And then when I get really close to the deadline I write. And to write I need either a pen and paper or a computer. Or both. I can’t dictate stuff that’s suitable for writing down. Words that come from my hands are different from words that come from my mouth. Period.

Funny thing today is that I had thought about the assignment for the whole week, and a plan had formed in my head what to write about for days, but in the end quite a lot of things happened today and I wrote a totally different very short story about that. Will translate and post it later.


Today started a bit rough but by the afternoon I got into a good mood and had a bit of a 2nd wind. I did some meditation this morning to help myself calm down after a bad night’s sleep (bad dreams and the such) and it helped some. I’m new to the whole meditation thing. After this and some exercise I felt good enough to get through the day and made good progress on my translatios. This evening I had some unexpected guests. It was an interesting dinner with them…I didn’t know these people but they came from a village nearby to ask for advice about their daughter who is accepted into an extange program in America. This led to a great conversation about the differences in cultures. And how to adapt to a different culture. I was a bit annoyed at first to have unexpected guests when I was thinking my day was over (here I would have been very rude to not have them in and feed them. It is also the cultural norm to just drop in unannounced) but I am really glad they came and that we could meet. Now I’m in bed and tired. Hoping to have a good sleep tonight with out dreaming


I also just figured that out from googling it yesterday, wow just wow! Lol :joy::joy::joy:

1 Like

379 no alcohol
310 no ciggs or vapes (18days 23hours no loszenges or nic)
41days 19hours no form of marijuanna

Today is really a struggle for me…this is the longest ive been without nicotine in 20years and im just craving everything… i had lots of bad dreams lastnight. I want a cigg. I want cbd. I want thc. Im just a disaster. I feel messy. The room is messy. I feel under pressure from everything. I just need to take a step back but i feel like i cant. …

Im going to stay strong though even though i dont really have a choice


You’re doing great! The messy room will not disappear with any of those bad habits. And messes are not a reflection of you or anything wrong you did. It’s ok. This feeling will pass :heartbeat:


There’s a Swedish author called August Strindberg, who wrote multiple books that now counts as classic litteratur (Not my first hand Choice but you have to read some of his books in school here, because the way he wrote has had a significant impact on the Swedish written language)

Anyway he was known for having all his drafts, and sentences and parts he wanted to write on loose papers in his desk drawers.
He never just sat down and did anything in a particular order. He just write down what was on his mind at the moment.
So there’s more than one way to write. :blush:


It just helps so much having a safe place to vent
Writing it out helps so much and getting support with all of this is pricless


Day 334. Second check in. Feeling a bit flat. Not sure why. I’m sure it will pass


It’s a great community. I’m happy to be here, feel free to reach out anytime!


Day 60 lets goooo!

I’m hyped to pick up my NA keychain tonight. Will collect as many as possible during the next week. New addiction but at least a healthy addiction for me :joy:

Nice 24 everyone


Day 55.

Just saying goodnight and I’ll see you tomorrow.

Have a good one :slight_smile:


Congratulations on 60 days!!!