Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Hey everyone, checking in Friday night. 2pm finish todayšŸ˜ Went for a nap, then a sauna and just finished some Indian food. I had a bit of an impulse earlier to drink some wine but I gave it time and it passed. Iā€™m happy to be soberā€¦Iā€™m off tomorrow and going to take the little guy to an inflatable water park with no hangover.

Hope youā€™re all well :pray:

Happy birthday @Chevy55 :partying_face:

33 daysāœŒļø


Happy birthday :birthday::balloon::birthday::balloon:


I keep on missing my milestones recently. Whatā€™s going on? I really wanted to share a picture of my day counter at 444 daysā€¦I was looking forward to it, but the picture was never taken. I am just so busy with life.
Check-in day 445 - without a picā€¦ thatā€™ll do!


Hello, and Happy Friday!
Long day here - just finishing my work day with a coffee and a mini break to psych myself up.
Gotta go pick up my daughter at daycare, then make family dinner.
I got this, and youā€™ve got whatever youā€™ve gotta do, too!


Good evening!
My partner from now is in psych ward. She already got prescribed meds and she feels a bit uncomfortable because sheā€™s at another place than usually she is. But otherwise sheā€™s okay. I can finally rest and prepare for exams hah.
My day was good today otherwise! Played The Sims 4 and even drew little sketches to practise my hand. Tommorow I will be cleaning house and if weather will be nice, I will go outside. We have here recently a lot of raining, which is not typical for us in May. But whatever.
Good night sober family. Have nice dreams. :mending_heart:

Oh and! @Chevy55 happy birthday! Enjoy your birthday, sending virtual hugs as a giftšŸŒž


Day 56.

Today was a okay for me. A dear friend got married today so thatā€™s very nice :slight_smile:

The first wedding Iā€™ve ever been at willingly I might add. Alsways ignored the family related stuff because that ship has sailed.

Interesting experience. Met some of my old friends. We were cordigal if not to say friendly with each other. Didnā€™t believe it at first.

As for addiction related stuff:
-cravings were managable. They even got some alcohol free stuff to choose from which was very nice of them^^
-left to grab a smoke a few times but I had worse tbh.
-Nervous overall but luckily it was very organized so I quickly calmed down

Self sabotage is through the roof though:

Didnā€™t tell my boss about the wedding so I had to take a sick day to attend. Dick move on my part honestly.
I wanted to ask for vacation but currently we are massively understaffed. Didnā€™t wanna risk a no.

Hope that wonā€™t bite me in the ass later.

Anyways thatā€™s all for today. Keep up the good fight everyone :slight_smile: :muscle:


Happy Birthday @Chevy55 !!! :birthday::birthday:


Happy birthday @Chevy55 :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Hope you have a lovely day with your loved ones.


Your doing well at 19 days on your personal challenge.
And thank you :blush:


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the well wishes Sober Fam, it is truly appreciated

Well as normal, up for work this morning at 4am and a mow afterwards. Wife working tonight, but her and son tomorrow night (after two more mows) for my birthday dinner (seafood linguine, one of my fav homemade dishes)

Then a few mows Sunday before the work week begins again.

One of my first sober birthday Friday nights ever and couldnā€™t imagine doing anything but.

Down 2.1lbs this week (weigh in thread) and am loving the improved look, weight, and all that comes with living a healthy and busy lifestyle!

About to close off this Day 140 birthday bash as sleep is important and Iā€™m not getting enough, lol.

Still contemplating pulling trigger on this bike but just donā€™t want to be distracted from my work, side work and fitness/weight loss journey. But itā€™s sooo damn sexy looking. I just love it. Iā€™m torn!!
I have my deposit down and money in handā€¦ just need to ensure my focus is clear.


Good night all


Hi, I hope everyone is well.
Iā€™m 148 days off cigarettes & alcohol.
Today has been a funny day, not haha funny. I wasnā€™t working today so I was catching up with housework, friends, family, walking the dog, exercise, done some reading & a bit of crafts, went grocery shopping, did some meditation and journalling. Iā€™m trying to get a balance between doing what needs to be done, having some quality time with family & friends, doing fun things for myself & relaxation. Every single step is an uphill battle, I just find all of everything so hard to do, is normal life supposed to be such a struggle? When I was drinking I put minimal effort into absolutely everything except my drinking. I only had to worry about my wine, now Iā€™ve too much clarity & itā€™s overwhelming.
Sorry if this is a bit of a downer post. I am really happy to be sober itā€™s just that everything seems to real all of the time.


Well home with the girls. Went down to the park and played, some kids were playing baseball and my girls joined, well so did i and i hit the ball and started running and yeah my pants were kinda tight and still in work attire, i hit the ground so fricken hard and it was on pavement too lmao. Ugh got some good scrapes, shoulder and knee tweaked. Good times :rofl:


Thanks @CATMANCAM !!! :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


I fully understand your frustration. Not a downer for me. Realizing I have to work harder than ever to live life rather than avoid living and be drunk is overwhelming to say the least. However the rewards of being hopeful for the future and family is priceless. It is worth it for me. May you find calm and balance.


Hey all,
Another before bed check in! Been a busy few daysā€¦managed to come down to the city to see my mom and nephew. My moms mood is very heavy, as its my sisters birthday tomorrow. I feel for her so deeply, and understand that pain also when you are older is more difficult to take. I truly believe that. When you are younger, it is not to say it is easier (this is not at all to dismiss the challenges of trauma at a young age), but when you are oldrr you have less life in front of you and ability to ā€œhopeā€ for the future. I see this in her, and feel a deep compassion in understanding this aspect of her journey. She has been the main person caring for my nepuew for the past 2 and a half years, and discussions of him movinf into a supportive community home is crushing her. I hope to bring her what I can, and continue to always be a support and fighter for our darling boy.

Speaking of fighting, we cannot always see the results straight away. Some of our biggest challenges are that these fights go on, and there are moments and times of disheartening set backs that can make your effort feel wasted or even like you are asking too much. I am slowly beginning to see how the fight for my nephew has shaped how things are movinf forward; seeing the larger picture of how it is coming together and what true advoacy means.

Have had a beautiful few days with my son also on our first big adventure just him and I. Sister is home with papa as she is attending a grief camp this weekend for children who have also lost loved ones, and I wanted to be here for my mom and nephew for my sisters birthday. Been losts of playinf at the park and walking around in the city. Enjoying these moments. I love my two boys so much, and am holding my sister so dear on these days. Xo. Rest well my dear friends, and may tomorrow bring some small moment that makes you pause and take a mental picture. Xo.


Checking in at the end of day 13.

@CATMANCAM thanks! Feels good to be in the double digits.
@acromouse @JazzyS thanks for the well wishes. Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s just still part of the withdrawal or paws. Better today but still fatigued

Today was good. Got together with a friend which was nice. Went to the dreaded grocery store. This is one time I wished I lived in a dry state lol! But I did good. I carry an index card in my purse that has my hand written reasons to not drink, so I read over those and prayed before I went in. Of course they have wine almost everywhere you look, but I made it out safe and sound.
Iā€™m getting closer to truly feeling that ā€œfreedom not to drinkā€ feeling.

Hope everyone is doing well.

ā€œFear is faith in negative thingsā€


They are adorable! Thank you for sharing.


Sounds like fun but I thought you were going to say your pants split. Lol


I found that it got easier. When I hit six months it was much better. Dont get me wrong there are days that the simplest of tasks are overwhelming. For me the alcohol had me so checked out I couldnā€™t feel anything. I was on autopilot.
I so admire you for taking the time for yourself and working on balance. Be proud of yourself! :blush:



Working weekend ahead. Iā€™m OK. Writing helps me in understanding myself and the world around me. Sharing what I write and think and feel helps me more. Thereā€™s a Dutch expression that says ā€˜een waarheid als een koeā€™. Well, itā€™s a truth like a cow indeed that Iā€™m glad and grateful to be sober and clean or I could never make something of anything in this world. And Iā€™m at least as grateful to you all for making it possible. On we go. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you al can friends. Clean and sober. Much love.