Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Hey Menno. What a fine looking cow. Just sending love :kissing_heart:


Thanks and right back at you friend. Lots of it :two_hearts: :people_hugging:



Itā€™s past midnight and the neighbors are shooting off fireworks. Idk when that became a part of Memorial Day weekend, but seems a tad unnecessary as itā€™s 3 days away. And midnight :unamused: My cat came to cuddle for solace. I guess I wouldnā€™t care if my daughter wasnā€™t trying to sleep, since I have her another weekend.

Forgot to mention, 1 week came and went and I didnā€™t here from her dad. Checked the jail app and heā€™s still there. I called to see if he had a release date and is apparently being held until his next court date, which is Tuesday. As far as I know it was his 2nd violation, but it couldā€™ve been more. He doesnā€™t tell me anything. Idk what happens when you use up all your strikes. He already served a year in 2020 before beginning drug court so I really hope he wonā€™t have to do any more significant time if the program drops him. I wonder if smoking that weed was worth it :roll_eyes:

I could tell the second I got to work my boss was in a mood. It was one of those nights where none of us could do our jobs in her eyes. Except she was the one making it so difficult for us. Saying sheā€™ll be doing certain things and then not doing them consistently, like assigning tables and menuing them(but forgetting). Doing other things and not communicating them, like delivering food to tables without telling the server. It just makes us look bad when we have no idea whatā€™s going on. For the first time in 9 years I feel like I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing bc weā€™re never told anything until last minute. Itā€™s all in her head and weā€™re not mind readers. If we were just allowed to do our jobs the way we always have, sheā€™d see everything work out just fine, but sheā€™d rather control everything and fill us with anxiety thinking weā€™ll get in trouble for not doing it right. Not a great start to the season. Everyoneā€™s already sick of it. Ugh, enough complaining.

Have a good Saturday everyone :heart:


@chosen2001 How are you doing Chris? Sending you strength and love my friend :hugs: :heart:
@just_laura Sorry that the results were inconclusive for your moms study ā€“ hopefully the tips you received will help. I canā€™t imagine what it must feel like dealing with that sensation and awareness when you wake up. :hugs: Grateful you were able to stay aware of your surroundings and not get sucked into old habits. I remember having a emotional episode and finding myself smoking cigs even though I had quit for 2 years at the time. Shit took me 3 + decades to quit again. Fireworks for Memorial Day ā€“ WTF? Sorry friend ā€“ hope you are able to get sleep soon. UGH your boss just sounds scatterbrained and awful - hope it gets easier at work for you soon.
@soberwalker Sounds like a wonderful way to recoup after a holiday. I donā€™t think Whats App is social media but more so a texting app that allows us to connect globally ā€“ glad you were able to connect with friends :hugs:
@timetochange WAY TO GO! 11 months is impressive work friend ā€“ keep putting in the solid efforts :muscle: :tada: :clap: :tada:
@mno Sorry about the job friend. Rejection sucks. I agree with Claudia that better things await you. This may have just been a opportunity to see if you wanted to move on from your current situation. Keep putting in the work for your recovery ā€“ you are doing remarkable work Mno ā€“ very inspirational :hugs: :muscle:
@danwood85 Thanks for checking in friend. Hoping you will get some R&R this weekend and enjoy your time at the water park. Great work on letting the impulse fizzle out :muscle: Double 3ā€™s and crushing it ā€“ keep up the great work. Grateful coffee has helped me get through this week LOL
@Wahtisnormal YES! Way to go friend ā€“ 40 days and crushing it. Impressive work Zoe ā€“ keep up with your solid efforts :muscle: :tada: :clap:
@sussexguy Double digits is awesome work. Sorry for the horrid day friend ā€“ hang in there ā€“ it does get easier. Hope you are able to relax and enjoy your holiday weekend.

This is key ā€” those fleeting thoughts come and go and as long as we address them with kick ass recovery they canā€™t sneak up and bite us in the ass. Way to go with your 174 days Marty!
@2jtravnz Iā€™m so sorry Travis for all that you have been dealing with. The emotional turmoil of it all can be so overwhelming and I canā€™t imagine having to deal with being bipolar. Grateful that you put a stop to social media and are taking time for yourself. We are here to lend support and love ā€“ lean on us. It will get better friend ā€“ you are not alone :hugs:


@catmancam Thanks Cam. I do hope the appointment went well today. :hugs: :heart:
@zse Awe Iā€™m sorry to hear about your stressful week friend ā€“ so very proud of how well youā€™ve handled it. Glad that you are feeling calmer now and that your little queen is being looked after ā€“ safe healing vibes her way :pray:

Love this ā€“ great to see you putting your tools to use and finding a way to deal with the anxiety ā€“ great work on your 50 days :tada: :clap:
@nastya_is_fighting Glad that your partner is going to the psych ward and getting the help she needs. Grateful that you are doing better in your recovery :hugs: So lovely to have you back here with us ā€“ you were missed. Good luck on your exams.
@bjonns Yeah day 3 and so grateful for the phone call. I am glad that you were able to get past all the thoughts and feelings. This community is active 24 /7 so lean on us in the future if you need to ā€“ just typing ā€œhelpā€ will get a response from someone. You are not alone :hugs:

I do love this and glad to see that you were able to do something to help curb the cravings. Way to go Twizzlers ā€“ be proud of yourself for finding healthier ways to deal with the mental BS :hugs: much love to you and props for 19 days :muscle:
@proudlyunknown85 Way to go on your 2+ months of sobriety ā€“ love the positive attitude - keep going strong :muscle:
@trustybird big hugs my friend ā€“ how did it go with the therapist consultation?
@tailee17 YEAH to the 1 year of having you with us. Grateful to be sharing this journey with you :hugs:
@deelzebub This thread is super active and I can understand not being able to keep up ā€“ hopefully you will still pop in from time to time to let us know how you are doing :hugs: So very happy to see you doing well and that the depression is becoming less. Love all the activities you are involved in :heart: Looking forward to celebrating your big milestone with you ā€“ stay well my friend :people_hugging:


@holysquid Dang busy life ā€“ sorry you missed it but thatā€™s great that you are not so focused on the timer and actually living your life. Triple 4ā€™s is cool but 445 is even cooler :wink: you are kicking ass my friendā€¦ great to see you popping in and sharing your amazing achievement :tada: :clap:
@soberbilly Impressive sober time my Sober Buddy and you are doing incredibly well in your challenge. I appreciate you checking in with your progress and thoughts. I have been working on myself as of late and find your check ins very inspiring. Find myself checking my thoughts and actions and hopefully will continue to keep myself in check. Just wanted to thank you.
@chevy55 glad you enjoyed your sober birthday and are doing so well in your sober journey friend. love seeing all the positives in your life. That is a beautiful bike. I think that life is too short and we should enjoy the things that make us happy if and when we can make them happen.
@lisa-b great work on your 148 days Lisa. Sorry that the journey is feeling like so much work. I do think the beginning stages are hard and do take a shit ton of effort. Sobriety isnā€™t just about abstaining from our DOC but also about getting to know ourselves, our triggers, and dealing with life without any substances to help numb us or guide usā€¦ thatā€™s not easy. However, it does get easier as we build up a routine and gather our tools and create a support system ā€¦ all the little things that we work on early on become our foundation for life. You are rocking this Lisa ā€“ keep up the great work :muscle:
@mindofsobermike OMG Mike ā€“ hope you are ok. What a way to start off the weekend.
@charlie_c 75 days is awesome friend and this picture was gold ā€“ really brightened up my day ā€“ thanks for sharing
Mira_d Grateful that you are able to see your mom and that you two can be there for each other. This has to be a very difficult time and Iā€™m sorry Mira. Big hugs to you my friend ā€“ sending you big comforting hugs :people_hugging:
@jeanine Way to go with a successful grocery store outing. So crazy that we have to be so on guard to just go to buy groceries. The index card is a smart idea. Glad it worked. I also try to leave my ID in the card to create more of a hassle to buy anything LOL.

OMG ā€“ how active is this thread? LOL ā€“ i missed my morning check in and was almost 100 posts behind. Grateful to have caught up. It is now 1 am and i should try to pretend to sleep. Was a good day overall and i am hoping to start off with a walk before the storms hit tomorrow (well i guess today now).
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening ā€“ sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


@Mindofsobermike I was reading your post with such a tension :anguished: When you said your pants were tight I thought oh no, his pants gonna torn in front of his daughters and, even worse, other kids :sweat_smile: After this you would have to move out to another state, probably even other country. Glad you just fell over :wink:
You are great dad :blue_heart:


@Chevy55 Happy belated birthday :balloon:


*Day 2075 :walking_woman:
Good to read all those milestones from everybody here! Love it! :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Congratulations all! And letā€™s celebrate everybody up here, because everybody is here to add another sober day.
So he you! Yeah you!
Congratulations for your effort today! :confetti_ball:

Not much to share myself beside this picture that struck me in my heart when I walked pass it a week ago.

I do not like it when people tag themselves on public stuff but this one has to stay :blush:
ā€œYou make my soul smileā€
A little treasure on the streets of Spain.
Have a good day ore night all and do not forget to celebrate as well! :wink:
With love, Claudia.



Made some steps towards starting college and work with preschoolers next year. In December twins are going to school (in Netherlands school starts at the age of 4) so I will have a time to actually move on with my life. Most probably I will work 3-4 days a week and 1 day I will have a school. I met very nice lady from LeerWerkLokket (organisation that helps arrange learning and working), she gave me lots of tips, she will help me also in the future, I am so glad we met cause Iā€™m not very familiar with Dutch education system etc.
Also, I am still going weekly to that TaalCafe (kind of Dutch lessons at library) and now I am waiting for info when (and if) I could start other class, more advance, so I can be ready to start collage next year. For now, I donā€™t feel my Dutch is enough. I canā€™t only rely on learning at home cause here I have always something ā€œmore importantā€ to do. There is an option but I must get approval from this organization, its for free but its not for everybody. So basically someone gonna decide if itā€™s worth to help me or not :sweat_smile: At this moment we canā€™t afford lessons I have to pay for. So finger crossed :crossed_fingers:t3:

Next Wednesday I have appointment at the elderly care home. They need volunteers for some basic stuff, for example to make coffee for residents, go for a walk etc. Like 2h once a week work. And for me, opportunity to have some chat in Dutch. And to help other ofcourse.

So basically this is it. Onwards!


@SoberWalker Thanks for the treasure :hugs:
@Just_Laura Honestly, the job of a manager or anybody in a supervising position is to make it easier for those they are supervising to do their jobs. Sadly this appears not to have made it into common knowledge :roll_eyes:
@Mno I like the cow thing. Seems very dutch to me :wink: And I remember from my life on a farm trying to make a cow move :joy: So this really is hilarious and true at the same time. Now I need to learn how to pronounce it. Have a good day friend. Process your thoughts and feelings your way.
@Jeanine Congrats on making it through the store. We all know how hard it is to navigate places where our DOCs are on display everywhere, taunting us and putting our minds in overdrive. Well done :+1:
@Mira_D Thank you for your thoughtful share :heart:
@Mindofsobermike Ouch :weary:. I hope you are not in a too bad shape friend. Heal soon :face_with_head_bandage:
@Lisa-B Yeah. Real life is hard. Thatā€˜s why we try to escape it with addictive substances or behaviours. At least thatā€˜s what I did. I recently heard at a recovery meeting someone citing a book they had read: ā€žReality is an acquired taste.ā€œ Dealing with life, with reality on its own terms is quite a challenge. I find buddhist based recovery programs helpful in this regard: mindfulness and kindness. Thanks for sharing. Itā€˜s always good to hear someone express the kind of stuff we all suffer from. :people_hugging:
@Chevy55 Happy belated birthday! And many happy sober returns :partying_face: And yeah, that bike does look sexy as hell. The question is: Does it really need to be in your possession? Or can you let it be just so very sexy by itself? Will owning it make it more sexy? Or maybe its sexiness will lessen with time? :wink:
@Soberbilly Youā€˜re putting quite the work in your challenge :muscle:
@nastya_is_fighting Glad to hear your partner is in a safe place now and you can have some rest yourself.

185 sugar
49 UPF
56 gluten
35 dairy
22 overeating/binge

Yesterday I used my tools of mindfulness and kindness around food and eating. They really work. I just have to actually use them and not fall into the trap of following distractions while I eat.

Itā€˜s a rainy day today, makes everything a bit gloomy, but also quiet. I like quiet.
My daughter is off to relatives and parties, and I am having a whole day just to myself. What luxury.
Iā€˜m planning on taking care of my work tools: IT stuff, doing some grocery shopping, exercise and yoga, watering the plants, and other stuff around the flat. The rest is going to be reading, watching anime and in the evening Iā€˜m going to visit friends for a game night.

Today on I go: mindfulness and kindness. Have a wonderful day of peace, kindness and freedom yaā€˜ll :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Volunteer work is a great way to practice your Dutch! Good of you to start with it. I know our language isnā€™t easy. I help a lady from Iran with it and she struggles also. She can read everything in Dutch and understands it too most of the time but talking is a different part. Her vocabulary is very small so itā€™s hard to get into the details.
I hope you will get that extra class! :crossed_fingers:


Great isnā€™t it? Streettreasures, I :heart: it!
Itā€™s always there if you are willing to see them and this one I didnā€™t miss :sweat_smile:


Thatā€˜s why I actually love graffiti and tags and writings on toilet stalls, and all of that, cause people will leave the most interesting images and thoughts there.


11 months and one day. I need to put my counter back into just days I think. Sunny day. Just beautiful outside. My wife is working so I will do some jobs at home, walk the dog, wash the cars, that kind of thing

Blessed to be here. I wouldnā€™t have got to this point without this app and the daily check ins

Watched the film ford v Ferrari last night. Really enjoyed it.


Good morning.
First day when Iā€™m alone in the house. Iā€™m kinda missing my partner, especially when I woke up for first time again alone. Itā€™s unusual for me after longer time being with her. Eh.
Today I will be cleaning house as I said yesterday. And might go outside, but I feel like more to do passive things as painting or chilling in the bed haha.
And how are you all? Have a nice day guys! :sun_with_face:


175 days
Gym in the morning for myself and the kids.
then a bit of a cleaning rampage at home, kids chipped in too which was good. A visit from family in the afternoon and then just a quiet evening at home.
Staying hydrated and aiming for sparring in the morning. Its a definite mood enhancer to start Sundays

  1. Beautiful sunny morning for the long weekend here in the U.K. Morning chores to get done before taking the family to meet one of my oldest friends and his wife for lunch and a day by the beach. I would have been hungover for this before and then had a drink or three with lunch and not enjoyed the day anything like Iā€™m going to today. Friday night sobriety was hard last night as holiday weekends are a trigger but the reward of sobriety this morning is real. I look forward to doing things which are NOT drinking again.

Good morning!

It feels good to have a Saturday off. I was planning on having a bit of a sleep to recover from the week but at 7.15 my eyes were openā€¦ Its strange that my eyes actually feel open. They havenā€™t felt like this for years. No weed or alcohol weighing them down. Iā€™m grateful for my wide eyes this morning!

@Mischa84 @Mindofsobermike :joy::joy: I was thinking the same with the tight pantsā€‹:grimacing:ā€¦glad you got away with only scratches bud. Hope you heal up soon!

Thanks @JazzyS, always appreciated :pray: Glad the coffee did the trick! I hope you get your walk in and stay safe in those storms!

Have a great Saturday yā€™all, Iā€™m feeling the love this morning :heart::heart::heart::heart:



Same here James - was packing a picnic for our girls at 9am this morning thinking it would have been so different a few weeks ago. I would be grumpy and tired and wishing the day away - today I canā€™t wait to get out in the sunshine in the countryside! Enjoy your day