Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Check 1253,

No matter how rough the ocean is around you, how depressed you may feel, keep on moving one step at the time…the dawn will break……:pray:


Hey welkom hier :smiley:


Hey all, checking in on day 1441. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 2254. Rainy camp day…guess we will be playing cards all day if it doesnt stop.


Day 141 AF

A beautiful day out there, perfect for some lawn maintenance for people!!

I love mornings like this after a good sleep. Feeling like a million bucks and down 2.7lbs this week on my official weigh in day!

Make this sober journey the absolute best you all can TS folks :heart:


Aww @Lisa-B ive experienced this often. You are not alone. Its like i went all or nothing with interacting with others and became overwhelmed. I feel like im still trying to learn a balance so just wanted to pop on and say you arent alone. I think its common in sobriety


Ahhh sleep is elusive these last 2 nights. Im getting like 5hrs of sleep. Boy i can sympathize with @Lighter
First night storms. Last night racing thoughts. Oh well i will make the most of a beautiful saturday.

2yrs and change sober. I no longer am afraid of long weekends and idle time and fears of my addictive mind winning. What a blessing. I rarely crave or miss the before times these days.

God…last night my niece said hey do you remember that time you were trying to teach me how to twerk :astonished: dread and embarassment washed over me and too much booze in the before times. Then i thought hey idk how to twerk maybe i was trying to teach her how to pop lol ahhh good embarassing memories to reaffirm im on the right path


Day 12

I had the most amazing night… My son and I watched the basketball game. It was very intense and went down to the last shot. Lots of trash talking and competitive spirit, it’s exactly what I love about sports.

My team was down the entire game, came back with a few minutes left and won the game. The guys didn’t panic, they played together and got the job done. The role players followed the stars lead and matched their energy.

This is my theme for the day… I can’t lose today. I won’t panic and I have the spirit to overcome anything that’s thrown at me.

I’m the leader of my team, I will lead by example and everyone in the house will follow.

If I’m not bitching and complaining… No one else is.

If I’m upbeat and have energy… Everyone else does.

I feel amazing, motivated and ready for this day to start… Just have to wait for everyone to wake up :joy:

Enjoy the day everyone!


Day 62, went swimming today now cooking some pasta. Feeling goofy today have a nice 24 everyone


Day 85

Good morning. :sun_with_face:

Sleeping better for now and hope it lasts. I’m taking my first sober trip next Saturday to another state.

Have a good day, take care.


Day 1177 here. Husband is out of town. Feeling a bit lonely. Will keep busy today!!


Good morning guys checking in on day 255 SAF and 241 no smokes. Hope everybodys doing good, and wish you all a happy memorial day weekend. If you’re not in a place where you feel like your sobriety can handle going to bbq’s or parties where there’s gonna be alcohol, do yourself a favor and sit this one out. There will be other things to do later on. Have a great weekend guys. Love ya’s :v::green_heart:

Some days I feel like I’m really on the ball and getting stronger lately I feel kinda like this. :rofl::rofl:


16 days sober

Playing the waiting game.

Any minute… so proud of my daughter. I am just helping her get organized. A beautiful early summer day here. The trip here was the first time in a LONG time that I did not drink at the airport . I had tight connections and that helped. Just happy to be sober and present.

Have a great Saturday TS family.


If you feel like in 10 years, you’ll look back and say damn I wish I had of bought that bike when I had the money, the time, and the energy to ride it, then I say buy it.
I honestly don’t know what I would do without being able to jump on mine and just go some days


51 days sober! This morning I did some work on the trauma workbook. I am planning to give myself 2-3 weeks per chapter(this is what the book recommended) and to go back and reread and gives also things to think about and some worksheets. It seems to be informational but also fairly practical. Also tough to work through as it does bring up a lot of things. I had a nice hike afterwards followed by a soak in the hot spring.
This afternoon some of my neighbors got together with me to help me make a rug for my house. Here you make felted rugs called shyrdaks out of wool. I’ve collected enough wool from my sheep to make one so we started on this. I’ve made them before and find it very fun especially because you need to beat the wool with sticks and I found today this really got out some anger! :joy: anyways this was a good time and I enjoyed starting on this today. Hoping to finish making it within the next week or two. It was a good time together with a lot of stories and laugher. One of the sons of my neighbor came for part of the afternoon to sing stories and tell riddles for entertainment and I really enjoyed this. Hope everyone else is enjoying their Saturdays!
Getting started on my rug! My arms are a bit sore now from all the wool beating :joy:


Day 4 (almost)
Just in from work and that is it until Tuesday.
Think I just want my own company today, maybe find a quiet spot in the garden and read my new SK Book.
The neighbours are out in their garden watching the cup final on a large projector. If i just stay here out of sight i wont be invited and that increases the likelihood of having another winning day.
Best wishes to you all today.


Checking in on day
381 no alcohol
312 no vapes or ciggs.(no nic or loszenges in 21 days)
44 no form of marijuanna

Im so happy i stayed sober and nic free yesterday
I was craving hard and its tough because i work where i can pretty much have my pick except they are alternatives which could be even worse for my body

I was looking at gaba yesterday to raise my mood from the nic cravings
I didnt getnit bexause i didnt want it to interact with my meds. I even did resurch about this gaba suplament. Theres little side effects unless you take too much but its also dependence capable. I thought theres really no reason for me to get it and decided no. I kinda got the vabe it would be caffeine pill like but for my mood. Like its in that area of well being
The last time i took a shortcut like that was the caffeine pills. They made me feel good until they didnt.

Im a addict. Ill look for anything under the sun to make me feel like i can escape reality abd im smart or dumb enough to figure out how to make it work.

So yesterday i just rolled with it and didnt do anything at all. I feel good about that


Wow this thread moves sooo fast, i feel like i cant keep up lol

Morning TS fam! Hope everyone is well!
Happy birthday @Chevy55 Im a bit late but still wanted to wish u an amazing day!!
I am currently at work. I once again had some very strange dreams. I slept very heavy and woke up tired. Coffee is sort of helping right now tho. I attempted to do some prayer on the way to work but was too tired to even focus on that. I have only 1 day of work this weekend bcuz tmrw my son has a muscle car event to go to. Should be fun! Hes feeling quite a bit better now so im happy for that. Yesterday i ate sooo poorly. So im paying the price for that today :frowning: im trying to not let the bad eating continue into today. Im just sort of pretending it didnt happen so that i dont feel so bad and carry those emotions into today, which otherwise could lead me into another bad binge day. Not much else to report. Just going to get thru work and do laundry once home. Thats it :slight_smile: Have a great day everyone!


Just checking in on day 318. Love to all!:peace_symbol::heart:


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 87

Late check-in today.
We where up early to go to my old church second hand store in our neighbor village.
And ended up at that village spring fair with a street market.

I didn’t even know it was today, we didn’t found what we where looking for at the second hand. But the spring fair market was amazing.

We tried Ukrainian food, the kids bough jewelry from their favorite seller ( He’s from Peru and sells native items)

The boys went to look at his items as usual and ended up buying necklaces made of Tagua with Mayan symbols on, that they’ve never seen before.

It was almost magical. The seller had only two of them as they where little more expensive than the rest so according to him no one wanted to buy them. And he would get more as they didn’t sell at all.

Those necklaces where the first ones my boys saw. I said that they could buy them and the seller said that they where very special so when they choose they should choose the necklace that spoke to them. And if they didn’t spoke to them, then they should buy something else.

My 14 y/o ended up with one that had the Mayan symbol for leadership, wisdom and strength. Pretty much his personality summed up.

And my 12 y/o ended up with the Mayan symbol for goodness, hope, light and protection. Which is very much his personality.

Seller didn’t tell them until they had picked and put their necklaces on. And then he said that those necklaces had been waiting for the boys.
Maybe a seller’s trick, maybe magic.
We’re settled with Magic for this :blush:

I also met Nate which might also been magical even if he’s his still a jerk.
Long story short we had lunch at the same place, it was crowded so we ended up sitting together and he thought that my clothes was inappropriate. (They weren’t, palazzo pants,pink tank top, yellow long sleeve cardigan)
I kindly reminded him that what I wear is not his problems in any way, and realized that he actually doesn’t scary me at all anymore.

For those of you who haven’t tagged along all.the way, Nate is an old boyfriend we where Together for years, he made my life a living hell and is a huge reason behind my C-ptsd.
Years ago I would’ve been terrified by him, but I decided to not let that happen. Worked in the same village as my old church. Got back in contact because I wanted it all to end somehow well. Stayed in touch and tried so bad to make it work with him as a friend. It didn’t work and he once again went from nice to full in psycho.

I decided to keep a distance,but still remain friends. And we started to have contact sporadically for a while. And now we’re just running in to each other occasionally because we live pretty close.
My husband thinks he’s a pretty nice guy, but I know that he switch from really nice to the devil incarnated within seconds.
Don’t worry I’m careful. Learned my lesson last time.

Long post today.
That’s all Folks.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend :heavy_heart_exclamation: