Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Happy Saturday everyone :heart:

Checking in today clean & sober
1 year 1 month 26 days from meth
1 month 26 days from tobacco

Have a wonderful weekend y’all!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Is it me or are abstent substance people the only sane nice people?

I feel like if someone is drinking or blazing heavily they’re ususlly a little bit out there


Maybe because the crazy is directed differently?


I dont mean to keep dragging this on but in reality i guess i do

When i was using i just cared about getting high or drunk and if a “friend” had it theyd be my bestie for a day.

The only reason i had to be happy was to get drunk
The only reason i was having fun was dulling my sences with pot

How is being completely wrecked cool? After a while its really just annoying and insane like i was. There are so many hypocrisies with substances not just for the fun to say but in reality


The best part of remembering those embarrassing moments is knowing there’s no way in hell I could ever top them sober. I used to be quiet and shy and turn red over anything but now it’s virtually impossible for me to become embarrassed bc I’ve done it so much in the past (and hardly remember half of it :grimacing:). It helped me in a (non ideal) way.


Checking in day 145 AF :blush: i missed a check in as we are camping :grin: its another first for me to be sober camping :camping: I’m really enjoying it. Happy sober Saturday x


Checking in Saturday afternoon. Just finishing up things at work then picking up some lumber for my home project. Not much else to report :man_shrugging: Hoping everyone is enjoying their weekend!


@Jasty2 I couldn’t relate more to a meme! :smile:


116 days AF

Tired and warm from a sunny, long outdoor swim (the pool out in nowhere).
Productive day. The new matrace topper is like heaven. Bones and muscles feel so much better. Had a bad opinion about something like this before! Like… “Not necessary” I can also sleep on a bamboo bed, the harder the better. Lol.

Now, food :muscle:t2::rofl:

Love you guys!


Evening all (channelling Dixon of Dock Green tonight obv), checking in on Day 55 AF.


I’m tired all of the sudden. Guess I’ll come hang out. Not cured yet y’all :wink:. It’s still the first quarter of the first year! So happy I slept, that was driving me crazy. I don’t want to mess up by overdoing everything. I’m enjoying this new phase. I think it’s just the beginning of feeling better. It’s so exciting. Finally.

Heat index is 112 today. (That can FRO :laughing:)
…if it’s cold where you are, I’m very envious. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Happy weekend my friends


Day 57.

Just drove 2 hours to my favorite reststop only for it to be closed. Maybe I should’ve checked beforehand :sweat_smile:

Otherwise, doing okay.

Hope everyone else is as well. :slight_smile:


Good evening.
Cleaning went good. It was heavily raining so I decided to do self care with hydration mask and to finally wash my hair. It’s been a while when I last time washed it.
Then I was drawing. I need to share that at art topic, but I will do it tommorow. It’s already pretty dark outside heh.
As well happened one thing which a lot surprised me! My ex friends followed my social medias and even liked few my posts. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I hope they won’t text me to talk again though. Enough of pain from “friends” who never cared about me, used my money and time and especially showed to me that drugs are more important for them. I don’t need friends like that, duh. :fu:t2:I deserve better than this man. :frowning:
Tomorrow is Sunday and if everything will go fine I will go to the house one of my friends who recently moved out to that house. Can’t wait to see it, he told me that it’s much bigger than last house where he was living (or correctly, flat where he lived with old people. Basically it was a motel or something like that). Aaand I might paint something! But I will see.
Now I will go to sleep. Have nice dreams guys. :sunflower:


Checking in, day 20 of not drinking. Long road ahead but I am determined to get to day 365.

Happy weekend everyone.


Started out the day realizing I’d been unfriended by someone on FB. It stings but I’ll get over it without drinking. Then I told my mom I had made an appointment with a dermatologist, She started researching the dermatologist online and decided SHE wants to go to the same dermatologist. Which isn’t a biggie but annoying and triggering of old stuff, of how she makes things about herself. Instead of saying, hey great Karen, you are taking care of yourself. Good for you! She (it feels like) steals my idea to use it for herself. She’ll probably get an earlier appointment than me and I will have to listen to her go on and on about what a great doctor the dermatologist is and she’ll forget it was my idea to start with.

I’m feeling like I should delete all of this post. But at least I can be having a less than perfect day and not drink about it. And I know you can do it, too, friend. Let’s stay sober together.


Day 69 today.

I read something incredible yesterday and it was that Gen Z and millennials are becoming more and more sober-curious. Thought that was a cool word and it’s definition is inspiring.

Have a great weekend all.


I have to do an effort to go to bed earlier


Checking in. Day 48. I’m so excited to get to 50. Then 100. And on from there.
Currently watching the kids and dog swim, while I sip on some sparkling water.


Checking in for Day 5.
Just been spending quality time with the kids, watching movies, having a big brekky, bit of shopping for things they need, even though they act like it’s the worst thing in the world when I have to buy them new shoes :roll_eyes::rofl: … 3 boys so not huge fans of shopping I guess!

Thanks @JazzyS. I guess it’s one of those ones where you don’t want to be a burden and ask for help. But I have to realise that this is what this community is for. Just such a forein concept.


Mom hack: I have in the past traced my kids feet on construction paper and then cut them out. I take their feet cut-outs shopping with me and leave the kids at home! :rofl: