Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Im just so f’n annoyed right now. Just everything is annoying me. Its been this way since i left work. I just dont feel like peopling today. Im overstimulated, i need a break which cant happen right now, and i desperately need to be left alone, again not able to happen.

I have urges to use my DOC or stuff my face full of comfort food. Both i know will not solve the underlying issue. I have to learn to not run from my problems but instead face them head on and take care of what needs to be taken care of. In this instance i need some down time.

Im deep breathing. Im saying the serenity prayer. Im trying to slow down. Purposefully relaxing my tense muscles. Ill be okay. Thanks for letting me get this out there friends. Its just been a day i think.


Day 42

Eh. Environment is chaotic right now hearing my family scream at each other and drinking sounds pretty tempting right now. But ive made it this far and im not trying to screw up the progress I’ve made. Just frustrating. Not sure what to do with myself right now but I’ll figure it out.


Ugh i know that environment. And how hard it is to stay sober in it. My old roommates were like this, loud music, loud voices, drinking all the time.

Play that tape thru to the end. Its not worth how ur going to feel in the morning. Can u go for a walk or get out of that environment for a bit? Or put some headphones on with some music? Im sorry ur having to listen to all that.


Stay strong moonwoman

Argumenting family and roommates were my life for a long time
Stopping or atleast trying to stop the alcohol and drugs saved my life


You my friend are such a beautiful human being :blue_heart: Thank u for ur words of wisdom. Sometimes i forget that i have a choice in how I react to any given situation. For decades my first instinct was to run away and “solve” whatever issue i was having with drugs. Now its food that i turn to but im trying to break that also (which for the most part i am usually successful). But today was just a hard day. This too shall pass.


Awe thanks friend. Hope ur doing well :slight_smile:


Im doing ok

Im bed ready to call it a night
Nuggled up with my wifey and baby is asleep

Ive had a few urges to smoke nicotine
The thoughts would spark very quick and then i get annoyed at myself for quitting
Also weed cravings happen because i have the thought, hey its not nic then i start to think hey a suplsment can help. They have some strange suplaments out there to calm anxiety. I see my phyc for meds. I dont need any more especially from a grocery store

Its just frustrsting but like someone said on the show greys attatomy, “feeling feelings are normal” and for those intence times, “its so normal its boring”


Day 62 this has been a terrible day. I have been dealing with the worst tooth pain. The damn devil on my shoulder keeps telling that alcohol or drugs will help. I keep telling them to shut the fuck up lol. I was however able to keep some antibiotics so hopefully it feels better tomorrow since there is a dentist available until Tuesday. Other than that I have to admit lifes getting better everyday. I am trying to be more grateful for the blessings I do have instead of focusing on what I dont. Hope everyone has a great night/day which ever your having where your from.


Thank you so much guys :pray:t2:


I’m so looking forward to not being afraid of idle time or of being alone. Thanks for posting that.


I heard something similar too. They are more into having mocktails at bars or gatherings. Pretty cool!


Saturday night check in. Solo parenting my baby daughter most of this weekend as my wife is on overnights. Got a fair amount of housework done, despite a late night and early morning taking care of my little lady and cleaning up.
Gotta get up super early to put the freshly cleaned car seat back together — good thing I’m going to bed sober. :+1:t2:

Keep going, and don’t give up.


I love this too! What a beautiful message with a great view :heart:
@danwood85 LOL I hear ya on waking up at the crack of dawn on your days off (its like the body is so used to work week mode it doesn’t realize it has a gift of sleeping in). Hope you have enjoyed your wonderful sober Saturday. I was fortunate to get out for the walk and no storms today (I swear the weather man has been wrong every day this week LOL). Oh well – it was good to have that kick in the butt this morning.
@mbwoman great timer friend – hope you are enjoying your “me” time and not feeling lonely – here if you need to chat :hugs:

This had me cracking up Joe and yeah this speaks to my core. Lately my mind is a jumbled mess – the only blessing is that I am sober – keep kicking ass friend – we are getting stronger each day!

Awesome work friend – great work on flexing your sober muscles and staying on track :muscle:
@j4yd4wg welcome to the community and a great job with your 20 days of sobriety! Love the determination and attitude :muscle:
@kareness Glad you got that out in words so that they can be released into the universe rather than sitting with you. Glad you are not letting any of this bring you down or mess with your sobriety. How is the patio revamp coming?
@bjonns Totally get it – was a foreign concept for me too and am grateful for the community and all the support – it being anonymous helps so much too. I feel like at the beginning it was easier to talk to strangers and get help then it would ever have been irl. You are among friends here so do lean on us for support when you need :hugs:
@butterflymoonwoman I’m sorry your day has turned on you – hope you are able to be kind and loving towards yourself and practice some self care. Maybe some quiet time will help (you are always on the go and always taking care of someone else). Sending you love and hugs my friend :heart: :people_hugging:
@wahtisnormal sorry that the environment is so chaotic – drinking will not help in any way! Are you able to retreat to your room – put on some feel good music (maybe headphones are needed) and work on your art? Just a thought of getting yourself to a happy place. :hugs: :heart:
@chase.e.u Yikes- sorry about the tooth pain friend. Sucks when we have troubles like this during a long weekend and have to wait so long to get help. I do hope you get some relief from the pain soon. Drinking and drugging is not the answer. Have you tried using Orajel?

Checking in on Saturday night
521 days free of alcohol and weed
936 days free of cigarettes
Grateful for a productive active start to the day. Glad i got all my activities done early enough cause i got hit with a bad stomach bug or food poisoning or something – still not 100% but a lot better. Bad headache that won’t go away - going to sleep now so I hope to get to sleep soon. A bright beautiful Sunday awaits :wink:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in at the end of day 14.

@acromouse thanks for that! It’s nice to feel your efforts rewarded.
@JazzyS Thanks! Yes! I remember you told me about leaving my ID in the car. I will definitely remember to do that next time.

Today was a good day. Still really tired. Came home and took an hour and half nap. Attended a wedding shower. They did have wine there but lots of alternative non alcohol drinks as well. I prepared my mind ahead of time before going and what I would say if offered a drink. I wasn’t offered a drink it was more of self serve so I chose the lemon water and all was good.

Hope everyone one has a good night.

“Our negative core beliefs become our expectations.”


Thank you so much, retreating to my room is my go-to move :joy::joy: was able to get through it, and remind myself that drinking isnt worth it and would only make things worse.

So sorry to hear youre not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon and get some good rest, hopefully you can sleep it off :pray:t2:


Checking in. Day 32 (or 31?). Anyways I’ve hit the one month mark. I’m glad. Still in treatment. Feeling good. I feel like my boyfriend isn’t as excited as I am about giving up drinking. Maybe he’s afraid that he loses his drinking buddy. But he doesn’t seem to understand since he doesn’t have a drinking problem.


I love that! Will definitely give that a go next time. Will be sooo much easier :rofl:



I should have taken the day off to celebrate the 19th birthday of the queen mother I share my home with. I have to work instead. So glad you’re with me friend, to share my journey with you. You’ve seen me at my worst. And seen me working on my recovery for the last years too. Love you.

Have as good a day as you can all. Sober and clean. One day at a time. Love from Luna and me.

  1. Lovely day yesterday, got some sun. Rain today and for a while so need that Vit D. No dramas, just honest goodness. The kittens are looking to destroy their nans blinds, slat by slat. But they are amazing. Seven months old and super responsive, resilient and trusting. They make me so happy to have them in my life. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Happy birthday Luna :heart: