Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Day 13

Today, my energy is lower than it’s been. I think it’s from the weird morning I had. My mind feels a little heavy but I’ve taken some of the weight off with my morning prayer and connection with god.

I’m not looking forward to work today, but I’ve committed to the shift. The distraction will be nice to get out of my mind.

It’s okay, not every moment will be roses. A good attitude is half the battle. A smile is the cheapest form of charity.

These cheesy sayings will generate positivity throughout the day, I’m sure of it!

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!


Day 58.

Going for a run today. Weather seems fine and I want to see how much tar I can hack up.

Probably a lot, since my lung is basically a highway now. :sweat_smile:

Want to be more active nowadays. I used to be quite sportive but my drinking kind of robbed that energy from me.

Back to it I guess :man_shrugging:

Hope everyone is doing okay as well. :slight_smile:
Take care and keep up the good work! :tada:


Day 86

Nightmares last night. Trauma stuff. So glad to be awake. Just trying to calm myself. All is well. :white_check_mark:

Doing some reading and meditation this morning before I do anything else. Stretching. Go :bathtub:

See you in a bit. X


I love your sentence about becoming the person you always wanted to be. I think so many of us share that same sentiment.
I have a vision in my head of how I’d like things to be and I think I’ll get there in the next few years :crossed_fingers:


Hey all,
Got through my sisters birthday and am looking forward to going home. I have quite a bit of hope for my nephew, particularly around how I have helped to shape the teajectory going forward. My mom has always had a hard time seeing things positively, and I wont go to into it but i do recognize how her way of thinking and how it effects her is not due to what has happened but it has been how she processed things and dealt with things, and in turn was part of our challenges growing up. I have my eyes on the prize, and also am realizing I cannot change her outlook and that is not my responsibility. My boundaries blurred completely when all of this happened; and perspective to things is changing. My biggest concern is moving forward in a pragmatic way that is in my nephews best interest, emotions that are attached to others have to be dealt with separately especially when they are nihlistic. Hope isnt about being naive, hope is about shooting for the moon even if you end up ampung the stars. Hope doesnt mean nothing bad happens, it means being open to the positive things that are infront of you. Hope isnt childish, its a KEY element of self preservation and resilience.

I have been so happy to be here, and I am happy to get home to see my team also. Xo.

Allow yourself to hope today…xo.


Hey all, checking in on day 1442. I hope everybody has a good one!


Thanks my friend. :peace_symbol:


Day 117
True Sunday
Sun, good food, relaxation.
Looking forward to get another swim in :blue_heart:


52 days
It’s been a rainy day here. I still went out for about an hour and a half for a walk but other than that and doing chores I stayed in to relax. I usually meet with a home group on Sundays but it was canceled so I had a lot of unexpected free time. I did some felting with a friend and drank too many pots of tea. Not much else to say for my day. I felt good, I relaxed and took care of myself so I’m celebrating another good day!


Hi Jasmine, the patio revamp is still in progress. I put new plants in the planter and got a new hanging plant. I’m still waiting for the new table and chairs. The table in this photo is broken and missing tiles. This weekend I’ll sweep and spray it down. Hope you are feeling better!


Day 89. Went to bed with conflict and awoke to continued conflict. Husband says he can’t take the roller coaster. Now I am in the dog house. He shuts me out and shuts me down. He says he will not reward bad behavior so I must endure punishment. I am to remain quiet with no opinions or feelings that do not align with his. It is too bad dreary for peace and calm I must just be obedient. Still in training.


Happy Birthday lovely queen!:balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon::heart_eyes_cat:


I feel for you! I too have a roller coaster existence with my hubs. WTF? It sucks.


That motorcylce was sweet. I love Triumphs. You probably made a good choice, it would be hard to focus on anything else. And you’re pretty locked in right now. I’m looking forward to visiting my brother in western Montana next week and driving his motorcycle through the mountains. It’s good therapy for me.

Happy B-Day!


Checking in on day 319. Happy Sunday to all.:pray::peace_symbol:


Aw, thanks Anne, that’s really nice to hear :star_struck::two_hearts:


Thanks for connecting. Sobriety does not magically repair damage. I have incorporated prayer for husband daily. I try to be grateful for all things spouse, but you know what all things spouse is emotionally draining. 2 steps forwards 6 steps back. And I’m not even burning extra calories. :grinning:


Thank you @CATMANCAM and @acromouse , the crossfit class went fine. But how clumsy I felt :face_with_peeking_eye::sweat_smile:
But decided to give it a shot. My goal is 2 times a week. I do not wanna make fun about addictions because I know how bad they are. But I do hope this becomes my new addiction so to speak :hugs:

I deffinitely need to have that body of my teacher :star_struck: So let’s train those muscles! :muscle:


Checking in, not done it for a few days but im focusing on quitting vaping too so when i reach 10 days again im going to quit vaping and see how i get on! Feeling loads better :grin:


@Jeanine Congrats on your 2 weeks! :tada: Glad to hear they had non alcoholic drinks available – I love seeing more and more places/ people offering these options. Grateful you were able to have a good sober time.
@wahtisnormal Oh I’m glad to hear it – playing it forward and realizing the negative effects without indulging has been a lifesaver for me. Keep up with your amazing efforts Zoe – you are absolutely crushing it!
@psychodramaqueen Way to go with your 1 + month of sobriety. Sorry that your bf isn’t as excited – you may be right that he feels like he’s losing a drinking partner. Many times our close friends and loved ones don’t see the damage we are inflicting on ourselves and how strong the addiction is. You are doing this for you and you are kicking ass with it – keep going strong :muscle:
@soberwalker How did it go Claudia. I can understand the first day jitters. Hope you had a fun experience and something that you will look forward to in the future :hugs: Love the FRO attitude and attacking your nervousness head on. :muscle: That picture is beautiful and wow – what a brilliant idea. Glad to see that the plants are doing so well. Glad you went and enjoyed! I totally understand wanting to have a healthy addiction like working out :smile:

Oh this bites big time. I’m sorry to hear this Cam. I do hope that you are able to put a pin in it rather than have to start the wait process from scratch. Glad that this session went well… hoping for continued success. :people_hugging:
@acromouse Thanks friend – yes, TV has been a lifeline for me during these past few years. Grateful for being able to binge watch LOL. I am sorry you had such an awful day – I do hope that today is better. Damn hormones and peri menopause can FRO! Grateful you can practice kindness and mindfulness :hugs:

You most definitely should not dismiss it and be super proud of how far you have come. I do find that as we get our footing stabilized then all the other things in life start to fall into place. You are 35 days stronger today and getting a good grasp on new healthier routines. The diet / vaping will be easier too when you are ready. Keep up the great work Dan. Glad you enjoyed your day with Noah – so many happy memories being created. Doing a bit better today but still in recovery mode LOL – glad its Sunday and I am able to rest.
@lighter OH FRO Nightmares and trauma – big hugs friend – hope you are having a better day despite of your night :people_hugging: :heart:
@tailee17 I’m sorry Lam. I do hope that you two are able to work through this. I know the early stages of sobriety I was all over the place – mentally, emotionally and physically. The sober journey is not an easy one. :people_hugging:
@kareness love it – new plants look happy and will brighten up your space … looking forward to seeing the progress photos :heart:

Checking in on Sunday afternoon…
Didn’t sleep well till after 5 am - managed a few good hours. Loads of coffee and now possibly a time for a nap LOL. The headache just won’t quit. I am grateful for a chill day - gonna relax and go with the flow.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: