Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

@mno I’m with you on it being hard to wake up when its so dark outside. I may have oto look into a daylight lamp myself. Need that push to get out of bed. Hope you had a great day.
@soberwalker OOH that is so exciting. Looking forward to celebrating this major milestone with you Claudia. Sorry about the leaky roof – hopefully it is a quick and inexpensive fix :crossed_fingers:
@acromouse Glad you are not beating yourself up over the slip. Reset and refocus. I know you are kicking ass overall with your timers :muscle: OOH – waking up to that coffee roasting smell is the dream – enjoy your trip :hugs:
@seb sorry for the icky feeling. I try not to let the terminology define me or my journey. Its easier said than done I know. We are doing what we can to make sure we don’t fall into addict behavior (whatever it may be called or however it may be seen by an outsider). You are doing an amazing job on 163 days and I hope you were able to get past the icky and just be proud of yourself for what you have accomplished.
@jeanine Damn salesman! Grateful you were able to send him packing and buckle down on your recovery tools. 74 days is impressive work – keep working it friend :muscle:
@noshame hope your trip to the dentist went well today. I saw your update – sorry friend. Dental work can be rough. :hugs:
@juli1 How are you doing love? Hope your day got better. :people_huggnig: I’m sorry to hear that you were not able to drive to swim. Sending you loads of love my friend. Here if you need to talk! Loved reading your update. Glad you had a peaceful walk and a cleansing cry :heart:

What helps me with this is that I picture this forum in real life. Realizing that I don’t know what is going on in the background. I am still a work in progress but like you said – we don’t know what someone else is going through – at least we can offer some kindness and support (even if its just with a smile). Hope your little one is feeling better today.
@catmancam WOW – look at your timers! Congrats on sticking to your guns and not having to reset the sugar timer. Sorry that you were dealing with a migraine and feeling nauseous – hope you were able to get some rest and are feeling better now. :hugs: :heart:
@lefty624 WOOT WOOT 1 month is amazing work. Keep going strong :muscle:


@zzz 3 weeks is great work – loved the drumming video on the selfie thread too. Keep the momentum going strong :muscle:
@ncgolfer Way to go with jumping back into sobriety! The early days are hard and the only thing to focus on is not giving into the addiction. Stay connected here or in groups irl – this helps let us know we are not alone. Don’t worry about the motivation to do stuff or the energy – I slept soooo much in the early days as my body needed this time to heal. Be kind to yourself :hugs:
@holysquid sending healing vibes – hope the antibiotics kick in soon :pray:
@jules000 Sorry you feel lonely today. Engage here – it helps when I feel alone. Glad you will be seeing your sis tomorrow :hugs:
@wahtisnormal hope you made the flight today and are enjoying some vaca time in Peru :hugs:
@danam56 was just thinking of you. Glad you are doing well (with your back, with the move and with your sobriety). Oreo cookies and crème icecream :yum: OMG – used to love this so much. YES – so much better than the bottle.
@lighter OOH I love that you are getting out and being social now that you have your sobriety sea legs …. Starting off in a new group already sober is awesome as no one knows the past you. Love this for you Marie. ODAAT
@tailee17 Girl – you had me rolling – I am imagining you walking around with kale at your feet :laughing: Glad to see you are returning to your bubbly self and thanks for the laugh

Checking in on Wednesday evening
581 days free of alcohol and weed
996 days free of cigarettes

Started to check in this morning but then i needed a nap first LOL.
Woke up feeling off and it seemed that everything and everyone was on their worst behavior for my benefit :laughing: I was so agitated and put off that i kept away as i did not want to spread my negative ju ju. Glad i realized it and worked through it so that it did not consume me. Even went for a nice walk with mom this evening.
Grateful that my timers are in tact and i did not blow my lid today either.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thanks heaps Jasmine.
I’m doing better :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 62

It has been 6 days since I found out my mom passed. Initially, I wanted to drink to take away the feelings but I didn’t. I feel really content that I have made it through this so far without breaking. Now that the shock is subsiding, I have been talking to my mom’s sisters about what kind of conversations they last had with her and one of them said she spoke with her likely the day she passed away and mom told her that she was getting sicker than the previous day and was going to lay down. She was throwing up so much she thought she had food poisoning. She didn’t want me to know about this because she thought I would be worried about her and tell her to go see a doctor. She made a point to never go to see doctors. It was rough today getting these details, but, surprisingly, I never once thought about alcohol. I feel like even after just 60 days, I am much more emotionally equipped to deal with grief and loss.


Sending my sincere condolences to you during this difficult time Kris



Last day of my workweek, with a ‘normal’ nursing day coming up. Experience work yesterday was really good, had some great conversations that went pretty deep at times. Seem to have found a nice balance in my job this week. So let’s keep that going. One day at a time and such. Than my three day weekend arrives yeah! Weather prediction doesn’t look too great but at least I’ll get to sleep in a bit.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean to begin with or nothing will come of it. I will. Love.

@Kris Very sorry for your loss Kris. Hope you’ll find a way to deal with this all, seems you are, glad it doesn’t involve fleeing into drinking. :people_hugging:



Just checking in :blush::peace_symbol::heart:


Day 654

I have been deep cleaning around my house for probably about 2 weeks (not daily, but almost daily)
There are 7 people living here full time and another 1 who mostly just stores her stuff here but rarely sleeps here.
That said, there’s too much stuff here. And I have been trying to de clutter things. A new room each time. And the 3 big garbage bins outside have been overflowing the past 2 weeks when pickup happens. :face_exhaling: Think I need to buy a 4th.

Tomorrow morning I have an interview at a new place, but it’s a group interview. I’ve never had one like that. Hopefully it goes well and I can get comparable pay there to what I’m making now so I can take a position there. I really need a break from the place I am now ,but can’t afford to not work at all… So fingers crossed.

I have work after the interview until late. And then I have errands to run even after that. So it’ll be a long day.

Feeling a lot of conflicting emotions currently and not entirely sure where they’re all coming from but it’ll pass. It always does.


Checking in

Finally hitting the hay after a very long day .
I feel blah kinda short tempered and quiet, I’ve noticed its been getting worse over the last two days. nothing has really changed besides not drinking :man_shrugging:t2: so I don’t know what would be causing it any advice would be appreciated. I feel like I need to get back to reading on here to calm my jets get me off edge and get some more tools to cope. its just been dang hard I feel like I’ve been burning my candle at both ends for to long and maybe it’s finally caught up :man_shrugging:t2::man_shrugging:t2:

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday morning


Feels like I’m not getting sleep tonight… :roll_eyes: Wish I was though… It would help me escape from my mind which is telling me to harm myself :cry:


236 days
Up early to get the kids to school. Then some training and exercise.
Groceries and made a start on dinner before it was time to pick up the kids.
Eldest had netball, first game back after holidays. Amazing how good she’s getting.
Work tomorrow so I’ll be up early tomorrow


Hope you are doing ok Jules.
Have you tried Insight Timer for guided meditation? I find it very helpful, especially at sleep time


Recognizing a couple of early warning signs that may mean increase level of care. I notice I am seeking out tools to self harm with. I’ve also noticed that I’ve been awake all night… Huge warning sign because I’ve been up all night planning the next time I self harm. Main reason I stay up at night: to plan and prepare for the next cut. However, I do not plan to give into these thoughts and urges. Instead I am waking up staff because I don’t want to slip up…


246 sugar
110 UPF
117 gluten
16 dairy
1 overeating

Very short check in today. Off to bike tour. Have a good day :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Day 397.working 7-5

I was reflecting last night on all the f@@ ups I had before going sober and why on earth I ignored them… Was drinking really so important?


Checking in on day 2
I haven’t checked in for ages, that’s because after 4 months sober I got off track again some weeks ago. Yep, instead of reaching out e.g. on this forum, I chose my good old friend the bottle. Of course I only found misery at the bottom of the glass. In the last 4 months I’ve lost 2 of my cats very unexpectedly (the second one just 3 weeks ago) + my father passed away 7 weeks ago after a long disease and having spent (almost) the last 6 months in hospitals. I’m glad he’s finally found some peace. I wish I hadn’t faced these incidents looking for comfort in the bottle, but hey….learning the hard way, and dusting myself off one more time! Kicked off the day with a 7K walk, in fact I have been going for a walk every day in the past week. @JazzyS thanks for your support and listening to my never ending dramas in the past weeks! :see_no_evil::pray:t2:


Checking in on day 417AFAF.
I’m just back from an early appointment with my psychiatrist. He’s happy with my progress and reassured me that time is a great healer. He thinks we need to see each other a little less frequently going forward and that I should maintain my medication as they are at the moment. I’m happy with that.
Today my 12 year old is travelling to another town an hour away to meet some friends in person for the first time. We dyed the front of her hair green last night and I have to say we did a pretty good job, it looks great.
I’m going to spend a bit of time drawing in my new sketchbook today.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


@kris so very sorry for your loss. :people_hugging::people_hugging: 60+ days is incredible and I’m grateful that you had this time under your belt to help you deal with this grief in a sober manner. Sending love and comfort your way.
@Scorpn good luck with the interview love. A group interview? Never heard of it…you will have to tell us how it goes. That’s some serious cleaning you got going on!
@Lefty624 sometimes our emotions just go through cycles (with nature, our body temp…etc). Don’t feel discouraged. You have noticed this mindset and can now work to get you back to your happy place. Reading here is a great idea…I find this forum and all the posts to be super helpful. ODAAT :muscle:t4:
@Jules000 hope you got some rest. SH will not solve anything. You have come this far… please do not give into the urge. You get to see your sister today. Think of that happy time and hopefully you will feel better :people_hugging:glad you are seeing the signs of relapse and getting ahead of it.
@Jesile you are so welcome. Grateful I was able to be there. so good to see you checking in and in the sober path friend. Looks at you kicking ass right out the gate…a 7k walk …a love it!!
@Deelzebub 417 days! Days are stacking up nicely. Glad your physiatrist is seeing progress…that’s huge :people_hugging::people_hugging: hope your girl has a wonderful day trip. Green eh? I love it! Also loved your sketch you posted…I do look forward to seeing your creations

Checking in on Thursday morning
Gotta get moving. It’s 6 am and I’m running behind :rofl:… Will be a chilly morning so get to wear a hoodie on my walk…I do love that lol.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day. Sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


#Day 2137 :walking_woman:
Unfortunally the leaking roof has caused a lot of damage. I think the whole cealing has to be renewed. But first things first: fixing the roof!
Tomorrow a roofer comes to check it out.

Picture of some Valerian growing in the wild. Picture made during a walk.
Today? House chores and repotting some plants :seedling:
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Sending you lots of hugs :people_hugging::hugs:
That’s alot to go through and I’m sorry to hear how difficult life is at the moment.
I’m glad your here now with us :people_hugging::pray: