Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Day 77

Checking in on this beautiful Saturday morning in Virginia. Coasting right along in my sobriety. One thing that really helps me is having a nightly routine. At the beginning of my journey was making a tea and drinking it every night before bed. Before I would always have a drink to relax and this tea seems to do the same thing. I buy all these hippy dippy herbs like valerian, chamomile, kava, (pretty much anything that is supposed to relax you), and make it into nice hot cuppa. Taste isnā€™t great, but it does the trick. I find myself looking forward to drinking that every night much like I did with the booze.

Anyway, have a great weekend everyone :green_heart:


Congrats on 40 years sober! Thatā€™s impressive. Inspiring. :trophy::tada:


Great work! Keep it up. Weā€™re still on Saturday where I live. Looking forward to Sunday Funday, though. :v:


Wow!!! What a milestone! Thats almost as long as ive been alive :smiley: Huge congratulations on 40 years!


Day 139. Well this week i decided to kick another habit and i deleted all social media. I came to the conclusion that it was consuming to much of my time. Also this coming Tuesday I have an appointment with a therapist. I made the appointment for a reason but now I am starting to think i shouldnt go. I still have it in my head men dont talk about shit. I know this isnt a healthy way of thinking but its a daily battle


Day 909
Got to work a few hours ago and its going pretty well. I did my morning prayer on the way here and sort went thru a mini gratitude list in my head. Feeling positive for the most part. Im loving the weather here as well. Feels like autumn in the mornings and then summer in the afternoons. Best of both worlds :slight_smile:

Im feeling super optimistic about getting back to my usual routine (begins Aug 29 when my son returns to school). Even though this summer has not been what i had hoped for (with regards to my health), i am reminding myself that things (like my weight) can change and i am just grateful for the opportunity to have spent so much time with my son over the summer.

Ive been in such a down, grumpy mood lately and i can sort of see this lifting. So grateful for that. Have a fabulous day everyone! :butterfly:


Way to go on making some positive changes! Dont let that little voice deter u from that appt u made. It may be really beneficial! At least give it a try since there was a reason u made the appt in the first place :slight_smile:


Wow, 4 years alcohol freeā€¦ thatā€™s amazing!!! Youā€™ve got some really great numbers going. Iā€™m proud of you, and inspired by you. I hope the rest of your day is nice. :smiley:


@justkaitlin So grateful the court extended the restraining order ā€“ it is so important to feel safe. 45 days is amazing ā€“ grateful you did not give into the thought to drink ODAAT :muscle:
@danam56 So very proud of you. Glad you were able to stop the stinky thinking and go find connections at a meeting. Love this for you!

I so agree with this and hopefully one day she will get to see the crazy she is causing. We used to go help build the machines that were designed cause many times the engineer can put something on paper and it does not work in real life ā€¦ i think that all jobs should have it where you are made to see / do what you are asking to get a true sense of where you are with your requests. Sorry your day was so chaotic ā€“ i do hope you get better sleep coming your way.
@timetochange A good home life balance is everything. Glad that you are holding onto it. Congrats on the promotion (even if you are passing ā€“ its nice to know that you were given this chance). Those pesky thoughts to drink are so annoyingā€¦ grateful you can push them into the dumpster and continue stacking up the days :muscle:
@chance So Amazing to see this and celebrate your 40 years of sobriety with you James ā€“ truly remarkable work. Thanks for being here and leading the way :tada: :clap:
@scorpn 670 days is fantastic. I am so sorry about your back. I know how insane that pain can be. Are you able to find out if it is a slipped disc? Should try to get it back in place so that the pain can start getting better rather than be a constant issue. I did not want to take the hard pain killers after surgery so they prescribed regular Tylenol and ibuprofen (taken alternatively) which took the edge off. This may affect your stomach and acid reflux issues. Sorry love ā€“ I do hope that you are able to find some relief soon :pray: :hugs:
@wakikki Iā€™m sorry that the anxiety is so tough and causing you issues with your digestion. Hopefully you are able to eat the soups, smoothies to get your nutrition levels up. Loosing more weight in short span is concerning ā€“ Hope the liquid diet helps :pray: :hugs: Hope you get the TWD spin offs soon ā€“ that is super crazy that its taking so damn long!
@1in8billion This was a beautiful and enlightening post. Thanks for sharing ā€“ you may want to bookmark it for yourself. Sometimes we tend to forget our own lessons. You are at a different stage in your life and years from now this will be a foreign place to you. We do evolve and grow. Its great that you are spreading your wings and allowing the change :pray: Much love friend ā€“ keep moving forward
@julialuna There it is! Way to go friend :tada: :tada: 11 months is impressive work :muscle: Keep it going strong !


@catmancam Oh wow look at those numbers Cam ā€“ very impressive. 4 years AF is remarkable :tada: :clap: So grateful you did not give into the cravings. That was a emotional undertaking you did. Iā€™m sorry for all the emotions the pics drudged up. Glad you joined the Survivors group. :pray: :hugs:
@wahtisnormal Oh that is annoying as hell. I donā€™t think i would fair well with trying to have a connection with someone but on a set schedule. I am glad that you made your feelings known and hopefully he will respond quickly. You are just now coming into your own with dealing with life and and your sobriety. Do not let anyone disrupt that :pray: :pray: :hugs:
@whereswaldo 5 months is amazing friend ā€“ keep it going :muscle:
@chase.e.u Congrats on deleting the social media. It really is so draining. You made the appointment for a reason and that was a huge step. Donā€™t let that engrained societal thinking keep you from sticking with the appointment. Absolutely nothing wrong with talking things out ā€“ a third party who is completely impartial is the perfect person to help you see things clearer and from a different perspective. :hugs:

Checking in on Saturday afternoon
Glad I did manage to get in my morning walk. Not much else happening as energy is super low and pain is high. Not a good combo when trying to find motivation. Thanks to my brother, we finally got the internet back this morning. Been without it for almost 17 hours which sucked :laughing:

Not much planned for today ā€” for now - a cozy nap LOLā€¦ wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I ran into a snag with work yesterday at 2pm and of course everyone had gone home that lives on the east coast and the PM on my coast wasnā€™t checking his Teams messages, aka took off early for the afternoon. Iā€™m not used to designing things for hurricane wind loads living in CA. So there will be some last minute changes to the plans before Mondayā€™s deadline. I canā€™t do much about things Iā€™ve never had to design for before, though, so I donā€™t fault myself.

Got my insurance to pay for my meds and picked those up last week, so that was good. Iā€™m down to having therapy only 1x per month since things have been pretty stable for me. But thus has been a hard month to get through. Things are back to normal now but I had a couple of rough, emotional weeks.

Iā€™m contemplating going to a movie tonight with some women from my Sunday AA meeting. Itā€™s not one I am really wanting to see, though: Inside Out 2. Iā€™ll probably go just for the social aspect. Have a good Saturday, friends!


193 days AF

I am changing.
Itā€™s hard to explain.

As I got huge emotional reaction, maybeā€¦ To the somatic excersices I am doing (both very releasing but also very emotional rollercoaster) a wise friend of mine suggested to do some grounding yoga for balance.

Back to the mat! I was out of the game since this ugly situation with ā€œMr. 2nd wifeā€ occurred. Totally forgot about this tool.

It helped. Dinner. Done for today.

Love you guys :heart:


I LOVED ur post!!! It really resonated with me :slight_smile: Not even just towards addictions but also towards my outlook on life. The goals i have set for myself and how i view my ideal self.

:point_up_2: This is brilliant. When i read it, i began to think about the person i want to become and how im going to get there. I have a vision board that i made in the beginning of my recovery and im STILL working on aspects of itā€¦ things I want to achieve. The tricky part for me sometimes is applying action to what i invision myself to become. I can think all i want about my goals and dreams, but if i dont apply some action to it, i will never achieve them.

Thank u also for sharing a bit of ur past. As horrific as that mustve been for u, u seem to have made huge progress and overcome so much! Im glad ur here :slight_smile: thank u again for ur share.




Day 33. Iā€™ve been today pretty anxious about my financial situation, but I believe that God, the Universe will set everything to be okay. I took a long walk in the nature, ate some good food and now Iā€™m reading a book before going to bed. Well, Iā€™m alive and still sober without cravings, so in the end life is good. I wish you all a great day/evening/night! You are the best!


Checking in day 222 AF :blush:


Yes its crazy. Totally unacceptable :see_no_evil::see_no_evil: Where did you Watch the spin offs? Have you seen them all?


Iā€™m beginner with Yerba. I had Taragui, CBSe with guarana and some flavoured ones (one strawberry, pretty decent and black cherry - sour and yucky). I also had CBSe with honey but I throw it away cause it was with aspartame. I think Iā€™m gonna stay with natural yerba mate or that one with guarana, it has nice taste and no sweeteners. Which one could you advise, soft in taste? Iā€™m still looking for my favourite.


I watched them in the states on Prime (our library already has these available too)ā€¦ totally unacceptableā€¦wonder what the hold up is

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Yes. Not a fan of flavored mates. Tho there is few I still like with flavors.

But FD is kind of on the stronger side. Also I like YACUI flavored mates. Such a great tasting - Cherry or Guarana ones. Tho there are some very artificial topings. Like Guarana one - literally has that classic energy drink taste - like Monster has. Flavored mates is popular in Paraguayan style where they drink it cold called Terrere. Be aware - YACUI has different cut - very dusty like Brasilian style. They also drink it cold in some regions in Brasil too. Drinking dusty mates requires to use big bombillas called Bombaā€™s. I also like to use some filters on top. Like theese. They help with clogging.

If we talk about softer mates and not as hard kicking I would recommend Narutal VItality Mate Green - Poland Brand. Not very expensive.

I tried so many of them and there are a lot of good to choose from. Many flavorings too - tho they are not as artificial as CBSe for example. They also make air dried - not smoke dried witch is not a healthiest thing. I usually drink a lot of smoke-free mates.

Speaking about mild taste and super high quality. Probably my best quess on what you looking for.

Also KRAUS is very nice brand. A little more expensive than Mategreen IMO. Air dried. ā€˜ā€˜Guarantee is our Certifications of Organic, Fair Trade, Kosher and our years of experienceā€™ā€™.

Overal my best suggestion is Mate Green Organic - the green pack above. Or other production of this brand. Also KRAUS