Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Huge congratulations Misokatsu :people_hugging:

Always good to have you here :heart:



This is huge Cam!
Huge congratulations from my side :people_hugging:
Glad to be part of your way šŸ©µ



@Chance 40 years!!! :astonished: Congratulations :tada: Such an honor to have you as a part of this community. You give hope to us all by letting us know it can be done! But I think more importantly, it shows us that this really is a lifelong journey, and that we always need to stay connected to our people no matter how long weā€™ve been away from our vice. Thank you for being here :pray: (and for all the :heart:s :wink:)
@JuliaLuna Congrats on 11 months! Youā€™ve come such a long way since the day you began! Keep up the great work :+1:
@CATMANCAM Congratulations on 4 years!!! I always love to see your consistentcy and continuing progression :clap: Inspiring :sparkles:
@JazzyS Glad youā€™re on my side :wink: It doesnā€™t help that my manager is only 23. Not enough experience to think she knows it all the way she does :unamused:
@Misokatsu Congrats on your 4 years too!!! Apparently itā€™s a great day to get sober :joy: Glad youā€™re celebrating with us :heart:


Today felt long. I slept decent but had to get moving immediately in order to get stuff done before work and felt a bit rushed. Then, I get to work at 3 and find out my party doesnā€™t start until 6 and my 3 other coworkers with me werenā€™t in til 4:30! Why?! I did virtually nothing but walk around for 3 hours. Such a waste :face_exhaling: We were all there pretty late and have to be back early tomorrow so Iā€™m heading to bed pretty soon. Goodnight everyone :heart:



Day went well overall. Work went smoothly, people are glad to see me back home, and I hung out with some friends and had a fire which isnā€™t something I do often. Was nice catching up with people and made me feel valued.

Person of interest Iā€™ve been talking to has started responding more often. Iā€™m glad heā€™s actually taken action to change, that means something, although still frustrated I had to mention it in the first place. Our relationship probably wonā€™t go anywhere anyway since he lives in another country, so I guess Iā€™ll just try to enjoy it while it lasts and not get too caught up on it, as difficult as that will be. I canā€™t really do much but just see how things go. Part of me still really wants to go visit him again but I know thatā€™s just gonna strengthen feelings and make things even harder. Ugh.

Sharing meme I just found that made me laugh :joy:


Good morning, ive not been on in a while to check in. Iā€™m on day 35 today. Going to take my kids to the beach today. Should be fun.


Congratulations Flo and you too ofcourse @CATMANCAM :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Good to have the both of you here! :heavy_heart_exclamation::kiss:

Hope you enjoy this happy sober dance!



Watching the ladies run the marathon in Paris :hot_face::hot_face::hot_face:. Glad to be on the :couch_and_lamp: with a :coffee:. Yesterday was good, did a long ride to get groceries and cheese. Taking it easy today, thereā€™s some very warm weather ahead. Will try to keep my cool, which will be made easier by staying sober and clean. Have as good a day as you can all. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love.

@Chance #40# years!!! Huge congrats. Thanks for the inspiration friend.
@CATMANCAM & @Misokatsu Congrats you both!!! Thanks so much for being on the road with me and us all. Big hugs and much love.


I havenā€™t checked in for a while, I woke up this morning thinking ā€œyeah, Iā€™m 225 days soberā€ but when I opened the app it showed that Iā€™m actually 226 days sober. So Iā€™m extra happy about that.
I hope youā€™re all doing well & having an amazing Sunday :grin::heartpulse:


Day 2333 AF. 90 tobacco free! It feels good to be 3 month tobacco free.

Cut camping short. Decided to pack up Saturday night and head home. This year we havenā€™t been as excited to go as we normally have been. Our cups are so full, it seemed to be just another task.

Stay sober friends!!


:star_struck: soo happy for you congratulationā€™s. Iā€™m very grateful your doing so well on your recovery and all the wisdom youā€™ve imparted and for all the help youā€™ve offered me :heart: . Have a wonderful sobriety birthday :partying_face:


263 sugar
127 UPF
1 gluten
1 dairy
3 overeating

On vacation.

Today is all about traveling back. Iā€™m going to prepare food, pack, clean, and take the tram to the station.
My train to Berlin is going to leave at about noon. Iā€™m going to join my daughter traveling with my mum and my brother there. Itā€™s going to be a trip of about eight hours and 1000km all in all.

Letā€™s keep our hearts open friends: in peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove: ODAAT


253 days
Was at work today . Got in early and rode the stationary bike for a bit then stretched.
Was a good day, not too busy.
Took the chance to look over some new equipment that will be replacing some older stuff. Iā€™ve been thrust into the trainer role for this particular skill. It was something I was working toward but its happening quicker than anticipated. Feel I need to play catch up to upskill myself further, but its something I enjoy so its not a chore.

Wow 4 years @CATMANCAM and @Misokatsu congratulations :confetti_ball:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober, and Iā€™m happy.
Day 165.

Weather is nice again.

Sunday, boys starts school in a week.
I really donā€™t want the summer holiday to end.
Feels like we didnā€™t had the time to really have a summer holiday this year.
First it rained for like six weeks.
Then my husband got ill.
Rained some more, and then he got his TIA attack. And now weā€™re here.

Trying to convince myself that the summer isnā€™t over, and that we still can have some fun on the weekends. But the feeling of having endless carefree days wonā€™t be back again until Christmas break.

Iā€™ll try to hang on to that feeling a bit more. The boys are getting so big.
The youngest one starts 6th. The other one 8th grade.

Not sure what to do with myself now when they donā€™t need me that much.

At least I have a goal for today. Iā€™m going to work some more on the porch.

Thatā€™s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day.


Good luck and serenity on your long travels today :pray:t2:and thank you for taking the time for me in your busy day you selfless person :ok_hand:


Hi and congratulations on hitting the 4 year mark. Thatā€™s fantastic :sparkling_heart:


Day #252
Sundayā€¦ Lazy suuuundayā€¦
Doing all home stuff today. Oh God i miss going to work and to be productive but after few days i will go to vacation with the bestie to the seaside :grin: (again) this time will be at Primorsko, Bulgaria :bulgaria: Primorsko - Wikipedia


Congratulations @CATMANCAM and @Misokatsu on your 4 years!! :partying_face::clap:t2:


Morning check-in on day 4
I slept Iike shit! :poop: I think I woke up 10 times, and no deep sleep whatsoever! :confounded:
Iā€™ve just come back from my morning 7K walk, I took a trash bag with me again, sadly people dump so much shit into nature!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

At least my route is clean againā€¦ for a few daysā€¦ :sweat_smile: Now itā€™s my flats turn, Iā€™m listening to this audio book that has me hooked, so the cleaning wonā€™t be that much of a bother!


Thank you Marie. Each time I post lately I feel like a stranger here.
My own doing of course.
Have a wonderful day!


4 yearsā€¦ wow, that is amazing. Huge congratulations :partying_face: