Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 100.

Feeling better rn. Started to organize some of my stuff^^

More showers/hygiene and generally improving.

Hope you are all doing okay. :grimacing:


Hi guys, really sad to write this but I’m back to day zero after over a year sober. I went overboard last night and feel horrendous. Separating from my wife has caused me to slip up. Feeling very sorry for myself today.


Morning everyone! Just at work now with 1.5 hours left to go before i can leave work early. I am SO ready for this workout!! I brought everything with me so i can head right to the gym. Afterwards, hubby is going out to look for a portable air conditioner. Its supposed to get very hot next week. Would be nice to have something other than fans blowing warm air at us. All is well in my world right now. Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


Im so sorry to hear about ur relapse. What ur going thru (the separation) isnt easy by any means. Take care of urself today and take it easy :slight_smile: Just get right back on the path of recovery. Try not to let this slip up bring u down. U havent lost all the knowledge uv gained by being sober, remember that :slight_smile:


Congratulations on triple digits!!!


Coming to the end of day 88 sober watching wimbledon at the mo from my sofa with my one eyed dog as my other sleeps in her bed and my cockatiel roosts…all the while my wife has ran out the room for a :poop: :laughing: :rofl:…been watching the Euro and have had moments off wanting to drink but obviously i havent cos ya know 88 days (yarp) :grinning: just heard something go bang in the toilet think she blew it up lmao :grinning: im attending some online smart meetings when i remember cos im suffering with some siatica at the moment and thats a trigger too but i suppose anything is if u want it to be. Im proud of myself and trying and thats the main peace out folks xxx


100 days. Yay


Thank you :blush:


Sorry to hear relapse. Day 1 you are here! This is the best place to be. Accept clock start over and build a better plan to achieve sobriety today.


Happy Trips to you Jonas! :people_hugging:

Glad you’re feeling better, friend!


Hi Wolf,

I’m glad you’re here. It’s not Day Zero anymore. Sobriety is achievable now. I went back out after a long time sober and it was a relief to ‘come home’. Life was a total disaster but I had hope once I came back. Held on to that. I kinda moved in for a while. The people here were (are) so kind to me. It might have been Day one but I had a couch to sit on. So glad we both decided to return. Welcome back :people_hugging:


Hey :wave:t2:

No shame in that. Dig back in hard. Sorry to hear life is hard, sending love.

  1. Might take a week away from SM as I’m having some hormone issues. I’m in a rocky emotional state currently with my body doing what it’s doing and in turn making my mind race and feel cranky…gah. there’s pizza and chocolate and sleep to ease my soul. :zzz: :pizza: :chocolate_bar: See you on the other side of funky.

Checking in day 188 AF :blush:


Day 995 AF

Good morning, gang.

Another beautiful day in southern California. We’re not doing much today. We’re still exhausted from the beach on Friday and the waterpark yesterday. Just gonna stay in and catch up on movies/shows.

Have a great sober day everyone! Take care.

ODAAT :heart:


It’s sad, but it doesn’t erase the sober year you just had, nor the lessons you learned :brain::arrow_left:

I had a full year sober too, made the ‘moderation’ mistake while on holiday, then I spiralled. I then had several months off, then another spiral. I imagined it would help me with stress, but it made it much worse. You’ve an opportunity right now to stop this turning into a spiral. Remember all the good things sobriety gave you, or go back to the misery you felt before your sober year. Reflect deeply on that, get a good mental picture of what that looked like.

I’m sorry to hear about your separation, it’s not easy. Drinking is not the answer though. It will only send you down a spiral of shame and guilt, which is the last thing you need right now. Get straight back on the sobriety horse, we are here for you :people_hugging:


Congrats on 100 days Jonas


I’m sorry you are having such a hard time :people_hugging: I read your post about what those horrible people did on your birthday, too. I didn’t get to respond at the time, I could have been putting little monkeys to bed :see_no_evil: I have no idea why grown adults act like this, some people have nothing good inside them. It’s tough to see this when you’re the one on the receiving end of their disgusting behaviour, but imagine getting to their ages and treating other people like that? Full of nastiness, and apparently so pathetic that they do shit things to other people for the approval of their equally disgusting friends. This is ALL on them, they’re the problem. You’re a wonderful, caring, and thoughtful person. It makes me sad they caused you to feel the way you did, and the binge that followed.

How you respond to heightened emotions, it resonates with me. Alcohol, food, and my phone are what I turn to when I go through feelings I don’t know how to process. I feel it when you say you checked the scale as a deterrent, but it went the other way. It’s something I do regularly. ‘Tomorrow is another day, I’ll start again’… I’m sure you’re familiar with that one :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I don’t have all the answer my lovely, but I am taking my fences one at a time. I’m almost 9 days sober, and I’m waiting to get to a more stable place with alcohol sobriety before I deal with other things. There’s nothing new about this plan, but my aim is to replace the bad vices with healthy replacements to try channel my emotions into something positive and productive. Seeing as I need to sort my weight out, I’m focusing on turning bottles of vodka into evening walks, and I’ve invested in some gym equipment too.

I’m not sure what coping mechanisms you have at the moment, could any of this work for you too? :heart:


Day 15 - busy busy day, cleaned the house, taking care of the cat, lots of cooking and helping out at my parents house while they are away on vacation then a concert tonight! Needless to say I’m keeping busy.

Stopped in at one of friends place today, who admittedly has always been one of my go to drinking buddy’s. That being said, I’ve been up front with him about my sober journey and he has been so so so supportive, we even talked about his own relationship with alcohol. Pretty cool to know I have my friends back even when I feel like I’m down and out.

Hope everyone is keeping well and able to smell the roses that are all around us!


Would like normal emotions please. How long? A year?? :flushed: