Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Happy birthday Lisa @Lisa07 hope you have a wonderful day celebrating you! :confetti_ball::tada::birthday::partying_face::heart:


Checking in day 111.
Took action this evening and entered into my calendar this week time to work on my start-up idea and time for gym. My brother also reached out to play tennis this week in the evening which was unexpected but nice.
Didnā€™t have a bowl of dessert this evening each, a first in a long time!
Also headed to bed and hour earlier than I have been lately.
A really great way to end my weekend.

Have a great week everyone.


Thank you @JazzyS!
Have a great time in lake Huron today. :blush:


Hey all, checking in on day 1484. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 235. Had a good weekend with my girls, getting ready to head back to pburgh and maybe do a run. Last night i think i realized why i fell into such a funk, is because i was so excited to have some of us from the house and all be there sober. I think it really hurt to see both friends relapse bc i know now that i will have to step back bc i cant save them or get them to stop. Friday before coming to tupper i went up and talked to my friend and he was saying how he had to go buy a beer to wind himself down and i promised him he didnt. Im not sure if he did or not but its gonna suck to have to walk away


Way to go in setting boundaries and speaking ur truth! Thats not always easy to do. I struggle with that also (with certain people in particular). But I bet that felt so good to say whats in ur mind and stand up for urself. Great work!


Congratulations on 5 months!


Way to go on Day 1! Proud of u for coming back :slight_smile:


@JazzyS thank you :blush: šŸ©µ I hope your mom had a good birthday :partying_face: enjoy kayaking :smiley:
@Aussie_Tiger congrats on 50+ days :tada:
@Laner congrats on 90+ days :tada:
@Lefty624 congrats on 2+ weeks :tada: even though itā€™s a toxic relationship, it can feel like breaking-up with your best friend, try to remind yourself of the downsides and why you quit.
@Thirdmonkey congrats on 5 months caffeine-free :tada:
@Twizzlers congrats on 60 days :tada:
@BrOKenWolf congrats on 950 days :tada: sorry for your loss :mending_heart::people_hugging:
@rainydays welcome :blush: congrats on 5 days :tada:
@Danwood85 sorry youā€™re struggling :people_hugging: sending strength šŸ©µ
@HillbillyChris Iā€™m glad you came here and shared. Im sorry about the harassment, stress, and anxiety at work :people_hugging: I hope things improve on that front. Once again, I am truly sorry about the loss of your daughter :mending_heart: wishing you and your wife all the best for this pregnancy :sparkles: sending strength šŸ©µ


@Zse blocking the number may help, but changing your number could bring you some peace. It did for me, I wish Iā€™d changed it sooner.
@Chevy55 congrats on 6 months :tada:
@Bomdhil congrats on your week+ :tada:
@Noshame congrats on 60+ days no nicotine :tada: and 3+ weeks no marijuana :tada:
@Soberwithasmile welcome :blush: congrats on 2058 days :tada:
@JonasE sending strength šŸ©µ
@Mindofsobermike sending you strength šŸ©µ and I hope your weekend with your girls helps to get you out of the funk :people_hugging::crossed_fingers:t2:
@justKaitlin congrats on double digits :tada:
@Just_Laura great share, thank you :blush: šŸ©µ
@Lisa-B your real yesterday (or the day before now) sounds so much better :raised_hands:t2: thanks for sharing :blush:


@Binx congrats on your week+ :tada:
@RefreshedPerspective congrats on 2 weeks :tada: and your first sober concert :tada: enjoy the rest of them :notes: :musical_note:
@Tragicfarinelli looks great! :star_struck:
@Vanessa8 congrats on 90 days :tada:
@john_connor1337 welcome back :blush: congrats on your week+ :tada:
@MontanaLady77 welcome :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@zzz congrats on your week :tada:
@Ofmiceandroach congrats on 5 months :tada:
@Whereswaldo congrats on all the 1s :tada:
@Lisa07 happy birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face:

1426 days no alcohol.
891 days no cocaine.
406 days no vape.
2 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

Firstly, thank you all for the happy birthday messages, I appreciate you for making me smile :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I did go out for lunch with my Auntie, Uncle, and a family friend, that part was nice. I also attended the Safe Soulmates online group in the evening, where the facilitator had designed a quiz for me based on video clips from a P!nk concert she could hear from her street, and then some questions about cats, so that was nice too.

Once again I was let down by my dad and his family. His wife, and her 2 adult children didnā€™t even msg me, and my dad called me at 8pm and the call lasted less than a minute. It makes me so angry because if it was the other way around theyā€™d completely disown me. At the very least it would be a major issue.

On Wednesday evening I went for a haircut, and when I came out I went into the shop nextdoor to buy a zero sugar drink, when I was trying to walk round towards the counter, a group of adults blocked my path and started making pig noises at me and laughing their heads off. Long story short I ended up having the worst binge ever with McDonaldā€™s ā€œfoodā€, which I donā€™t even like. I was ill all day with my diabetes on my birthday because of it. I was eating leftovers as well so that didnā€™t help. Never again!

Friday evening I went to my brotherā€™s, my SIL did the cooking, and my dad and his family were there too. I hate to say I was dreading it. I really canā€™t be fake with people. I tried to focus on my nieces. I was expected to eat with them so I did. I managed to resist cake though, as they had bought me mango from my favourite shop instead. When it came time to leave, I wanted to get a taxi, like I did on the way there, but noooo, my dad wouldnā€™t let me, he said heā€™d drop me home first, but as soon as we got in the car they said the plan had changed and we had to drop his wife off at their home in my hometown, bcuz she wanted to prepare the house for meeting her eldest sonā€™s gf for the first time, then, when we got there, they decided we would wait until she felt she had done enough, before FINALLY taking me home, on the way to collect the gf from the train stationā€¦2hrs later than if Iā€™d have gotten a fkin taxi like I was planning to. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Saturday, I hoovered again, as some contractors were coming to install a new intercom system in the block of flats I live in, and they needed to come in to every flat to replace the handset.

I also had to have a tooth removed yesterday as an emergency, because I was in agony, and since all the dentists are now privatised, the other option was to be referred to a specialist hospital to have the root canal taken out and re-done, and a crown on top, and that was going to cost Ā£2K+, but the appointment, small xray, and extraction, was Ā£319. Itā€™s rather painful and I didnā€™t sleep too well, but Iā€™m keeping on top of the pain.

I also weighed myself last night to try to help me resist ordering the takeaway I was cravingā€¦it backfired and had the opposite effect, I am now the heaviest Iā€™ve been all year and ā€œf**k itā€ mode is activated. Today, I am a whole stone heavier than I was this time last week. I need to figure something out, trying the gym and swimming at a quieter time would be a startā€¦

I hope youā€™re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Alcohol day 1789
Cold plunge day 4
Binge eating day 2
Intermittent fasting day 2

I think the intermittent fasting is helping me with the binge eating abit because I know after 6.00 pm I canā€™t eat for the rest of the evening but going to bed hungry will take a bit of getting used to it is also very difficult not to eat before 12.00 but hopefully that will become easier but Iā€™m happy to add a couple more disciplines into my life and then become routines
Hope everyone has a good Sunday :wave:


Morning check in before work. I was ashamed to post, but figured I need to jump in in spite of the shame. Iā€™m feeling so much better today. Thanks for the support!!! Part of my plan is making myself go to womens aa meetings. I donā€™t feel comfortable in mixed meetings and probably wonā€™t for awhile. But i know i can make myself go to the womens meetings. Ive read the whats your plan post so many times since ive joined. For some reason it really highlighted why i havent been able to get more than 5 months in the last 3 yrs. I need more real action steps. Ive had lots of 1 and 2 months stretches. But every slip gets scarier and scarier. I am so grateful for everyone sharing their truths here. Its so encouraging reading your stories about where you were but now so many have years long sobriety!!!:heart: I can do that too, one day at a time and adding in a lot more action this round. Hope everyone has a good day.


Day 128

All is well. Feeling calm and steady. Heavy rain cooled the ground overnight. It heats up like a brick oven in summer. Beryl will scoot by tomorrow just clipping us, no trouble at all. Iā€™m prepared just in case, but it looks like just showers and wind. Cooler. :white_check_mark: :grinning:

Resting today. Out to play in the hurricane tomorrow.


94days sober
Well Iā€™m still sick. Just been staying in trying to rest but Iā€™m feeling pretty bad. Am just taking it easy.


Checking in 91 days sober. Thank you for the encouragement yesterday, itā€™s nice to share these milestones with you. :smiley:

Decided to come up to the mountains for a few days. Yesterday we took the kids out to kayak and swim at the lake. It was so hot, 110 degrees! Today is supposed to be even hotter. :hot_face: Iā€™ll need to plan something to keep us cool and hydrated.

Iā€™ll stay sober today too. Hope you all have a good day/night.


No shame to be had here! Glad you are facing facts and still here. Day 2 right? Or 3. Whichever. Just want to say I too had a long sober period and relapsed but have come back stronger.


Day 17

Well the long weekend is over tomorrow and I donā€™t quite feel very accomplished, I just have this list of things in my head to stay busy with but it just seems overwhelming. I feel as if I over book myself with my own time (I need to work on that) today I realized I donā€™t really have any hobbies. I pretty much just work which does help keep me busy but also burns me out, so Iā€™ll have to figure something out.

@JazzyS I never really knew what fomo felt like until recently itā€™s sad when I look back on how much alcohol I usta consume and all of the stupid choices I made while doing it the mornings of regret and having no clue how I got home from where I was the night before. all of the strain on my marriage trying to hide the fact that I was an alcoholic when everyone around me knew I was but yet I still feel like Iā€™m missing out from ā€œsocial drinkingā€ I know I canā€™t drink because itā€™s bad for myself and everyone around me

I fell asleep before I could post have a great day everyone


Day 100.

Feeling better rn. Started to organize some of my stuff^^

More showers/hygiene and generally improving.

Hope you are all doing okay. :grimacing:


Hi guys, really sad to write this but Iā€™m back to day zero after over a year sober. I went overboard last night and feel horrendous. Separating from my wife has caused me to slip up. Feeling very sorry for myself today.