Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Well I’m 45 in a couple of days, I don’t hold out much hope for stable emotions at this point :upside_down_face:

What’s up Marie? You okay chica?:people_hugging:


Yeah, I’m good. Just wears me out sometimes, how heavy things still are. It will get better. Thank you :blush:


Hmm. I don’t know the specifics of this, but it sounds like something I would take that person aside about, and point out that I didn’t didn’t appreciate what they said. Reassert that why I do ‘X’ is really nobody elses concern.

Whatever you do in life, never let others rail road you x


Oh man sorry to hear about those situations you found yourself in. Big hugs mate!


Sorry to hear TheWolf. Glad you are here mate.

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I get ya Marie x Maybe it’s not what you mean specifically, but I take heart in the fact that in the future I will be sober long enough that I will hopefully have a more measured response to things that go wrong. I hope that makes sense? I feel a bit scattered at the moment, maybe you feel similar? I remember feeling this way in my early sober days last time around.

Roll on the pink cloud :upside_down_face:


I’m 50 in a few months. Emotional regulation is on my list of things. Anything is possible!


Where in Australia do you live mate?
Remember that those who were landing on the beach won the war!

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First check in today for day 112. Had 7 hours sleep last night plus no sweets before bed. Feeling 10x better this morning than other mornings. Looking forward to doing the same all week and seeing how I feel.

Have a great day everyone!


Great point. That’s my cognitive distortions talking. The guys on the boat DID win the war!!

I’m in Melbourne. Where are you?


I quote that movie so often especially when I play my WW2 game on PS5 that features Omaha beach. Those guys were nervous, but determined and ready to fight and get shit done!

I’m in Brisbane. Definitely a big alcohol culture in both of our cities hey, although I feel a shift is coming into drinking less alcohol. I saw something about the next generation of young adults being ‘sober curious’ and thought that was inspiring.


Yes, definitely. I’m not too sure of myself yet. 4 months won’t fix everything. I’m in the middling part- lots of company here and the food is much better than middling! All will be well x


My poor kids have seen enough of my BS in relation to alcohol that they prob will never touch the stuff :slightly_frowning_face:


Long day but, thanks to God without obsession. Day after day something new is building up. I hope no mess up


Dear @CATMANCAM thank you!!! I hope you have recovered of the pain caused by your tooth. Ouch! . Thank for being so careful to all of us. You are the masculine version of the great @JazzyS
Congratulations for your great numbers.
You are a fighter :sunglasses:


@JazzyS :hugs::green_heart: thank you. Mental pain is caused by my mistakes, I feel pain when I recognize the errors I committed but at the same time is healing and I know I have to pass through this pain


Hello all,

On another home exchange at a beautiful cottage. I know I should be sitting and looking at the water as my husband puts our daughter to sleep but I wanted to check in.

I am closing in on 1 year, 10 days away and what a journey…for the second time in my life, this has been.

I wanted to say thank you to all of you for being here each day. I deeply missed the community aspect of recovery and tried to fit myself back in to a space I could relate to but not fully, and you were here. You were here for me in my darkest of times, and have been here with me through this past year and a bit trying to put the pieces of me back together. As I am on this journey to figure out who I am in this world, who I am to me and how to show those around me that I value them through my actions. How to protect my own self, and those I hold dear.

We are starting the process to transfer my nephew to in-home care, and I am nervous for him, and know how big of change this is going to be. But I am also grateful, grateful that through the battle you all were with me. I am so grateful for how things have alligned for him, as I know things could have gone differently. Im scared, but going forward with some faith…and that faith includes knowing I cant control everything.

One day at a time, I am going to go look at the water and have some supper. If you are struggling, stick around this place. Check in, spill your guts, and let yourself be a part of this beautiful space. You are beautiful and worth it…xo.


My evening check in. Almost done with day 2. I found 2 womens meetings to go to. Tues and Thursdays. Usually i make a plan to go then find excuses not to. I just went and got some frozen dinners for the week to take the stress of cooking off the table. Im not allowing myself to make excuses. The saying “if nothing changes, nothing changes” comes to mind. I’m checking in here and also journaling everyday. Stupid thoughts of i really wasnt that bad were popping up today. I am that bad. The last slip i drank a 30pack in 24hours. I really don’t understand how my brain can even try to tell me its not a problem. Anyways. Im super excited to be at this point. I know I’m on the brink of something amazing. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.


Just waiting for the pizza to be ready to pick up and that will end the weekend nicely. I found something in a building code on Friday that might be a game changer - not in a good way - for a project at work. So I am waiting to see how that will go tomorrow. It’s my mega commute days tomorrow and Tuesday, so I’m not looking forward to that. It’s exhausting. But I’ll get through it. Have a nice night/day everyone.


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