Checking in daily to maintain focus #67


Trying to wake up as I have a train to catch and a work day to do. I’m OK. I’m sober and clean. Thank god the game didn’t go to overtime and penalty kicks like England’s did and I was in bed before midnight. Where will we meet to watch the game together Wednesday @Tragicfarinelli? Looking forward to that :england: :netherlands:.

Otherwise not that much to say except to wish you all as good a day as you can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from my hood.


Thank you so much :pray:t2::blue_heart:


:waning_crescent_moon: -7-

In truth, man is a polluted river. One must be a sea to receive a polluted river without becoming defiled.


Hey I wish we could watch the game together, that would be nice! :100: I look forward to it @Mno :blush: I was particularly impressed by our boys pennos! :heart:


Day 379. Family event yesterday (wife’s family) went well. Alot of them drank. I didn’t. All good. I think there were 10 all together at one point. Four are coming back today for breakfast… And probably lunch. After that I am washing the car… Yep. Got a new jet washer and I cannot wait to clean the car…:joy:


Day 146
Sunday arvo check in.
All quiet here, gym session this morning and just preparing lamb roast for dinner. Go for a 5km walk after tea before an early evening with a book or some Netflix.
Hope everyone is going well.


Congratulations @Vanessa8 with such an important milestone :facepunch: For me it was a hurdle to reach, but when I did sober life became a bit easier. 3 months in your pocket it is! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
@Butterflymoonwoman that is what I call taking care of yourself Dana. You recognize the warnings and took action. That’s recovery in it’s full :facepunch:
You are careful with yourself @Lighter and with your sobriaty. That’s so wise! Babysteps are steps forward too! I read somewhere to make a idealistic plan for yourself for where you wanna be in let’s say a year and make little realistic steps towards them. You are doing just that!
Look at you @Scorpn ! Day 635! Still nailing it buddy! :sunglasses::facepunch:
Welcome back @john_connor1337 :raising_hand_woman:
@MontanaLady77 a solid plan is an great idea Tamara. I made one too in the beginning of my recovery and it was and is very helpfull. It gave my recovery hands and feets so to speak. If you need help with it I can share you some threads about it?

*Day 2118 :walking_woman:
Today I would have been going to a museum with a friend but she cancelled. Not a big deal but as always with this friend I didn’t hear anything about her untill I asked how late we would meet. I apped yesterday evening.
She was sick she said.
Normally I would leave it this way but this time not. I expressed my feelings about her not letting me know and this happen’t not for the first time.
I got a bunch of excusses and hearts and stuff.
Not that that was the reason for I was doing so.
For me it was good to set my bounderies. Because I’m not very good in doing that. Expressing my emotions is not a talent of me as well.
I’m a people pleaser and I’m happy to notice I become better in pleasing myself too :hugs:
I matter too

Picture of 2 young Storks I saw yesterday in a field. Well plenty of extra time to do another walk today :sunglasses:
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Day 994 AF

What’s up, gang.

I hope all is well.

Took the fam to the water park today. Met up with my sister and my mom. It was chill. Feeling tired. Got sun burned.

Another day sober.

Goodnite err one. Gonna pass out.

ODAAT. Love yall. :heart:


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 130

Pretty much the same as yesterday, but my mood is better. Never underestimate what a cup of hot chocolate can do for you. :smiling_face:

Drinking tea, watching the storm.
Hopefully it’s the wind of change that blows today, so things finally will start going my way for a while. That would’ve been nice :laughing:

I like storms anyway, so I’m definitely going out for a walk today. It doesn’t seem to rain as much as yesterday.

We’ve found a few new Western movies to watch, until we can go back to the Cowboy/old western theme park again.

Yesterday we watched a movie called “Supposed your local sheriff” I wanted to watch John Wayne’s Hondo, but I gave up when every streaming service I already pay for wanted to pay me to buy or rent it.
How is that? You need to pay per month for the service, and yet pay for almost every movie you want to watch?
It’s stupid for real in my opinion.

Not that it wasn’t other movies available, but the scene where John throws the kid in the water seems to be a viral phenomenon nowadays, so I wanted to show the boys where it’s originally from.

I know myself, so I’m most likely going to pay to buy the movie anyway. But I still think that it’s stupid to make people pay double.

That’s all Folks
Wishing y’all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Hey, morning all…

I don’t really know what to write these days. I’ve hit a major slump and I’m struggling to get out of it. I was so tempted to drink yesterday but didn’t. I’m glad I didn’t. I woke up this morning and I’m now sitting in the sofa watching TV waiting for everyone to get up. Ive had a lot of negative thoughts going through my head. A million things to do but can’t do one.

Thanks @acromouse I do have friends and family I could talk to to. Everyone has their own shit going on though and I feel like a burden. I’ll look in to the online meetings.

I’m going to get outside today as much as possible.

Sorry for the negative post. Hope you’re all well :pray:


@MrsOdh Yay to better moods! Have a good one today. Enjoy your walk and the storm (I love storms myself :grin: )
@GOKU2019 Ouch on the sun burn. Hope the pain passes soon :hot_face:
@SoberWalker Yay to boundries! :muscle: And thanks for the storks. The birds of my childhood :heart_eyes:
@Seb How do you make your lamb rost? I love lamb :yum:
@Timetochange Good to hear you did not care for drinking. Have fun with your new jet washer :shower: :grin:
@zzz A week is a good time friend :+1:
@Mno That mural is great! Thanks! :star_struck:
@mamador Thanks for reminding me that my own funk will pass, that I will feel better later, if I invest in life now :pray:
@MontanaLady77 Thanks for reminding me that actions matter. That we can’t think your way out of difficulties in life :pray: Sending you strength for this difficult time in your life. And really good job on working on a plan :muscle:
@Danwood85 I’m very happy to hear you did not pick up a drink yesterday. I totally get you on not wanting to burden others with your problems. A lot of people in addcition feel like that. That’s why I like meetings. I get a fixed time where I can let go a bit of my stuff and we all are there with the purpose to share our suffering and difficulties. In a meeting I feel like everyone who participates gives their consent to listening to other people’s problems. It is a place and time for sharing our burdens. And please do keep sharing here. That’s what this place is for. Do not apollogise for your moods. Everything you share here will help someone in need to read exactly this at some time.

228 sugar
92 UPF
99 gluten
74 dairy
2 overeating

Already did my morning run. Always makes me feel good.
Today it’s time for my weekly review, I’m going to try cooking millet in my rice cooker, thinking about going to the pool in the afternoon, or maybe just some bike cruising. Hopefully I can motivate myself to do some yoga. I get these really difficult hormone crashes in the late afternoon, my brain goes into fog mode and I just want to curl up on the sofa or do something else hibernation related. Maybe I’ll move my yoga time to another time of the day. Recovery Dharma for the evening. That’s it. Nothing exciting, nothing stupid.

Let’s go for peace, kindness and freedom today friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


218 days
Quick check in on a rainy uneventful Sunday.


I buy a boneless leg of lamb usually just over 1kg. Poke about 5 slits and put in some garlic. Put olive oil all over and cover usually with Moroccan spice and heaps of crushed dry rosemary to creat a beautiful crust. Cook on 180° fan forced for 30 minutes per 500 grams and Bob’s your Uncle :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in with 5 months sober!! Mum had a bottle of wine open last night in the fridge. I know i shouldn’t have but I opened it and had a smell and realised that I don’t miss it at all.

I don’t miss the taste, i don’t miss the hangover in the morning, i don’t miss the feeling like shit after a couple glasses when the giddy feeling of being drunk wears off.

I’m proud of myself :heart:


We’re all happy you didn’t Daniel! I might have said it before but it doesn’t matter what you post, just as long as you do. Anything that helps with staying sober. Never apologize for perceived negative posting please. You survived a major craving with your soberiety intact. That’s super positive! Only thing I can say is please post while you crave. It helps. Glad you’re here friend. We’re in this together. :people_hugging:


@MontanaLady77 great work on day 1. That slip up happened but it doesn’t have to define your recovery. Love the thought that recovery is an action. So true. We have to have a solid plan and good support as we can’t do it alone. Keep working it …it does get easier
@mamador hope you are able to find the strength to do what you want …be gentle with yourself. I know I have days / weeks where the smallest thing feels like a mountain and that’s a sign my mental health needs some love and attention. :people_hugging:

Omg!! Yes I love this Claudia. Good for you on speaking up and setting your boundaries. You do matter!! :people_hugging:
@Danwood85 never apologize…we all have those negative moments/ days…this is a safe space to let it out and process. I am sorry that you are going through this. Grateful you didn’t drink yesterday…no good would come from it…it is a dark hole that would suck you in. I immerse myself in comedy so make myself laugh when I’m feeling low. I find that it releases something and I start to feel better afterwards. Hope you are able to find the thing that can get you out of this slump…
Remember we are here for you if you need to talk it out. This will pass… just hang in there my friend :people_hugging:
@Ofmiceandroach yes!!! Way to go friend… 5 months and kicking ass :tada::confetti_ball::muscle:t4:. Keep up the great work

Sunday morning check in
I’m excited as today I’m heading to Lake Huron to do some open water kayaking. It’s a 3 hr drive each way so will be a long tiring day…super excited for it. Hope my body handles it well.
Have a few hours to kill so I’m off for my morning walk and hopefully a quick swim.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Day 2298. Garden rehab day (first of many). It will be a long journey to get it back. Amazing what a year of neglect will do. I intend to put some before and after pictures on the gardening thread. My hop is to get a 1/3 of it cleaned up today.


Early morning check in on day 361. :four:days left in my countdown.
@JazzyS , have a great time kayaking on Lake Huron! I have many good childhood memories on that lake.:heart_hands:


Checkingnin be4 work on day
424 no alcohol
355 no ciggs or vapes 64 no form ov nicotine
24 no form of marijuanna

Its going ok on my end
Woke up very tired
Still using gummies for mood and focus and motavation
Cutting down on phyc meds with drs support
Wife and baby are ok, got baby new car seat yesterday so thats cool
Works going good
Got 5 days off next week. My weekend snd 3 days paid time off. Mini vacation

Over 3 weeks 100% sober
I noticed whdn i slipped a while back, slips happened a bit more frequently. Gets be thinking about how bad it would be to slip on nicotine. Its not just 1 drink or 1 drug or 1 cigg and sobriety is a personal lifelong choice of mine


Day 184 Living Life

While it rained yesterday we got some housework chores done (shampooed rugs), and I spent about 3 hours in semi drizzle trimming yard in hopes of mowing today.

Wife works 9-3 today, so will hang out here puttering about. If the day dries out may take my first ride of the season, or go for a hike… unsure.

Life has settled into routine, and everything about it is comfortable and enjoyable. I have found my love of manual work again as I did when I was a young man. Reinvested in myself with health, activity, and a motorcycle (now if I could get out riding), and am loving my life.

Calmness, acceptance and patience has become my personality as of late. Joking and playful at work, quiet and stoic in my online dealings. Enjoying summer days and early eves to bed. Watching sunrises is still a favorite of mine, and morning coffee in my office taking it all in begins my day just as I wish it too.

Stay sober friends. Life is short. Squeeze every drop of it you can!