Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

I had a really great weekend. We had people over on Saturday and some new folks I hadn’t met with their kids, super fun, smart and funny kids! I am a kid magnet, they always like me. I guess I get on their level or something. It’s fun for me, too. They were mostly older, 8-14 ish ages and all girls, which I like, too. Everything went off without a hitch, food was good, people raved about my fantastic potato salad :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and the fireworks the city put on were great (I’m still in camp anti-fireworks, but if they’re going to happen might as well enjoy them). The one crazy bit is that when I walked out to meet people I was bombarded with this issue that baby birds were found in the yard. This was before any fireworks and I have no idea why they jumped the nest. Most likely baby robins. My dog Lupe found them and she’s gentle but was drooling everywhere. I found a shoebox and put a towel in it and we secured the two babies we found. The girls were asking what I was going to do with them and I just said I’m keeping them safe. Well. After everyone left we put them back in the yard in their safety towel and they survived the night but the next day a pack of marauding blue jays came to the tree and promptly plucked the babies off and flew away with them. It was shocking, happened right in front of me. I had the Lion King’s circle of life song in my head the rest of the evening.

I don’t know why I’m telling this story today other than I need to get it out of my head, I guess. It was pretty shocking. I watch nature shows all the time and sometimes it’s hard stuff. But this was visceral. I’m ok. What’s happy about this weekend is the interactions I had and the fact that there wasn’t a lot of drinking going on in our space. That felt really good. And on this Monday of this week I feel good, too.


Yep, visit. On whatever terms, just be there. Look radiant and yourself and just mention you have been sober two years. That’s proof there. He can pick it up and run with it, or not. But your support is there :heart:


Congratulations :tada::clap:t2::tada::clap:t2:

  1. Long and full weekend. We drove across town into Kent early and stayed from 7am Friday morning till 9pm Sunday evening with my mother in law. Her mental decline is evident now, but she’s still able to be pretty ok and self reliant. We did both front and back gardens and rearranged the sun room to be safe and organised. It was a slog. On top of that cooked five main meals and did a full BBQ plus hundreds of other little tasks she had (she had written them on a long list :rofl:). It’s fine, but I had no time to myself apart from the two hours walk I took alone right up the hill and out of the valley into a small village. I got a lovely long highland cow pillow which I then had to carry back across and down into the valley :rofl: I looked like a right plonker, but the walk and podcast and stretching my legs really freed up my energy stores of compassion and kindness. It’s all we have really. Time given to someone is worth more than any money, you cannot buy true care and love. Back home now, the cats were amazing adventure kitties on their three day break with us, little troopers. Off to the cinema tonight to see the new Jodie Comer movie :popcorn:



Got some much needed rest and woke up at 5am for a workout. Felt really good. Nice way to start the day! Now going to do some recovery related stuff…prayer, daily reflection reading, gratitude list etc. Dont have much planned today except for laundry and going to the grocery store for a few things. Will also spend some time cleaning the apartment, doing dishes, that sort of thing. So ya it will be a relaxed day. Have a great monday and a safe sober Canada day to all my fellow Canadians :butterfly:


True! Very good point.


Congratulations on 6 months!!! Great work!


Day 229. Had a good evening and night yesterday, me and my ex got into a little tiffy bc she came to plattsburgh on saturday with the girls and i asked if they could stop so i could get some kisses. Well she said no, and idk i braught it up yesterday bc i thought it was rude, and she ended with i dont even support my kids and i need lay off the drugs and alcohol bc everyone knows im not sober. It definitely hurt right away and i was going to say stuff back but i didnt. Idk it is what it is, idk why she does stuff like that. Looking forward to today going to jog and go hit some trails on the bike


Keep doing what you’re doing, Mike. The next right thing. She said that to be hurtful but you don’t have to stoop so low. I’m sorry you had to deal with that abuse but you know you’re doing the right thing. Your girls see it too.


Thank you :pray:t2: definitely gonna try to relax today and spend some time outside with a friend. Hope things get easier for you as well, you’re an inspiration and doing so amazing :pray:t2:


Today is my son’s 15th birthday so his sister and I have baked him a carrot cake. He spent some of his birthday money in the model making shop and the three of us will go out for a meal at Nando’s this evening. It’s nice knowing that alcohol won’t make an appearance!


153 days AF

Checking in.
My longest period during last years was 155 days. Wuhu. This time I will pass 155.

I am a bit calmer and back to Journaling in a guided diary form. Think I will always carry depression around with me. It’s my job to deal with it and find balance.

Love you guys :heart:


Congratulations!! 6 months is awesome!


Checking in, 85 days sober. Made it through another weekend. I’m doing well.
I wish my husband would join me though. He’s stopped drinking Monday -Thursdays, but gets drunk on the weekends. I dont have patience for drunkeness and the smell of alcohol breath is nauseating to me. Don’t know how I ever tricked myself that vodka had no smell. I must have smelled awful. How embarrassing :flushed: :face_with_peeking_eye:


Day 57 :white_check_mark:

Today I really got alot done.
Chopped down a huge tree in the garden, reorganized the plants in pots and the table and bits and bobs and now it really is summer ready :parasol_on_ground:

I noticed when I feel down, dissociated or craving … Anything that doesn’t feel good - I need to physically exert myself to do something physically difficult but doable it really helps me.

Today has been a positive day.


Second check in. I went into work with a really positive approach to picking up new services to look after and it went well. Really well.
. This sobriety thing is a bloody game changer


Checking in on Monday evening. Currently traveling for work. I’m going to bed early so I can try to get up for an early morning run. Let’s see how that goes!


Day 3. I relapsed badly past days, I started to hate myself very much but I know this is not the way. I can’t stand watching myself in the mirror


Day 3. Most importantly, it’s not Day 0. The worst is over. You don’t ever have to feel this way again. I believe in you. Stick with us. :people_hugging:


Evening check-in :white_check_mark:
I’m ready to go to bed after an evening spin class… the owl is still there and ready to keep me up all night :owl::rofl:

Managed to snap this pic today, he/she sitting on my chimney.