Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

213 days
Back at work, was a cold rainy day.
Pretty quiet at work, but was able to find some training to do indoors for one of the guys that has a course coming up.
Traffic was terrible coming home but I was able to get through a decent amount of a podcast I listen too.
Another day shift tomorrow, hopefully do some more training
@Juli1 hope it turns around for you. Doing great with your day tally, keep it going foward


Day 125
Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.

Taking it easy, and taking things for what they are. Canā€™t affect it, and best thing to do is go with the flow. Luckily Iā€™m good at that :smiling_face:

Thatā€™s all Folksā£ļø

Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day.


Please remember youā€™re not alone Julia. Especially when your thoughts are dark like that. Big hugs and hang in there. :heartbeat: :people_hugging: :heartbeat:


@Alycia Good job on sharing your struggles with your thoughts :+1: I will ask: What have you been doing for your sobriety recently? What have you been neglecting that your sobriety needs? Thoughts of using come up for every addict. But it sounds like you might be giving them some credence? Why? What do you need to being sure they are just lies that will not serve you in any way?
@MrsOdh :smiling_face: Your flow attitude is an inspiration :smiling_face: Thank you for sharing it with us.
@Elyse Good work on realising sobriety is healthy routines :muscle:
@Juli1 Dark thoughts, dark weather. Sending you some sunshine for your soul :sun_with_face:
@SoberWalker This nature park sounds very interesting. I know the area there and always enjoy the geest landscape, especially the bogs, but I have not been to this park. Enjoy your stay and maybe take some pictures for us.
@HolySquid Thanks for the owl watch update :owl:
@Mno Whenever I look at your pictures I am so looking forward to my vacation later this month :grin:
@Jeanine Speedy recovery for your dad. Hugs for you :hugs:
@DanaM56 Thank you for sharing your process with us. It really is helpful to see how we deal with hardships in our lives. Turning to friends and meetings is something that is helping me after my breakup too.
@Refreshedperspective Good job on all the work you are putting into your recovery :+1:

223 sugar
87 UPF
94 gluten
71 dairy
1 overeating

My morning run is done and my daughter found her missing shoes. So we are already heroes for today :superhero: Everything else is going to be a bonus :trophy:

More digital prototyping today, groceries later - ingredients for my daughterā€™s birthday cake mostly. Although I think the tradition in the US is that the person having the birthday will get a cake made by others, while here the person having the birthday will make a cake to share it with her guests. So Iā€™m going to buy the ingredients and my daughter will bake the cake for her guests for Saturday.
I have yoga planned for the afternoon, my ex wants to come by for supper and then Recovery Dharma in the evening.

Wherever we might be, letā€™s go for peace, kindness and freedom friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


Just plodding along. Been keeping myself busy with gym, podcasts, reading etcā€¦


Wishing you the best and that these feelings soon pass.



Second checkin.
Thank you sweethearts!!

Planted a lil flower in my soul.
Might help.

Putting myself on a lane now :swimming_woman:t3:



Sending light to help lessen the darkness. Glad youā€™re here. Glad youā€™re talking about it. Big hugs for you with the dark thoughts. I hope theyā€™ll go away with satisfactory answers/conclusions/ outcome whatever it is. :purple_heart::people_hugging::purple_heart:


This gif made my soul happy :smiling_face:
Thank you :pray:


I think that too. I just wonder where that nest might be? They are cavity nestersā€¦ broken chimney pot? Hole in the gable of a roof?

My garden borders onto a public park. The owl stays mostly quiet when people walk past, but as soon as there is a dog walker, it starts up. And of course every other house has a cat roaming the gardens :roll_eyes:
Iā€™ve limited the time Pops :cat2: is allowed outside, with a strict night time curfew.


Day 374.working from home this am and then in the office in the pm

So pleased I approached the changes at work in a positive way. So thankful for this forum and being sober


Checking in day 106.
Have a great week guys!


Day 123

Easy as A-B-Cā€¦

Itā€™s early. Need coffee. Lots of love :heartpulse:


Lots of hugs :people_hugging:
And healing energy :sparkles:



Iā€™m sorry to hear this Julia. I hope your swim lifts your spirits a little. Sending you a big hug :people_hugging: x


Checking jn on day
419 no alcohol
350 no vapes or ciggs 59 no form of nicotine
19 no form of marijuana

Things are very good
I need to save more but good


Checking in sober, day 3.5 (Iā€™m taking the half!)

Be well friends, have a great day :pray:


Hey all, checking in on day 1479. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 100. So this last week or so has taught me a lot. Last Wednesday I went to a meeting 45 miles away from home to support a friend. During the meeting a woman started speaking and I shut down because I was judging her she didnā€™t seem as clean as she was saying so I immediately started judging her in my head. When she started speaking. I heard my story come out of her mouth and was blown away by how similar our path has been. Then last night at a meeting a guy walked in that I at one point wanted to beat down for things he did to my sister. He sat right next to me. It took everything I had to be nice lol. When I got home last night I reflected on both of these things and how my higher power is testing me. The one thing that kept popping in my mind is principles over personality.


Day 230. Up and had a nice ride into work. Said my gratitudes and going to try for bike ride after work with a small jog. Thank you @RosaCanDo @JazzyS and @Just_Laura i appreciate you guys and at laura i definitely know what you mean.