Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

You get congrats from me on every platform, this one being where I had the great pleasure of meeting you and getting to know you, my amix. You have been such an important part of my own recovery, life, well being, however you want to call it. I’m just grateful for you and your friendship, your inspiration for me to work on myself and seek a life that makes me fulfilled, following your example. I’m happy to celebrate this quinquennium with you from afar with a toast of my finest sparkling water with lemon and a piece of lemon cake. I don’t usually go for cake but this is a good one. I hope you can feel my big mama hugs from afar. Much love, amix.



I did not know that word before I awoke today. I’m used to my brain and linguistic abilities declining, so this is refreshing … :wink: Thank you for that…hahaha

@Mno Happy Quinquennium Sir!!!


Is today 100 for you? If so congrats on triples :grin:



Im craving wine so much right now :frowning: There is no particular reason, its just my shitty mood.
I had 10k race today morning but I was late so I couldn’t join. I was looking forward to this run for some time cause my last 10k wasnt a good one and I wanted to prove myself I can do better. Well, I proved myself indeed. Its not the end of the world but it put me in that “what a loser I am” mode and I started eating and now I feel bad cause I ate tons of unhealthy high processed food. Double loser. Now I’m stuffing myself even more with food cause then I don’t think about that fucking wine. What a mess.


Almost! It’s Day 99. 99 luft balloons :balloon:

Thanks Joe :grinning: Tomorrow is the trips!


Okay we’ll release the balloon’s tomorrow then .:smirk:


Checking in on day 332. Creeping up on my 11 month mark…:partly_sunny:


You’re here and sharing about it. Preventing you from getting that stupid bottle that would make it all so much worse. Good you’re here. Good days and bad ones. Drinking never helps with anything. Hugs friend. We should have coffee some day soon. :people_hugging:


Massive congratulations on five years Menno! You’re an inspiration!


Congrats on 2089 days. I will make sure I type LOUD for you. :hugs::heart_eyes:


No turtle around :smiling_face_with_tear::kissing_heart:

130 days free from mfA!
Got it.

Feeling strong but never save.

Much love :heart:


395 no alcohol
326 no vapes or ciggs (35no form of nic)
58 no form of marijuana

2nd check in during late lunch at work
All cought up on work this saturday and im the only maintenance on today
New hours for work are 7am-4pm

When i get to work in the morning im usually on track but i STILLLLLLLL have trouble getting out of bed at even 6am
I love my work hours but i need to get up earlier
Tomorrow my alarm will be set for 5:30am and ill leave at 6:15 or 6:20 to be here for 6:30 or 6:45am

ill say this to myself for the rest of the day


Hey Joe - just sending best wishes for your wife. That’s got to be difficult, and I hope everything is calmer and easier for her now. It’s hard to switch doctors if you have any kind of medical condition. They often don’t agree with each other, and it’s frustrating to have sudden med changes thrown at you after a move! Good luck with the search for a decent local doc; glad you bought some time. :white_check_mark:


Congratulations on 5 years of recovery Mno!!! Well done and keep at it. Your are such an inspiration and a big part of this community: encouragement, wisdom, thoughtfulness, photography…etc…etc thank you for showing me/us we recover together :yellow_heart::tada::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations on 5 years! That’s an incredible achievement :raised_hands: Great work! :muscle:


Checking in; I’m on Day 12. It’s been a struggle but odaat!! It’s gotten a little easier but I wish I had more friends to talk to. It’s lonely here… but I won’t cave in, even if they don’t want to be the supporters. Thank you guys for being there with me on this journey.


Day 270 drug free
Day 152 Alcohol Free
Day 1 nicotine free

Hey all, happy Saturday. Hope everyone is keeping at it, no matter what moving forward and staying clean and sober ODAAT!
I am.doing well, trying to balance life. Reminding recovery comes first no matter what and checking in (this app/ my sponsor/others in recovery/meetings and most importantly my higher power and myself are paramount!) I have started a secound job …every other weekend overnights and a child and youth mental health facility. By the grace of God I go one day at a time. I am trying to start over again financially and clean up the wreckage from my past (i.e…my debt from my ex etc…although I didn’t have strong boundaries in place so I’m reaping the consequences) grateful to be working and.moving forward.

Had to reset my nicotine timer although it was only one ciggarette have to be honest and start the counter over. Regardless I’m proud of me, of us ever day clean/sober is a win…back at it tonight so.will relax, hang with my crew today. By the grace of God I go. Happy 24 all :yellow_heart::pray:t5:


Hey Foxy congratulations on 12 days that is awesome!!! I can relate to the feelings of loneliness …I find it gets better over time. Important to connect to others when your feeling isolated ie meetings, this app etc. So glad you are here! Thanks for the beautiful quote :yellow_heart: Blessings to you!!!


I have a really hard time waking up early too. When I worked 6am-2pm(10+ years ago), it took a while to get used to it. Eventually I turned into a morning person and loved it! (short lived, as I work evenings now and get out around the time I used to go to bed :face_with_diagonal_mouth:)

Consistency is key. Figure out what bedtime feels like the right amount of sleep and stick to it every night. Get up with your alarm (no snooze buttons!) and get moving. The faster you limber up, the faster you wake up. You’ll find a routine that works :+1:


Day 26

2nd check in … Very happy I came to this birthday party. It’s a sober party with amazing food and festivities.

I learned that, I need to stop putting negative expectations on things. I was blinded by my thought process around the drive. The drive was awesome, took a toll highway so no traffic.

This is a really awesome day! Enjoy everyone!