Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Welcome to the community friend. A wonderful supportive community to be a part of.

Great work on day 5 and wonderful job on protecting your sobriety. Stay connected here as I feel sticking with a community helps us stay on track.


Checking out day 155 AF

Pushed mow clients till tomorrow as wife worked this afternoon/eve and it was supposed to rain after day started with heavy fog.

So on day off I decided to trim the edges of our 400m lane to the main road.
When I got to end I saw my elderly neighbour who was struggling with some items from her car, so I went to help and asked her about her lawn as it hasnā€™t been mowed yet this year.
Seems her arthritis has been bad over winter and her lawnmower broke down. She just got parts but was waiting for battery to charge to get it running.
So I offered to trim and mow for her which she was extremely grateful as the grass was waist high and probably beyond her small and old machines ability.
Spent 3 hours trimming, mowing, blowing, mowing and trimming some more while the misty rain fellā€¦

But a satisfying feeling to help out a neighbor and now sheā€™s at a new start for the year where she can stay on top of. Of course like last year, I will pop up a few times to help out and do some extra trimming as she doesnā€™t do that so well anymore, but loves her independence, and I love to help to keep her happy about her yard looking so good.

It was a good day of giving, but now I must sleep as I do have two large properties tomorrow, then the work week begins again and back to the 8 clients in the evening to mow as well.
Rinse/repeatā€¦ as it seems my life has been these past 6+ weeks.



Checking in, this is day 63 sober. Iā€™m doing well. I appreciate reading all your posts. :smiley:


Weekly check in day 611. Think I was at the shop about 80 hours this week so yeah it was draining to say the least. Glad to have tomorrow off to get some stuff done around the house and chill a bit. Mentally Iā€™m fried and I tend to check out on everything when days get too long so tomorrow I will regroup. Hoping everyoneā€™s weekend is going well.


Checking in on day 162
I went on a 3 day trip to Luxembourg with my sister. My first AF flight/holiday etc ā€¦ We both had a great time, itā€™s a beautiful country. Flew back to Ireland this morning, Iā€™m staying with my sis tonight before I travel back to my own house.

She invited her boyfriend to stay over so I could get to know him a bit better, Iā€™ve only met him once before. He drank wine, she drank beer, I had soft drinks & half an AF beer (none of this triggered me Iā€™m happy to say) Everything was going ok, then all of a sudden she was scrolling on her phone & ignoring both of us. Me & her bf chatted & whenever he tried to ask her questions or try to get her involved in the conversation she got very short & snappy with him. She only had 3 beers.

I just thought wow this is a new side to her that Iā€™m noticing but then I thought about other times we had been drinking together & wherever she got pissy or bitchy with me like that I would have ignored it & drank more to block it out & ultimately blank out.

She rarely drinks these days, sheā€™s never been a problem drinker. Iā€™m ok with people drinking around me as long as they donā€™t try to peer pressure me. Iā€™m not ok with drunk people being a-holes around me even if it is their house.

This is more a rant than anything else plus an acknowledgement that now Iā€™m sober Iā€™m noticing so much more, things I wouldā€™ve put up with as an active alcoholic that Iā€™m just not prepared to deal with these days.

Hope youā€™re all having a fantastic weekend :grin:


Hi friends, today was a half decent day. Work went well and im excited to have tmrw off. Came home to a nice supper and then cleaned up a bit. Still alot to do before my sons birthday tmrw. Hes having a friend over for his 1st playdate, so that will be fun!! Just so blessed to be clean and sober right now :purple_heart: Have a great night everyone!


A quick check in at the end of day 28.

Have a good night.


66 days
I couldnā€™t get the internet to work the past few days. But things are going well. Iā€™ve finished all my work now and have 2 days free to just relax. Iā€™ve not had any major issues come up and my anxiety has been low. So Iā€™m feeling grateful. Am now looking forward to 2 free days to just show my friend around and do some relaxing things.


Checking 357 AF
Ran errands today, food prepped, did laundry and ordered boxes for my upcoming move. No real back pain so Iā€™m pleased about that.

Looking forward to tomorrow. Meeting my son and his family for lunch and picking out fishing poles for the boys.

Have a good evening everyone!


769 days free from weed and alcohol
10+ months free from the nicotine monster

Up late on a saturday chillin with my dogson and listening to 90s r&b, practicing self care. Its amazing how sobriety has transformed my mind, body, spirit. My definition of fun is ever evolving but i know it wont involve poison tonight



Thanks for all the congrats yesterday. Made my day better. I got celebratory sushi after work and had a relaxed night in with Luna. Working today, day off tomorrow. On we go. Sober and clean. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love.

@Laner Glad to see you checking in, happy youā€™re doing well!
@JonasE Hoping you had a nice ride Jonas. Taking time for yourself is extremely important. Keep going.



19 days sober, today! Went to first AA meeting last night. Feeling good. Will go for a small hike with wife and son, early morning.

One day at a time!


Day 351. Up early, my tinitus is loud :grinning: one of those things. Beautiful morning here.

My wife is going swimming in the sea later. Iā€™m notā€¦but will go for a walk along the beach. Struggling to not have a beer this weekend. Probably as Iā€™m close to a year. The sun is out and the pain of the mess I was causing seems a long way away. I wonā€™t drink today. I will stay vigilant till this ebbs.

I think i will listen to some music, grab a coffee and sit outside and chill


Ha ha ha :rofl::rofl::rofl: Thank you for the laugh! I like that kind of jokes. I use to say please say it in braille because my hearing is bad :sunglasses:


day 608

waiting for AAA on the side of the road because i got a flat tire.
stressful, but still not as bad as my using days. i just hope they show up soonā€¦


Are you on your vacation? Hopefully you used the app. I called a few months ago, told theyā€™d be there soon, waited two plus hours, then used the app and they were there in 5 min and had never gotten the request prior even though my info was ā€œ in the systemā€.
Edit. If youā€™re in a dangerous area, because of location or traffic, or lack of traffic, call 911 and ask them to come stay w you.
Second edit! Yay and wow and congrats on 608!!! šŸ©·šŸ«‚šŸ©·šŸ«‚šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·


I hope you get help soon for your tire! :pray:
When I read AAA I was confushedā€¦misunderstood with AA :blush:


*Day 2090 :walking_woman:
A bit boring days, cannot adress why. It feels a bit uneasy between me and hubby
too. We talked about it yesterday, but couldnā€™t find the root of it. Notice my sugar craving rush in because of that unstable state of mind. Normaly I would have drank, this time I ate a chocolat bar. Still addict behavior, but less dangerous :blush:

Today? Crossfit and maybe a walk. Havenā€™t walked much lately, not much time left for longer walks because of the crossfit.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


@Scorpn I hope your car situation is solved soon. Happy travels after that!
@Timetochange Enjoy your time at the beach. The thoughts will pass, as they always do. You have a chance to have a day of you life sober at the beach. Think about how many people do not have that. How many would be so grateful to get where you are. Youā€˜ve got it :sunglasses:
@Ricardo1977 Good job on attending a meeting. Keep the days stacking friend.
@Cjp Shoutout to self care!:person_getting_massage:t2:
@DanaM56 Happy to hear you are pain free.
@Laner Glad to hear your anxiety has lessened. This is always such a relief. Enjoy your relaxing time.
@Jeanine Four weeks! Way to go :sunglasses:
@Butterflymoonwoman Have a nice party day :partying_face:
@Lisa-B This ā€šside effectā€˜ of sobriety of finally noticing so many nuances to life can be a bit disconcerting. Some of us have been using to avoid exactly that. But you are taking it in a stride :muscle:
@Steve14 Wishing you the most relaxing down time this weekend. 80 hours would just destroy me. Take nicely care of yourself.

200 sugar
64 UPF
71 gluten
50 dairy
12 overeating

Was at a game night with friends last night. The table was full of all kinds of sweet snacks. It was a fascinating experience. There was a part of my brain signalling that this is something to pay attention to, something worth being considered all through the evening. It was always just a small but clearly perceivable impulse. Immediately following would be a different impulse to ignore the stuff as it is of no further import whatsoever.
I was not tempted once. I just registered the signals and went on with my life. A few times I moved the packages out of the way as I couldnā€˜t see parts of the game. This is freedom. Very different to the endless cravings or lack of impulse control of earlier. Iā€˜m very happy to have 200 days today :blush:

Today the sun is up and brightly shining. Iā€˜m planning to do my weekly review in the morning, go vote in the elections for the european parliament :eu: and help keep the far right out of it, and spend as much time as possible outside and in the sun.

Wishing you all a fantastic day of peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:
And if you are a citizen of the european union and still have a chance: Go vote! :ballot_box::eu:


190 days
Kids had their tournament today. First one for both of them so we were taking it as a learning experience. So proud of how both of them went, both were a bit surprised in their first fights and took a tough loss each.
The second match for both of them went much better, both lost but the recomposed themselves and it took some bravery to step back in and they both enjoyed it.
What it brought into focus was how much being sober is helping my kids thrive. They were a big part of the drive initially and days like today really show its worth it.