Checking in daily to maintain focus #67


I saw my number of days 3 times today and still had to check it again :upside_down_face:

I was wide awake this morning, for a change. I did a few small chores before my daughter said she felt sick :worried: Achy but no fever, and sniffly. There was a movie she really wanted to watch so we just chilled. After it finished, I was so tired I had to lie down for 30 minutes before getting ready. Work was good. They pulled my 2 coworkers from dinner service to work the golf event so I got every table to myself. One more lunch shift and then a day off :raised_hands:

We finally got a letter from my ex in jail. They kicked him out of drug court for testing positive for weed, twice. Now he’ll be resentenced for the original crime (from 2020) which was petit larceny. I went thru my custody battle when he was at his absolute worst on crack. It’s like night and day. He’s been clean and sober for 4 years, besides weed, which idc about. I just don’t get it. Why put someone back in jail after spending so much time/resources trying to help them get back on their feet? Already 1 year in jail, 2yrs in rehabs/halfways, and 1 on his own under court supervision. And now this risks losing everything he’s worked for! I never actually realized this until just now…My punishment for 2 felonies was less severe!!! 3 years probation, I tested positive for alcohol twice, and still got released 1.5 years early! Ugh, this makes me mad :angry: I’m going to write to the judge to try and help him. But first, sleep :zzz:


Day 118 of recovery.
Sunday evening check in. Yesterday was a tough day. I was close to slipping up. I was helping a friend move home and clean up and after a few hours I went to the fridge for some cold water and noticed a 6 pack of beer. In a blink of an eye my mind thought it would be a good idea/reward for my hard work. I struggled for a few minutes with the thought but was smart enough to remind myself of the bigger picture. Felt like shit for a while though.
Hope everyone is doing ok.


It’s been a lil bit since I’ve been on here. Just wanted to check in before I hit the sheets :blush:

Meth free 1 year 2 months 11 days
Cigarette free 2 months 11 days

Have a Blessed one you guys! Keep fighting the good fight!!
YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! :pray:


Day 100

Going ok- up way too early but ok.

Enjoy your day


Congratulations on 100 days Marie :fire:


Congratulations Marie


Thank you TragicF :blush:


Thank you Seb


Day One Hundred and Fifty Six AF

Two mows today then my son has some of his best friends in town from BC coming over for dinner tonight.
Should be a nice evening with the boys!

Enjoy your Sunday


Hey all, checking in on day 1456. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 13 :sun_with_face::four_leaf_clover:

Have a nice day everyone :two_hearts:


Welcome to triple digits @Lighter . Glad youre here. Youre posts always make me smile


:black_circle: -V-

“Human beings have a strong dramatic instinct toward binary thinking, a basic urge to divide things into two distinct groups, with nothing but an empty gap in between. We love to dichotomize. Good versus bad. Heroes versus villains. My country versus the rest. Dividing the world into two distinct sides is simple and intuitive, and also dramatic because it implies conflict, and we do it without thinking, all the time.”

~Hans Rosling



Congratulations on 100 days!!!


Thank you!


Day 72.

Still kicking, still alive.

New meds feeling weird, being calm is an odd feeling lemme tell you.

See ya tomorrow :slight_smile:


@acromouse you are so right. It’s so interesting to watch how others change as the effects of alcohol takes its grip. I will say in past times I would have drank 2-3 times quicker with a higher volume of booze than my sister so I would’ve become much more drunk & messy and in fairness I probably would’ve pissed my sister off but last night I wasn’t drinking so I was able to track the progress of her change in mood.

Day 163
Stayed with my sister last night, her & her boyfriend got very drunk. I stayed sober ODAAT.

Woke up 10am after a late night & had breakfast with my nephews. My sister got up hungover at 12:30 crawled out of bed, her bf was barely able to get out of bed to say goodbye to me before I left to travel back home.
Currently on a 2 hour bus trip crocheting & feeling wide awake. So many bus trips in my past were I felt I was going to die from being hungover.
I absolutely love the sober life.
Hope you’re all having an amazing sober Sunday


Good job on the triple didgets. Keep going strong :muscle: :grin:


Going places Marie! Big congrats on reaching triple digits! :people_hugging:


I’m getting ready to sell my old SUV. It’s been quite the family car and has gone on a lot of adventures. I decided to sell it when Insurance wanted $1277 for 6 months to barely drive it and basically just have it parked in the garage. No way I can justify that. So I have someone coming to take a look at it tomorrow. He was interested in buying it back in October and I decided I wasn’t ready. He’s out of town and I’m saving it for him to get first look even though I have had people ready to come with cash on hand this weekend to buy it.

The twins are out of school now. I need to go grocery shopping today so there will be a lot of food in the fridge for them when I’m at work. That and my women’s meeting at noon today, and getting the downstairs tidied up, will be a full day.

I had a good therapy session last Thursday. I am going to follow it up with another session in two weeks - I usually go 4 weeks in between sessions.