Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

You are an inspiration! If only I could be so charitable at offering work for free. Seems just working with/for myself is too much at times. Thanks for sharing.


Congrats on 29 days. Glad you are finding peace in your sober journey


Just wanted to do a quick check in :slight_smile: Birthday party was AMAZING!!! They had so much fun! I feel beyond blessed and grateful for my recovery today. Im heading to bed shortly so wont say too much but wanted to wish everyone a good night. Hope everyone is kicking butt in their recoveries! :butterfly:


Checking 357 AF
Woke in a lot of pain this morning. The stress of my upcoming move and obsessive thoughts of all I need to do before the move. The thought of packing feels daunting.

Didnā€™t see the grandkids my son and daughter canceled over night. Instead they thought it was a good idea to teach my 11 grandson to drive. WTH! Sometimes I wonder how theyā€™ve made it this far in life and become as successful as they have. Granted it was out in a vacant field. Lord help me!

Need to go to bed. Wishing everyone a good night


Triple digits Marie!! :dancer::dancer::dancer:
You earned every day of it!!
Congratulations! :confetti_ball:


*Day 2091 :walking_woman:
Had an easy weekend, hope I had enough rest for this upcoming busy week. To many things planned and that always gives me a bit anxiaty too. Also have to work extra in another store.
Iā€™m very out of my confort zone if Iā€™m working in another store then my own. Canā€™t find anything and even the tiles are different. And my hearing is still bad, so that will be fun all together :face_with_peeking_eye:
Little problems, I know :blush::sweat_smile:

Still no walking pictures sorry :face_with_peeking_eye: Maybe I walk today before work, but it rains.
Trained yesterday and that was fun though!
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


@JazzyS I probably worded it wrong. He never got 2 felonies(surprisingly). I did, but got a lighter sentence than him. 3 years probation, tested positive for alcohol twice(one was accidental) with no consequences, and was released early after 1.5 years. Then immediately went back to putting peopleā€™s lives in danger :roll_eyes: He was sentenced to drug court for petit larceny(misdemeanor) in 2020, tested positive for weed twice and they kicked him out. That violates the condition of his release which means he has to be sentenced all over again. Yeah heā€™s dumb for smoking weed, but he was stealing bc of crack and alcohol, which he hasnā€™t touched in 4 years. That has to count for something. Anyway, sorry for the long explanation. Iā€™m glad you didnā€™t cave today :pray: Itā€™ll never be worth it.


Good day at work. My friend, the bar manager, spoke with our manager about how negatively she treats us. Told her if she keeps it up weā€™ll lose all respect for her (some already have). Sheā€™s mostly left us alone the past couple days :pray:

My daughter asked my mom if she could play with her friend in our building, so she dropped her off 2 hours before I got home. Idk about these people :neutral_face: She was there yesterday and I text the mom to send her home in 5 minutes bc I had to go to work. She said ā€˜okayā€™. 10 minutes later I text ā€˜we gotta get goingā€™. ā€˜Okayā€™ again. 5 more minutes and I walk up there. I could hear talking but it took over a minute to open the door. The dad said the mom was at work and he didnā€™t even know my daughter was there! Wtf?! When I got home today, they came and played here a while, then went back upstairs. I said she could eat dinner there if she was allowed. If not, come home when they eat. I got her at 8pm and she asked me whatā€™s for dinner. I said ā€˜you didnā€™t eat?!ā€™ She said they didnā€™t eat dinner. Her friend said ā€˜we just had a lot of snacksā€™. Later I asked what kind of snacks and my daughter said they didnā€™t eat anything at all! Something seems off. Plus they smoke in their apartment with 3 kids :nauseated_face: I think her friend will only be coming here from now on.

Didnā€™t mean for such a long post :sweat_smile: Iā€™m going to bed now. Yay day off! Hope you all have a good one :heart:


Day 352. Back at work but I feel really tired this morning. Will weigh up if I can get time off v working.

Was an okay weekend but I found myself needing to sleep in the afternoon which isnā€™t like me at all. Going to grab a coffee. Look at my work calendar and have a think. I donā€™t take much time sick as I always worry about having to catch up.

I know what will happen. I will get a coffee. Log on. Remember that Iā€™m on my own if off sick so I find that tediousā€¦ So I will end up working



Got the one day off. Itā€™s raining and it will for quite a while. Well, I have enough stuff to do in and close to home. Itā€™s OK. Iā€™m sober and clean. Going to write a bit, even when creative writing class has finished. It did give me an appetite for more. One day at a time as in all.

Have as good a day as you can all. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love.

@CATMANCAM Youā€™re doing so much positive things for yourself and your mental health. I hope you see that too. Iā€™m seeing much progress my friend. Keep going.
@PaigeTurner These days are part of life too. We need to grieve whatā€™s lost. And then pick up the pieces and go on with our lives. We made going on possible for ourselves by being in recovery. Iā€™m grateful youā€™re here. Hugs.


@Timetochange Hope you feel better soon.
@Just_Laura I totally get the off feeling with the other family. I would be concerned too. Especially about the smoking.
@SoberWalker I do get the anxiety. We all are sensitive to changes in our daily habits. But sometimes getting out of our comfort zone can give us a new feeling of accomplishment. So I hope you will feel more accomplished than stressed today.
@DanaM56 Iā€˜m sorry you are in so much stress and pain. Moving is a huge task. Sending you energy and some good vibes. Youā€˜ve got it!
@Butterflymoonwoman Nice to hear you had such a great party! Sleep tight.
@PaigeTurner Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us. Hugs and love on a day like this friend :people_hugging::mending_heart:
@Jeanine Well done on throwing the salesman out. The voice of addiction will find all kinds of situation to get triggered.
@JazzyS Well done on getting out of the mind funk of addiction instead of caving. That definitely is a win!
@CATMANCAM But you did make a start! You did something about the boxes and you took stuff out. This is literarily doing something. I feel like you might be to hard on yourself friend. And do go for that session. Better trying than not doing anything.
@Vanessa8 Well done on beating the cravings. One day at a time :blush:

201 sugar
65 UPF
72 gluten
51 dairy
13 overeating

I still find it impossible to register my satiety and hunger signals due to hormones. I hope to get a new dosage of HRT soon.

My daughter woke up in the middle of the night with a really bad migraine. I did not get much sleep tonight, but at least her pain lessened. Letā€˜s hope it goes away for good today.
I want to get a new round of prototype work going today. Have an appointment with my doc later in the day to change my meds. My last class this school year with the younger kids is going to be today. We are going to have some fun with video sensing. Doc and school means a bike ride, yeah. Yoga in the afternoon. I also want to read more in the ā€šyoga for addictionā€˜ book.

Have a good day of peace, kindness, and freedom friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Iā€™m ok. I just need to focus on cracking on with the day. Iā€™m off for a few days when itā€™s my sober yearā€¦ So Iā€™m looking forward to that. Have a fab day


Day 157 AF

Slept well but body battery never recharged (45%).
Perhaps Iā€™m not using my days off properly. lol.
Ah well, what can ya do? Trudge on I suppose.

Peace peeps


Day 352. Decided to just get on with it. Working 7-4 today. Iā€™ve got some time off in a couple of weeks. Just need to focus and keep working.

When I get to a year sober I really want to get back to you just focusing on each day rather than adding them up as I think being vigilant and aware I can mess up at any stage is my priority


Checking in day 161 AF :blush: i had my first day/ night out in Manchester at the weekend i really enjoyed it and it was made even better being sober :grin: x


Hey all, checking in on day 1457. I hope everybody has a good one!


Good morning everyone. Day 208, havent really done a check in. For the most part things are good, i was supposed to go home this weekend and idk i got hit with a pretty bad little spot of depression i guess? Idk i called in Thursday and friday, which im not upset with myself about. Im off probation and i did it in a timely manner, and i had plenty of pto. I had like a really bad relapse dream again which i really have been having alot of but idk sometimes they feel so real and i just dont move after i have them. I did up my medicine so idk if that possibly had a little part in it. I did try and get myself out of the funk saturdayā€¦ things with me and sarah are still good, im not obsessing over anything with her, we communicate well and idk i feel safe atm. Other than that im doing well with not wanting or thinking about drugsā€¦ last night i did have a funny haha of something i did while drunk, this one night i was going to a friends house and it was in a complex where every apartment looked the same, i just remember walking in and taking my my shoes off and turning around to this older lady sitting in her chair looking at me saying " who the hell are you"ā€¦ i was like oh shit im in the wrong house and she was like yeah you fucking are. I dont even think i put my shoes on i just grabbed them and scooted out the doorā€¦ i will say sober i still make some silly ass decisions


Checking in day 84. Have a great day everyone.


Oh that IS funny Mike! Back in the day I waited for over an hour in the wrong house for some friends. Iā€™m glad no one was home :sweat_smile:


Itā€™s been a minute since I checked in. Shitā€™s been tough, friends! But I am doing okay, doing better. My husband is on a work trip so Iā€™m home alone for a week and Iā€™m going to make the most of it. Bought more plants for the garden yesterday, I am in search of a couple more. Weā€™ll be doing a container garden this year just for the ease of it, this fall I think Iā€™ll be ready to dig up more turf grass and get real garden beds established for next year. The joys of homeownership. Itā€™s been quite a journey this first year. Iā€™m immensely grateful to have been sober in this journey too.

Sending out some love to my friends here, to all of you. :heartpulse:


9 months alcohol free after 13 years of heavy drinking.