Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Thank you @JazzyS for always taking the time to read everyone’s check ins and respond to them. It gave me a little pat on the back to let me know I did ok this week


:balloon::balloon::grin::balloon::balloon::grin::balloon::balloon::balloon: congrats


Had a big craving last night… smelled my husband’s alcoholic drink and “knew” it would hit the spot. But I didn’t give in. I ate a little bit of chocolate and continued with my sparkling water. Craving passed within an hour. Went to bed sober and woke up feeling so peaceful.


Major congrats on reaching triple digits! Every sober day is a win.


Thanks Rosa, I’m really happy and excited about the summer. :heart:


A little late butttt

Your a solid role modle for the community here


Happy triple digits lighter!!!



Just a short checkin, sober.

Got a super sunny 3000m swim in today,
delicious food, enough napping and fresh painted nails. So - life is not too bad :sweat_smile:


Love you guys :heart:


Van harte gefeliciteerd maat :partying_face::pray::tada:


Congrats. Nicely done on triple digits!!


Sunday afternoon sober check in during my daughter’s nap time. We’ve had a nice breakfast, some playtime, walked to run some errands, I’ve spent wayyy too much time doing dishes, and now I get a bit of a break.
So great that since I have to get up early every day that I’m never hungover any more.


Good job getting passed the craving @Vanessa8


@Butterflymoonwoman happy birthday to your son :balloon: :gift: you did an awesome job with his cake :birthday: I hope he enjoyed his party :partying_face:
@Mno belated congrats on your quinquennium :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:
@acromouse thank you :blush: I have just received it so maybe I can use it this week :crossed_fingers:t2::battery:congrats again on 200 days no sugar :tada: and for 50 days no dairy :tada:
@Mischa84 I’m sorry you missed your race, but maybe you could do the next one and have even more time to prepare :running_woman: you are approaching a big milestone, don’t let the wine cravings steal that from you :people_hugging:
@JazzyS I’m glad the festival was a wonderful time, it sounds nice :blush: unfortunately I was too overwhelmed by the task I set myself so I didn’t achieve what I was hoping too, will try to tackle it this week. I hope those clouds rolled in :cloud:
@Jake80 welcome :blush: congrats on 5 days :tada:
@Laner I’m so glad your work trip has gone well :blush:
@Ricardo1977 welcome :blush: congrats on 19 days :tada:
@Scorpn sorry about your flat tyre, I hope it got sorted and you didn’t have too long of a wait :crossed_fingers:t2:here in the UK, we have a roadside recovery company called the AA so thats funny you have one called AAA :smile:
@Lighter congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:

1399 days no alcohol.
864 days no cocaine.
379 days no vape.
4 days no binge-eating.

There was very little productivity from me this weekend. I only got 2hrs sleep on Friday night, well Saturday early AM, I tried over and over again, repeatedly walking into the kitchen on Saturday to make a start, but it just didn’t happen. All I managed to do was break down the empty boxes of cat food that had piled up, and take the rubbish and recycling out to the bins.

I emailed the (current) therapist’s manager late Friday afternoon asking if I could continue my Monday sessions until I start with the psychiatrist. I feel like it’s going to be too late notice to have a session tomorrow but I’m going to text the manager (who I’ve been emailing) first thing to ask the question anyway, I may also call the admin team if I don’t hear back. I also might just turn up for my session as we did leave it vaguely open last week, so there’s still a chance she may be expecting me and it wouldn’t be a wasted effort if she’s not there, as it would still get me showered and out doing some steps. I could really use a session rn though so I can only hope.

I’ve also emailed the gym this weekend explaining why I’m struggling to return (an incident in the changing room 3 years ago) I’ve asked if they have any gender neutral changing facilities too. Will see if I hear back.

I attended the Survivor’s support group Saturday morning, which was okay, the first hour went fast but the second seemed to drag on a bit. 2hrs is a long time for me to sit still and do the same thing for. Always glad that I went though.

Today I was supposed to be going to my Auntie’s to see my cousin and her family who were down here visiting, I only get to see them once or twice a year if that. My brother and his family were going too, but my messed up brain wouldn’t let me shower, no matter how much I wanted to be there and to see my nieces! So I had to send my apologies. :cry: I’ve had a really bad mental health day because of it. I’ve managed to make myself feel slightly better by watching some TV this evening. I also did 7 meditations throughout the day.

I hope you’ve all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



@john_connor1337 welcome back :people_hugging: keep fighting :muscle:t2:


Cam, I so feel for you. I hope you end up getting the help from the psychiatrist or whatever it is you’re seeking. It all sounds exhausting. I’ve been here for a while, you have too, and I have seen you make some big changes and improvements. I just wish there was something that could be done to help you. I’m here with you, for what it’s worth, and am proud of you for continuing to push through things.


@butterflymoonwoman Hope your son had a wonderful birthday celebration. I had meant to send a Happy Birthday this morning and realized that it never went through. :birthday:
@Lighter Great work on your triple digits – just love celebrating this with you :tada:
@laner Lovely to see you posting… glad you are enjoying your trip – hope you and your friend enjoy visiting the town.
@timetochange Great plan! Stay vigilant and focused friend – ODAAT!
@acromouse WOOT WOOT 200 days no sugar and 50 dairy free! You are crushing it :muscle: Way to friend – glad you enjoyed your game night and did not indulge in any of the temptations :muscle:
@just_laura Dang! That is a bs system if I ever did hear of one. WTF is wrong with our system? I’m sorry that your ex is being treated this way – never heard of them bringing up past felonies for punishment. I would be super frustrated and mad as hell too. All of this can FRO!
@seb Glad you saw the bigger picture and protected your sobriety! ODAAT :muscle:
@sussexguy you are most welcome and I’m glad that it gave you a pat on the back. We are here to help each other through this journey – glad you are with us friend!
@vanessa8 AH yes – way to go on bypassing that craving and surviving another 24 hours sober :muscle: We do get stronger with each day!
@CATMANCAM Big hugs my friend! I am sorry that you are having a hard mental day. Hope that you are able to give yourself some love and care. That you will go to the appointment tomorrow (like you said, it will get you out of the house at least) and hopefully you will be able to be seen. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you :crossed_fingers: Glad the TV show is helping you lift your spirits. Sending laughter and positive energy your way :hugs: :smiling_face: :heart:

Checking in on Sunday night
536 days free of alcohol and weed
951 days free of cigarettes
I started off the day with a bang. Got my walk in with my mom and a few small items tackled and did a few workouts. Then i went to a friends daughters graduation party. Was meant to be from 1-4 but with so many friends meeting after many years it ended up being a longer day. I finally had to call it quits when my swelling became too severe and my shoes were causing trouble. Also my stomach pains were super intense and haven’t been this bad since early after surgery. I almost said fuck it and drank tonight but then i remember that it would not help matters any and i have come a long way in the recovery for my health. I am home now and grateful that i didn’t cave. It is 10:24 so i’m gonna call it a night and take today as a win :muscle:

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Chocolate always is the solution to a problem.


Checking in at the end of day 29.
@acromouse Thanks! 4 weeks feels good!

The weekend was amazing. I wasn’t around alcohol and the people I was with weren’t around it either. But, I still had a pretty strong craving yesterday and today. Today being very strong. I think the circumstances and the people I was around triggered me, even though no alcohol was involved, my brain recognized there usually is with this group of people. The salesman came back too, but was only able to get his foot in the door. I played the tape through, focused on the bigger picture, prayed and reminded myself this will pass. And it did. I Fought the fine fight today.

Have a good night all.


Today is 937 days.

I struggle today. Not with my.recovery but the faxts of all the lost time with loved ones.
Tomorrow marks 1 year since my Dad passed away.
I know he found peace in the fact that all of his daughters were sound, sober and by his side as he passed.
Today though…it all hit him.
The ridiculous amount of precious time lost to my addiction and old lifestyle.
I know I cant get it back.
I understand Im doing amazing amd reversing all the curses I placed on myself.
The pain of loss is real.
Thankful I know how to cry today.
Thankful I can express myself and process sad feelings in a healthy way today.
Thankful I choose to do this for one more day today.


Day 51

Just checking in