Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Checking in, 70 days sober.
I’ll stay sober today too.

Last year, on this day, I fell off the wagon and it took me until April 7th of this year to get back on. I only had 10 days sober last time around, so I’m pretty proud of myself right now. :smiley:


Congratulations on 70 days. I made it 5 months last year. Relapsed November getting back on track February this year. I do want to say I included God in all things this sober journey. This revelation has made all the difference in my remaining sober. Have a wonderful day!


Thank you so much :blush:


Here on Day 79.

Nothing much going on today. Typical lazy sunday.
Hope you are all doing ok. :slight_smile:

Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting. :sweat_smile:


Checking in day 651, meaning I’m :six::five::zero: days sober today! With this I’m posting one view I loved from a recent European vacation I took (based in the US). Continuously grateful for all that an alcohol-free life allows me.

Wishing everyone a super sober Sunday :sparkles:


Day 33 here.

I am feeling pretty low today. It’s Father’s Day in America. My children are back in Australia. I am over in America undergoing a detox/rehab for booze and pills.
My family have been v supportive and basically rescued me. But things back in Australia are really messed up. I am divorced from kids’ mom and just lost my family home with my partner. She says she still loves me but I barred by the courts to seeing her kids and I don’t fully trust her.
It took me years to rebuild my life after my divorce and now I’ve lost it all again.
Picking myself up off tbe mat again after tbis feels impossible. I feel like a failure, that I’m broken. I look back over my life and all of the trauma and damage and bad decisions I’ve made. How much and how many times I’ve hurt others and how old I am. The future seems bleak and my heart hurts. I am left contemplating how much I’m extremely disappointed in myself, and that’s putting it mildly. I’m left wondering what is wrong with me. I experience so much regret about my marriage ending and being a bad husband. How not keeping my side of the street clean has in part caused me to lose what I’ve worked towards for the last few years to reclaim. I don’t wanna be alone. I wish I had more chances to redo my past mistakes, but those chances will never come.
I try to be kind to myself and be positive but my past catches up to me on days like this and slaps me in the face over and over and over and over again. There is no running away from it. Nowhere to hide. No way to sugar coat the despair or get away from the deep, horrible yuck.


Checking in day 167 AF :blush:


Congratulations on 33 days. You will hear it over and over. One day at a time. All things are possible and so more true Sober!


Hey all,

Weekend started okay, but todays been challenging and down. Pretty sure our son has a minor concussion from his fall at daycare Friday. Hes been super cranky, his eating is a bit off and his energy is a little low. Yesterday was more difficult; todag hes a little better but eneergy overall in the house is down.

Dealing with that this morning and decided not to go in to the city, which is a difficult call for me but Id like to have my son looked at and also be close while hes getting better. Our friends were supposed to come over this morning, by noon I hadnt heard from them and when I messaged she said shes be here by around 3. We were supposed to go to in-laws, but with son not feeling great I just called everything off.

And in ALL of that hubbub SOMEHOW my asshole brain FORGOT ITS FATHERS DAY!!! My husband was already in a mood, and we talked about it and decided to celebrate tomorrow. I feel like such an asshole all around. I know its better to celebrate on a day where we arent all feeling overwhelmed and like crap, but the fact that I forgor makes me feel like such a self absorbed jerk. I was so worried about our son, also trying to clean the house in a psycho whirlwind before our friends got here (not for them coming, but because Im supposed to go to the city to see my mom and nephew and wanted to get the house in order for hubby with the kids), then…it got fucking lost. And I think; if he forgot mothers day Id be so sad! I mean, Mothers Day this uear was a shit show but the day before was so wonderful I made my peace with it lol.

Anyway, I do have a new record player for his which is to be delivered tomorrow. I thought it would have been a nice surprise for him to open, even if I wasnt here but now Ill be home. I have prepped a nice supper, but hes not in the mood so we will have a do-over tomorrow…its not the first time we have to do that (for occassions for us, we celebrate when we can) but fuxk me. I feel awful on top of feeling like shit.

Tomorrow is a new day. I need to work on this guilt because its crushing me today. Guilt over my sons head and worried about him, guilt I wont be there with my nephew and mom and guilt about putting my family first. Then guilt over a ahit farhers day…hubby deserves a beautiful day where he feels boosted for being exactly who he is.

Anyway, Im sick of checking in on shitty feeling days but id rather be honest. Being sober is such a perfect state to be dealing with all this crap. Im grateful for it, not thinking of drinking just tired of this feeling.

To all the dads out there, Happy Fathers Day and hope you had a beautiful day xo.


I feel you. I wish I could solve my problems like sobriety. Just don’t participate. Real world still goes round and round. Be good to yourself.


@hoss thanks love! Glad to have you back with us checking in. I am taking it easy and healing
@danwood85 WOW Dan! 7 weeks is awesome :muscle: Glad you started the day with a lovely fathers day appreciation :heart: Appreciate you :pray:
@lotusflower Awe thanks Des – you are so sweet love! Appreciate you :pray: :heart:
@lighter glad your day eased up Marie. Healing from past trauma’s is a painful process. Glad you are realizing that this is normal and taking it easy. Be kind to yourself and remember that you are not alone. :people_hugging: Hope you had a wonderful Sunday
@falloutsign YEAH 30 days! Great work friend. YEAH :clap: :tada: Keep up the amazing work :muscle:
@vanessa8 70 days! That’s awesome work Vanessa :muscle: Yes you should be super proud. Keep up the fantastic work :tada:
@jonase 79 days is great – 80 days tomorrow so that’s exciting and 11 days from 3 months :wink: you are great Jonas – keep stacking up the days. I find the not so exciting chill days are amazing and grateful that I am not wasting them hungover.
@moosetracks Nicely done with your 650+ days friend :muscle: What a lovely view and grateful that you are enjoying the benefits of sober living! :tada: :tada:
@aussie_tiger Double 3’s is amazing! Being sober and getting on track with your recovery is the best thing you could do for yourself and your kids / loved ones. I am sure its hard being away from your kids but remember that you are going to return to them a sober man with some solid time on his recovery journey :muscle: :tada: You will rebuild again my friend. You can’t hold onto the past shame and regret (this only keeps you chained to your addiction). ODAAT! Onwards and upwards :hugs:
@mira_d So glad your son is doing better and you are able to be there for him. A concussion is scary. I totally get losing days when you are worried about something / someone (especially your child). I am glad that you will properly celebrate Fathers day tomorrow. :hugs: :heart:

Checking in Sunday evening…
It was a decent start to the day. Did need to crash hard this afternoon. Grateful for a laid back day and hoping for more energy tomorrow. Getting laundry done and watching movies so life is good :wink:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you Jazzy.


Check in before bed. Great sober week ahead. Some surprise good things. :heart:


Checking in on another day clean and sober! Work was alright. Got home and celebrated Fathers Day with my hubby and our son. Now just about to put our boy to bed. I overate a bit at supper time. I was STARVING when i got home and ate too fast, which resulted in overeating. I wasnt listening to my bodies signals. Kind of feel bad about eating too much as I have been doing so well, but ill get right back on track tmrw. I have another busy day tmrw so Im hoping and praying that I wont have a coughing fit tonight. I need some rest. Hope you all are doing well! :butterfly:


Sending you many, many hugs. Be gentle with urself friend. We all forget things now and again. Sounds like u had alot on ur mind, especially worrying about ur son and hia concussion. Which by the way, I hope he gets better very soon :hugs: Maybe a good rest will help and tmrw is a brand new day! hugs


Checking in at day 19. Going strong. Odaat :yellow_heart:
Hope everyone is having a happy, sober day :pray:t3:


Thanks @JazzyS & @Butterflymoonwoman. I find guilt and being gentle with myself dont always go hand in hand. So grateful for you beautiful ladies. Xo.


Checking in on Father’s Day evening. Just put my daughter to bed. Now going to enjoy some dessert and tidy up the kitchen a bit before bed.
Happy late father’s day to all the sober dads out there.


Yay!! Congratulations @FalloutSign


Checking in at the end of day 36.
@JazzyS I love the thought of protecting my sobriety. Because that is exactly what we are doing, protecting it. Thanks for that!

Better day today than yesterday. Took it easy, harvested from my garden and planted some flowers in pots to make my porch more cozy. All in all a good day.

Have a good evening everyone.