Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 69

Music festival is going well overall, the next two days will be less exhausting which is a relief.

Currently feeling sad/frustrated/hurt/pissed off and just tired. About to go to sleep which I’m very much looking forward to. Hoping no more conflicts happen while im here.
Hope everyone is doing well :pray:t2:


Day 364. Got a place on my master course. So that’s good. My job is likely to change soon to look after more services. That’s ok

Off for a week. Got a new exercise bike. Going to do half hour a day and see how it goes


Well, checking in on day 169 AF

Things never stay the same but do. I was offered a FT position with the city which I accepted yesterday. Not sure that’s really what I want but I’ll see. I have 30 days which I can move back to my seasonal position.
I am enjoying being back to regular work after 3 years retired. Just not sure I’ll feel the same in winter, but once these 30 days pass, I need to be darn sure. I couldn’t have done this if I was drinking. Being up daily for 4am would never happen consistently. Life would be hell if I drank.

Still working 8 clients in evening after work on lawn and gardens. So money is pretty decent for sure. I’m thinking in range of doing this all for next 3 years then perhaps more permanently retiring back to cabin. We’ll see. Life has a way of changing and taking different directions.

We have a new large rock tiered garden planned for our property within the next few weeks also, so that’s going to be fun, and big… as well as do some new soil and lawn over the old driveway there where our travel trailer sits… perhaps building a bunkhouse in the fall after I get landscape project done. Pics to follow down the road.

Weight loss has slowed but still progressing in right direction, albeit more slowly. Still sleeping good. Still feeling fantastic. Still can’t imagine any reason why I’d ever wish to wake up with a hangover. My quiet mornings, watching the sunrise are one of my favorite things in this world. So peaceful and enjoyable. I really dig life like this.

I hope everyone is well. I cannot find the time to read or catch up as much any longer as 70+ hour work weeks has eaten up a lot of my time. My phone time is about 1/3 of what it was, which I am happy with.

Peace be with you TS fam. Lots of love


@Butterflymoonwoman sorry your son is unwell again, I hope the antibiotics get him feeling better quickly 🩵
@zzz congrats on 3+ weeks :tada:
@JazzyS thank you 🩵 sorry you’re feeling run down and in pain, I hope you can have a restful weekend :people_hugging:
@Danwood85 congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Jeanine congrats on 40+ days :tada: and on starting back in the gym :muscle:t2: :clap:t2:
@Maestro congrats on 600 days :tada:
@DresdenLaPage congrats on 8 months :tada:
@Juli1 congrats on the job offer :clap:t2: :tada:
@Lefty624 welcome :blush:
@acromouse congrats on 7 months no sugar :tada:

1411 days no alcohol.
876 days no cocaine.
391 days no vape.
7 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

I managed to shower Thursday night, ahead of my shot appointment first thing yesterday morning. They insist on weighing me every time I go now, and I’ve gained 3.6kg/8lb since 3 weeks ago when I went for my asthma tests. Not a great start to the day for my ED brain or mental health. The nurse did not understand my struggles at all and said all the wrong things, even though I sensed that she was trying to be nice.

I got home at 11am and really thought I was going to go to the gym to see this changing room they mentioned in their email, but I just had so much anxiety. I did 11 meditations trying to calm myself ready to go. I kept my trainers on until 7pm before I gave up hope of going. Maybe today, trying the tactic of not putting pressure on myself though.

I tried to start a new book, struggled through 6 pages but couldn’t focus. Will try to finish that first chapter today. It’s about self-esteem.

Listened to a podcast episode.

Watched last night’s episode of the program I’m watching.

Then fell asleep listening to the NLP program I’m following that’s supposed to retrain the brain to eat “normally”.

If anxiety and depression could just FRO, that would be great.

Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Just checking in on day 346. Sending love and strength to all. :pray::peace_symbol::heart:


Day 113

Great day to be sober.



Checking in day 96.

I also agree it’s a great day to be sober. Any anxieties and concerns I have in life are no longer amplified by alcohol toxicity. Solutions seem to be easier to come by.


Hey all, checking in on day 1469. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 2238. Waiting for work to start. Ms. Monkey will be visiting a friend the next couple days away from home. 1.5days…longest we have been apart since we met. It makes me giggle, i never liked anyone enough to spend time with them…here I am missing her already.

Stay sober friends.


Day 90 I didnt know i could make it this far. I thought i had been clean and sober in the past but looking back i was still drinking heavily. So this is the first time without being in prison that have been clean and sober for 90 days in a row since i was 14. I am now 40 so I guess this is a little over due lol


Hell yes!!! Congratulations on 90 days!!! Lots of hard work went into getting here. Proud of u!


Thank you so much


Congratulations, Chase! 90 days is huge. :tada:


40 is super young! The second half is the best one :heart:


Thank you so much


Checking in at Day 25! I am sooo close to one month. That feels like a huge milestone for me. Last time I made it this far I remember after a month I realized that being sober long term was actually attainable for me. Proud to be at Day 25. Sending good vibes to everyone :people_hugging:


Congrats on 90 days Chase! It took me till my 53rd after 40 years of using this and that. Never mind, it’s in the past. I’m 58 now and the past five years have been the best of my life so far. Onward and upward friend. Keep going.


Thank you so much


Morning friends :slight_smile: Im currently at work with 6 hours to go. Had weird dreams last night so dont feel very rested. Thats ok tho, the day will go by quickly. I finished my cupcakes last night for my husbands coworkers kids birthdays:
Spongebob cupcakes

Babysitters Club cupcakes

They were fun to make. Hope they enjoy them!
Im grateful for another day clean and sober. Hope everyone enjoys their saturday! :butterfly:


Day 364.Second check in. Had a good day. Watching Dracula the story untold this evening.

Have a fab day folks